APPEALS, 5 Apr 2010

TMS Editor

Al-Karameh Pledge (Pledge of Dignity)

We, the people of Palestine, of all religions, affiliations, professions, and ages, have all come together to affirm our desire and determination to rise up, and shiver off the effects of settlement contamination in our Palestinian cities, villages, and refugee camps, first and foremost, via replacing settlement products in our local markets with those that are proudly produced in Palestine, with Palestinian Hands!

We gather to praise the world’s continued rejection to illegal Israeli Settlements built on 1967 Palestinian land according to international law, human rights, and United Nations resolutions, yet call for practical translation of this rejection by joining us in freeing your markets from the illegal produce of illegal entities. We are starting with ourselves, as individuals before groups, and will continue until every Palestinian home is free from settlement products.

We hereby take upon ourselves the responsibility of leading this popular campaign, towards a dignified and prosperous national economy, upon which our beloved Palestinian state will be built on, thereby ensuring and sustaining the peace we long for.

This is our pledge, the pledge of every supporter to the Palestinian cause, the pledge of every seeker of peace, and the pledge of anyone with a conscious for human rights anywhere around the world.

From now on we are… Ambassadors of Palestinian dignity!


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 5 Apr 2010.

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