Posts tagged with ‘Commodification of Water’

Biodiversity Is Life, Not an Asset Class
Prof. Vandana Shiva | Navdanya International – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 22nd, 2024 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | No Comments »)
New Report: Biodiversity Is Life, Not an Asset Class
Prof. Vandana Shiva | Navdanya International – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 22nd, 2024 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | No Comments »)
The Real Cost of Bottled Water
Daniel Jaffee | CounterPunch - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 4th, 2023 (ENVIRONMENT | No Comments »)
Barcoding Nature: The Largest Global Land Grab in Human History
Meleni Aldridge and Melissa Smith | ANH International – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 21st, 2022 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on Barcoding Nature: The Largest Global Land Grab in Human History)
The Story of Bottled Water
The Story of Stuff Project – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 20th, 2021 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on The Story of Bottled Water)
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 3rd, 2021 (ANNOUNCEMENTS | 1 Comment »)
Water, “the Ultimate Commodity”, (*) Has Entered the Stock Market. Poor Water!
Riccardo Petrella | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 4th, 2021 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on Water, “the Ultimate Commodity”, (*) Has Entered the Stock Market. Poor Water!)