TRANSCEND News, 25 Oct 2010

Antonio C. S. Rosa, Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service

On Sunday, Oct 24, 2010, Prof. Johan Galtung celebrated his 80th birthday. In name of de TRANSCEND Network and all TMS readers I would like to greet and congratulate him for a precious, extraordinary life dedicated to peace, nonviolence, social justice and sanity.

We thank him also in name of the planet. Johan has impacted not merely his students (among which I have the privilege of being counted, he was the chair of my Ph.D. committee at the University of Hawaii), not merely his associates, his native Norway, or Europe. His pioneering –and inspiring– launching of Peace Studies as an academic discipline in the 60’s has spread throughout universities in all continents. Peace Research Institutes followed the seminal PRIO-Peace Research Institute Oslo, founded by Johan in 1959 and of which he was the director for 10 years. All of this happened across racial, geographical, political, ideological, religious, national divides.

Johan has truly made a difference in the world and the evidence is all around for everybody to see, after 151 books, some translated into 33 languages, and 1,600+ papers, essays and articles published.

List of publications:  [http://www.transcend.org/galtung/index.php#publications]

List of papers: [http://www.transcend.org/galtung/papers.php]

Search for titles: [http://www.transcend.org/galtung/papers.php?q=education]

Johan has also participated in hundreds of mediations internationally –some successful others not yet, as conflicting parties can’t easily implement his suggestions without abandoning their illegitimate goals.

Thank you dear Johan for your greatness, your example, your hard work and irreplaceable contributions for the betterment of all sentient life –not only human- on our beautiful blue planet. Absence of peace impacts all life detrimentally; modern-day hi-tech wars destroy everything on their anti-life paths. The motto of TRANSCEND is Peace by Peaceful Means. That is our method, that is our goal.

Incidentally, on the same date we celebrated also the United Nations’ birthday, which has adopted Johan’s “Manual for Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means – The TRANSCEND Method” published by the United Nations, Geneva, in 2000.

Cheers dear Johan for your inspiring, worthy, productive, blessed 80 years among us.



A pocket book with 80 of Johan’s TMS Editorials, between 2008 and 2010, will be published shortly by TRANSCEND University Press ( https://www.transcend.org/tup/).

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 25 Oct 2010.

Anticopyright: Editorials and articles originated on TMS may be freely reprinted, disseminated, translated and used as background material, provided an acknowledgement and link to the source, TMS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JOHAN!, is included. Thank you.

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  1. Sergio Andreis says:

    Caro Johan,

    gli auguri piu’ cari da tutte e tutti noi a Roma, che ti vogliamo bene, ti siamo molto, molto grati per il tuo lavoro e abbiamo avuto la fortuna di conoscerti.

    Con grande affetto.

    Sergio Andreis

  2. It is Fumihiko Nishino.
    I do celebration of a birthday of 80 years old heartily.
    I pray for more and more longevity and good luck and peace.
    Put love heartily. . .

  3. Cher Johan,

    Avec un peu de retard, je viens te souhaiter à mon tour un joyeux anniversaire et une grande longévité nous permettant de continuer à réfléchir ensemble aux recherches sur la paix.

    Avec toutes mes amitiés.

    Gabriel Galice