Articles by Robert Scheer

We found 27 results.

Lena Herzog: You Cannot Win a Nuclear War
Robert Scheer - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2024

6 Dec 2024 – “The word ‘war’ is disorienting, because in war, you can have a battle, you can lose a battle, you can win a war. You cannot win a nuclear exchange. It’s omnicide. It’s not war.”

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You Sure You Want to Eat That Sentient Being?
Robert Scheer & Peter Singer - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jun 2023

Peter Singer’s classic work on animal welfare, remastered for the modern age, remains a timeless source of the lessons he has passionately conveyed for the past 50 years.

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Oliver Stone: American Exceptionalism Is on Deadly Display in Ukraine
Robert Scheer | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Feb 2022

11 Feb 2022 – The creator of the Showtime documentary series “The Putin Diaries” speaks to Robert Scheer about the escalating crisis in Ukraine.

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BREAKING: Joint Russia-China Statement Articulates United Opposition to Western Alliance
Robert Scheer | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Feb 2022

4 Feb 2022 – Today’s joint statement is a historic articulation of the major shift underway from the unipolar world that has existed since the fall of the Soviet Union.

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David Vine: Tracing America’s Brutal Imperialist History through Its Military Bases
Robert Scheer | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Nov 2020

30 Oct 2020 – A political anthropologist puts a much needed pin to the balloon of American exceptionalism with an invaluable guide to a country that, long before Orwell came along, said war was peace – and interventionism was the highest form of anti-colonialism.

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Something’s Rotten in the Corporate States of America
Robert Scheer interviews Barbara Freese | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2020

21 Aug 2020 – A new book by Barbara Freese explores eight stories about the unfettered corporate greed that has corrupted modern society and led to an astounding loss of life.

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White Supremacy Is as American as Apple Pie
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 2 Sep 2019

30 Aug 2019 – Documentarian Robin Cloud discusses her new film, “Passing: A Family in Black & White,” and the lasting legacy of America’s original sin.

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America Is on the Road to Becoming a Fascist State
Robert Scheer | Truthdig – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Oct 2018

5 Oct 2017 – In a compelling essay for The New York Review of Books this month, Christopher R. Browning, a leading historian of the Holocaust and Nazism, outlines the frightening parallels between the United States and the Weimar Republic. “No matter how and when the Trump presidency ends,” he writes, “the specter of illiberalism will continue to haunt American politics.”

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Honoring the ‘Accomplices’ to Truth Who Caught Clapper in a Lie
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 3 Mar 2014

On Sunday [16 Feb 2014] it was announced that the prestigious George Polk Award for National Security Reporting would be given to the four journalists—Glenn Greenwald, Ewen MacAskill, Laura Poitras and Barton Gellman—most active in reporting about the content of the NSA documents leaked by Snowden.

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What Fine? Why JPMorgan Is Laughing All the Way to the Bank
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 28 Oct 2013

Although the $13 billion fine that includes $4 billion to swindled homeowners, mostly in depressed inner city neighborhoods, is to be applauded, it represents about half of the profit JPMorgan garnered last year. Obama once referred to his buddy Dimon as “one of the smartest bankers we got.” JPMorgan has been shameless and at least seven federal agencies, several state regulators and two foreign countries are investigating the bank.

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The Moment the U.S. Ended Iran’s Brief Experiment in Democracy
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 26 Aug 2013

Sixty years ago this week, on Aug. 19, 1953, the United States, in collaboration with Britain, successfully staged a coup in Iran to overthrow democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh that a newly declassified CIA document reveals was designed to preserve the control of Western companies over Iran’s rich oil fields.

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The Terror Con
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 24 Jun 2013

Booz Allen, whose top personnel served in key positions at the NSA and vice versa after the inconvenient collapse of the Cold War, has been attempting to substitute terrorist for communist as the enemy of choice. But just when the good times for war profiteers seemed to be forever in the past, there came 9/11 and the terrorist enemy, the gift that keeps on giving, for acts of terror always will occur in a less than perfect world.

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Google’s Spymasters Are Now Worried about Your Secrets
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 6 May 2013

“Despite the expense, everything a regime would need to build an incredibly intimidating digital police state—including software that facilitates data mining and real-time monitoring of citizens—is commercially available right now. … Companies that sell data-mining software, surveillance cameras and other products will flaunt their work with one government to attract new business. It’s the digital analog to arms sales. …”

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It’s Good to Be a Goldman
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 4 Feb 2013

Here’s a get-out-of-jail-free card, and while we’re at it, take this obscenely huge bonus for having wrecked the economy.

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The Shameful Exploitation of Bradley Manning
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 17 Dec 2012

The major news outlets that were thrilled to profit from the information that Bradley Manning uncovered are deeply afraid of being associated with the brave whistle-blower himself. Keep an American soldier locked up naked in a cage and driven half mad while deprived of all basic rights, and you will be instantly condemned as a barbaric terrorist. Unless the jailer is an authorized agent of the U.S. government, in which case even treatment approaching torture will go largely unnoticed.

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Goodbye, Old Friend
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 23 Jul 2012

Uncompromising, provocative, brilliant. There are many things to say about Alexander Cockburn, who died Friday [20 Jul 2012], and his critics and friends will have their day. He could be infuriating in his lust for truth and social justice as well as for the unparalleled sharpness of his polemics. But no serious student of our time can deny Cockburn’s importance as one of the most principled and insightful political journalists of the past half-century.

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Crime of the Century
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 9 Jul 2012

Forget Bernie Madoff and Enron’s Ken Lay—they were mere amateurs in financial crime. The current Libor interest rate scandal, involving hundreds of trillions in international derivatives trade, shows how the really big boys play. And these guys will most likely not do the time because their kind rewrites the law before committing the crime.

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Elections Are for Suckers
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 13 Feb 2012

Let’s just dip our fingers in purple ink and pose for photos now that voting has the same significance for us as it had for those Iraqis who got conned into thinking they were participating in some grand democratic experiment. Our own elections, the ones our government has modeled for the world, are a hoax.

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Too Big to Jail
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 7 Nov 2011

Can we all agree that a $1 billion swindle represents a lot of money? So why isn’t anybody at Citibank going to prison?

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All the WikiLeaks Fit to Print
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 2 May 2011

Why indeed is Manning the one behind bars and not the government officials who kept hidden unpleasant truths about this nation’s policies that the public has a right to know? And why do leaders of our constitutionally protected free press now seek to distance themselves from news sources that have performed a great public service? A service documented by the fact, as tallied by The Atlantic magazine, that more than half of the issues of The New York Times this year have carried stories that relied on WikiLeaks’ disclosures.

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Be Consistent—Invade Saudi Arabia
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 28 Mar 2011

In the glaring light of the democratic currents sweeping through the Mideast, the contradictions in supporting one set of dictators while toppling others may prove impossible for the U.S. and its allies to effectively manage. The recognition, widely demanded throughout the region, that even ordinary Middle Easterners have inalienable rights is a sobering notion not easily co-opted. Why don’t those rights to self-determination extend to Shiites in the richest oil province in Saudi Arabia or for that matter to Palestinians in the West Bank or Gaza?

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Thank God for the Whistle-Blowers
Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 9 Aug 2010

Our government recruited terrorists from the Arab world to go to Afghanistan and fight in that holy war against godless communism with even greater enthusiasm during the presidency of Ronald Reagan, who proclaimed the Muslim fanatics “freedom fighters.” As the 9/11 Commission report stated, those freedom fighters included Osama bin Laden and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged architect of the 9/11 attacks…. They never learn. It was Holbrooke who helped design the Vietnam-era assassination programs exposed in the Pentagon Papers and now replicated in the Afghanistan document. Thanks to Daniel Ellsberg, who risked much to make the record of the Vietnam War public, we learned about the madness that Holbrooke and others were creating. We should be grateful to the whistle-blowers who gave us the Afghanistan war documents for once again letting us in on the sick joke that passes for U.S foreign policy.

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Married to the Clinton Mob
Robert Scheer – Truthdig, 9 Aug 2010

Out of respect for privacy, even concerning famous people, I wasn’t going to write about the marriage of Chelsea Clinton to a Goldman Sachs alum and budding hedge-fund hustler with the resources to buy a $4 million loft so soon after graduating from Stanford. Hopefully Marc Mezvinsky won’t follow in the footsteps of his financier father, “Fast-Talkin’ Eddie,” as they called him back in Iowa, a former Democratic House member who just completed a five-year federal sentence for dozens of fraud felonies.

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Robert Scheer - Truthdig, 20 Feb 2010

“What is this Goldman Sachs and why has it caused us so much grief?” is a question they must be asking in even the most remote of Greek villages, as they are throughout much of this economically troubled world. The Greek financial scandal in which Goldman Sachs stands accused of selling dubious derivatives that concealed […]

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Robert Scheer, Truthdig, 13 Nov 2009

On the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, it’s worthwhile to remember that ending a stupid, harmful war is the most admirable thing a great leader can do.“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” That biblical quotation certainly applies to Mikhail Gorbachev, a man not honored enough […]

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Robert Scheer, 3 Oct 2009

Communism once was, as the Islamic terrorist threat is today, presented as an undifferentiated revolutionary impulse that could never be diplomatically accommodated without sacrificing our own security or, indeed, our freedom. The various communist nations and movements, like those currently led by a polyglot collection of Islamist radicals, were stripped of any complexity, be it […]

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Robert Scheer, 10 Sep 2009

What if eight years ago the World Trade Center had been leveled by a small nuclear bomb that took out most of lower Manhattan as well? How many millions of innocent civilians would we have killed in retaliation? Would we still be a free society, or would Dick Cheney have attained the power of a […]

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