Articles by Annie Gowen

We found 2 results.

Hard-Line Buddhist Monks Threaten Burma’s Hopes for Democracy
Annie Gowen – The Washington Post, 9 Nov 2015

The event, held last month in Burma’s commercial capital, was a dramatic display of a rising force in Burma’s political landscape — a group of ultra-nationalist Buddhists called the Ma Ba Tha, whom analysts say could pose a threat to the country’s shaky hopes for democracy.

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Is the India Nuclear Agreement Really the ‘Breakthrough’ Obama Promised?
Annie Gowen and Steven Mufson – The Washington Post, 9 Feb 2015

The key issue will be whether the conflict between international and Indian law can be waved away by a memorandum from India’s attorney general. The memorandum would have to say that the 2010 liability law “doesn’t mean what it says.”

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