Trumpian North Americanism

ANGLO AMERICA, 13 Jan 2025

Sakai Tanaka - TRANSCEND Media Service

Source of the map:

8 Jan 2025 – At the end of 2024, Donald Trump made a statement to the effect that Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal should become the US territory. When Trump appointed Ken Howery as the ambassador to Denmark on 22 December 2024, he stated that the US should purchase Greenland from Denmark to strengthen the US security. Trump does not deny the possibility of annexing Greenland or the Panama Canal by force. He is trying to anger some people (who are those involved and liberals). Denmark, Panama, and Canada are all pro-US countries. Trump (as a hegemony renegade and hidden multipolar) seems to destroy these alliance.(Trump demands Denmark hands over Greenland)(Trump won’t rule out force to take Panama Canal, Greenland)and [Why Trump wants to take over Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal]

  1. After that, Trump sent his son Jr. and his aides on a trip to Greenland on Trump’s private plane as if they were scouting the acquisition. He warned the authorities who tried to brush off the annexation remarks as a joke.(Donald Trump Jr. and Trump Allies Arrive in Greenland Amid Trump’s Proposal to Purchase Island
  2. Trump has been hoping to purchase Greenland since 2019. Greenland is located in the Arctic Circle, further north than Canada, at the northeastern end of the North American continent, and is a military and geopolitical key point that overlooks Europe and Russia. Although Greenland is said to be rich in underground resources, it is undeveloped. Currently the only industry of Greenland is fishing. It has a population of only 60,000. The majority of the government’s financial income is the subsidies from the Danish government. If the United States were to pour more money into Greenland than this subsidy, then in reality, it could secede or be annexed by the United States. Legally, Greenland has the right to independence from Denmark. Neocon John Bolton, who was a cabinet member in Trump’s first term, said, “Trump wants to open a casino in Greenland (and funnel the tax revenue to the Greenlandic government).” That is understandable for us.(Donald Trump May Want to Open ‘Casino’ in Greenland, John Bolton Claims)and [Why Donald Trump Wants to Buy Greenland]
  3. In his Christmas message on 24 December 2024, Trump said, “Also, to Governor Justin Trudeau of Canada, whose Citizens’ Taxes are far too high, but if Canada was to become our 51st State, their Taxes would be cut by more than 60%, their businesses would immediately double in size, and they would be militarily protected like no other Country anywhere in the World.” Trudeau, a liberal politician, announced his resignation on 7 January 2025, due to the continued failure of his economic policies and growing criticism within his party. Until recently, the liberals dominated Canada, but now the popularity of the conservatives, who were once only slandered, is increasing. Trump, a conservative in the remarks of the US about wanting to annex Canada were not the direct trigger of Trudeau’s resignation, but they are part of the same trend.(Meet New Boss, Same as Old Boss? Who Might Emerge as Canada’s Next Leader)and(Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister
  4. In the same Christmas message, Trump criticized the Chinese military for stationing around the Panama Canal. The ports at the east and west entrances of the Panama Canal are managed by a Chinese (Hong Kong) company. (It is unclear whether the Chinese troops are there.) Trump also said, “[T]he Panama Canal (where we lost 38,000 people in its building 110 years ago), always making certain that the United States puts in Billions of Dollars in ‘repair’ money, but will have absolutely nothing to say about ‘anything.”’(Trump threatens ‘very high’ tariffs on Denmark over Greenland
  5. In my opinion, these words and actions of Trump are in line with “Americanism,” which is the flip side of “abandoning hegemony.” In the future, the United States will lose and abandon the world hegemony and will become an “Americanism-ist” that emphasizes “North America” ​​and “South and North America.” His words as such are the beginning of his Americanism. Greenland must be in the Americas, not Europe (i.e. currently an autonomous territory of Denmark). Canada must leave its puppet status (= the liberalism) of the UK. The operation of the Panama Canal must not be left to China, the “other pole.” And so on. In Trump’s Americanism, the Americas are more important than the rest of the world.(Trump threatens to retake control of Panama Canal)and [Americanism, Trump, and Uniting the White Right: A comparison of defining books in white evangelicalism and white nationalism]
  6. Previously, the United States dominated the entire world. At that time, it didn’t matter for the US whether Greenland was in the Americas or Europe. In either way, Greenland was under the control of the US and was NATO territory. Even if China strategically operated the Panama Canal, there had been no problem for the US as long as China did not oppose the US Hegemony and remained quiet. For the US and the UK, it was important that they had the overwhelmingly strong finances (i.e. the bond system in the financial market) and the military power. Their real economy was the subcontractor for the financial sector of the US and the UK. The US had China operate the port of the Panama Canal, with the understanding that it was the subcontractor. It was fine for the US that Canada was a British puppet, because the US and the UK controlled the world hegemony, The UK was the mastermind behind the US Hegemony (through the Intelligence Community). In addition, the US elites such as the US Democratic Party were also the British puppets.(Trudeau Out: Canadian Prime Minister To Quit As Liberal Party Leader, To Stay On As PM Until Successor Is Chosen) [Intelligence agencies weaken legitimacy of U.S. hegemony]  and  [DNC: Three things the Democrats don’t want to talk about]
  7. However, after the Lehman Crisis and the start of the Ukraine War, the US Hegemony was greatly reduced. Meanwhile, the non-US sides united and began to control most of the world. The world order, then, has become multipolar. In the US Intelligence Community that dominates the US side, the British (i.e. the solo hegemony faction) and the multipolar faction (Rockefeller, etc.) have been secretly fighting for a long time, but since 9/11, the multipolar faction personnel (the neocons, etc.) have pretended to be British and carried out a naive solo hegemony strategy, deliberately causing a major failure, causing the US Hegemony to self-destruct and making the world multipolar. The Democrat Obama came to power (2009-17) to restore the US Hegemony that had self-destructed after the failure of the Republican Junior Bush administration’s War on Terror (2001-09). However, he failed to do so because of the obstruction by Israel and others who supported the multipolar faction. [The Rise and Fall of American Hegemony From Wilson to Trump] and [Prospects for a multipolar world order – GIS Reports]
  8. Then, the Trump administration (2017-21) came to power to reverse Obama’s hegemony restoration plan. Trump was unkind to Europe and NATO, trying to destroy the Western alliance that has been the center of the US Hegemony. In the field of the economy, for example, he promoted the policy of separating the US from China, and tried to destroy the globalization (i.e. the integration of the world economy), which was one of the foundations of the US Hegemony after the Cold War. Trump has been a multipolar promoter. As a multipolarist, he was thoroughly viewed as the enemy by the British-origin American media authorities. In the 2020 Presidential Election, the British-origin US Intelligence Community forced the Democratic Party to commit a large-scale fraud using the mail-in ballots and other methods, causing Trump to lose the Election and putting Biden in power, as a British puppet. It seems that the multipolarists condoned the Election fraud that defeated their protégé Trump because they intended to lead Biden to begin a war in Ukraine and to accelerate the multipolarization (i.e. the unity of the non-US sides and the self-destruction of the US and Europe). And now, Trump, after four years out of power, is about to return to power soon. (Trump says he will change the name of the Gulf of Mexico)  [British intelligence agencies] and [The ‘Intelligence Special Relationship’ between Britain and the United States]
  9. In the midst of his comeback, Trump has come up with the idea of ​​annexing Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal. (As mentioned above, Trump has also proposed renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America.) Geographically, North America is from Greenland to the Panama Canal. He wants Greenland to be ceded by Europe, and the Panama Canal to be taken back from the Republic of Panama and China. He wants Canada also to be brought under the umbrella of the United States and to make Canada “de-Anglicized.” These may be considered as Trump’s North American imperialism or his “expansion of the American Federation.” (Should Panama Be Afraid of Trump’s New Imperialism?)[Donald Trump’s Performative Imperialism] and [Trump’s threats to Greenland, Canada and Panama explain everything about America First]
  10. However, strictly speaking Trump’s plan as such is not the so-called imperialism. Overall, “imperialism” means that the European powers, such as Britain, France, and Germany, colonize the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. It also means that these European powers dominate the “other poles” such as Africa, the Middle East, and East Asia outside of Europe. In contrast, Trump’s so-called imperial plan is a plan for the United States to strengthen its control over North America, Greenland and Panama. His plan is a measure to “strengthen the control within the region of the pole under the US,” which may be allowed in the multipolar world system. That does not infringe on other poles. It may be considered as something like “domestic violence” or “father’s fist/discipline.” (Donald Trump and the great Panama Canal tantrum)and [Explained: Is Donald Trump Reviving US Imperialism?]
  11. Despite all that, however, the US media authorities have not considered Trump’s statements as an expression of Americanism so far. In fact, there has been no analysis on his Americanism at all. The attitude of these media authorities is either that they consider that Trump is joking or making some absurd and irrational remarks or that they criticize his statements as the unreasonable imperialism that seeks to annex a weaker country than his country. By doing so, the US media authorities ignore the fact of the shrinking and the self-destruction of the US Hegemony and the rise of the multipolarization in the world order. Trump’s actions and words, based on Americanism, are the two sides of the same coin as the multipolarization of the world order. His messages have (for now) completely been neglected. Until now, the US has operated as the sole hegemon as the puppet of the UK. If the US abandons its hegemony and turns into the “Pole of the Americas,” Britain, which has held the US in its grip so far, could be thrown off and could become a “poor island country off the coast [of the European Continent].” That could be no good for the British. So, the British people have hated Trump and have completely ignored both the ongoing multipolarization of the world order and the sign of his abandonment of the US-British Hegemony.(‘America First’ meets Greenland, Taiwan, and the Panama Canal
  12. Meanwhile, the multipolar faction takes advantage of that, making the media authorities under the Intelligence Community ignore the reality of the shrinking US Hegemony and that of the rapidly emerging multipolarization in the world order. The faction also promotes the rapidly expanding the liberal totalitarianism that could destroy the plans and policies of the US side, such as the anthropogenic theory of global warming, the super-foolish Covid-19 policy, and the awakening movement. As the result, the US side could not prevent the multipolarization and could cause to self-destruct and eventually to collapse by itself.  Most people on the US side are unaware of the ongoing multipolarization and the self-destruction of the US Hegemony. (The US Intelligence Community’s DS doesn’t let them notice.)  Therefore, they do not understand the meaning of Trump’s message of annexing Greenland, the Panama Canal, and Canada based on “his Americanism” as a part of the multipolarization. They might consider that Trump is crazy. But I would tell them, “No, no, it’s you guys who are really crazy.”(Trump lobs threats at Greenland, Panama and Canada – should we take him seriously?) [“Global Warming” Is a Really Stupid Issue]  [Louisiana forbids public health workers from promoting COVID, flu and mpox shots] and [How Trump can navigate the new multi-polar world]
  13. Trump’s Americanism [i.e. “Trumpian Americanism”] has only been expressed as if they were joking words and actions so far. Therefore, I have only been able to give a vague analysis here. I expect that many things will come out when Trump takes office as the US President. Then, I will analyze them further.(Here’s why Trump’s talk of annexing Canada and Greenland should not be dismissed)and  [Donald Trump: We Must Replace Globalism With Americanism]


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  4. The views and/or opinions expressed in the above-mentioned article are those of Sakai Tanaka, the original author. His views and/or opinions do not necessarily reflect those of TMS or those of the translator. Therefore, the reader is kindly requested to understand, interpret or judge those views and/or opinions at his or her own responsibility.


Original author: After graduating from university, Sakai Tanaka started working at the Kyodo News  Agency in 1986. From 1997 he joined Microsoft Network (MSN) and in 1999, due to change of policy at Microsoft, he became an independent journalist. Tanaka has published more than twenty books on international affairs, some translated and published in China, South Korea and Taiwan. He studied at Harvard University from 2000 to 2001 and in 2005 was invited to serve as a senior researcher at the Royal Faisal Institute in Saudi Arabia. Website:

Satoshi Ashikaga is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment. Having worked as researcher, development program/project officer, legal protection/humanitarian assistance officer, human rights monitor-negotiator, managing-editor, and more, he prefers a peaceful and prudent life.  His previous work experiences, including those in war zones and war-torn zones, constantly remind him of the invaluableness of peace.

Translation: Satoshi Ashikaga – Google Translate

Original in Japanese: トランプの米州主義

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 13 Jan 2025.

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