WikiWishes for WikiPromises for 2011

EDITORIAL, 3 Jan 2011

#145 | Johan Galtung, 3 Jan 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service

New Year’s Eve was here with wishes and promises, so let us make the jump from WikiLeaks to WikiWishes to WikiPromises that key people would do well to wish, and then keep; that:

– The USA announces withdrawal from 800 bases over 10 years;

– USA prepares for a future as normal-not exceptional country;

– USA negotiates issues, no threats, no arms-twisting;

– USA opens dialogues with Cuba, Muslim countries, Iran;

– USA identifies causes of drug consumption and removes them;

– USA explores a MexUSCan with neighbors as soft landing;

– work on Estados Unidos de America Latina y Caribe continues;

– the EU announces readiness to mediate in the Middle East;

– Israel’s women revolt against orthodox-zionist repression;

– Palestine’s 15/11 1988 statehood is recognized by all;

– the US dog no longer wagged by an Israel tail in Khaldun IV;

– the USA announces readiness to normalize relations to DPRK;

– DPRK announces readiness to undergo full IAEA inspection;

– USA-DPRK declare the Korean Peninsula a nuclear free zone;

– DPRK-RoK relaunch cooperation for mutual and equal benefit;

– China uses Hong Kong model for Taiwan-Tibet-Uighurs-Mongols;

– if only a matter of expressions, China releases Liu Xiaobo;

– China establishes a World Cultural Forum in Hong Kong;

– China shares ways of uplift from misery with all who wish;

– China offers to extend the “Silk Road” to Dar-Kinshasa-Rio;

– the UN launches a dialogue of civilizations on human rights;

– the UN expands greatly the Security Council and limits veto;

– the UN plans a Parliament with one representative/million;

– the USA ratifies economic, social and cultural human rights;

– Russia hands Kuriles to Japan who hands some to the Ainu;

– Japan grants Okinawa-Ryu Kyu islands very high autonomy;

– Japan negotiates acceptable conciliation with Koreas-Chinas;

– 2Japans+2Koreas+2Chinas negotiate an East Asian Community;

– the contested islands are under the EAC for joint benefit;

– the EAC negotiates a yuan-yen based currency;

– the world negotiates a euro-dollar-yuan-yen based currency;

– the Bretton-Woods institutions in Washington revert to UN;

– the WTO becomes a UN institution with a parliament;

– Russia reinvents itself as region with autonomy for parts;

– OIC changes from C=conference to C=counties to C=community;

– media focus more on peace-resolution than violence-victory;

– peace studies vexing, paranoid security studies waning;

– schools all over convey peace-conflict skills to children;

– Middle East schools teach the naqba and shoah narratives;

– African Union builds more on peace people’s rights culture;

– EU Council deployment yields to EU Commission resolution;

– EU Commission offers mediation and experiences to regions;

– Turkey-ECO works with SCO-China on a Central Asian region;

– Afghanistan neutral in a community of neighboring countries;

– Christian countries withdraw from their Afghanistan crusade;

– the regions in the world form a United Regions with no veto;

– Myanmar develops a shared focus on a free-prosperous future;

– Sudan explores a Northeast Africa sub-region with neighbors;

– Sudan explores a genuine not Khartoum-dominated federation;

– Sudan reverts to public ownership-private use of land;

– Syria-Iran catch up with Kurdish changes in Iraq-Turkey;

– the autonomies constitute Kurdistan without moving borders;

– freedom of expression reconciled with freedom from insult;

– there is a general move toward peace ministries all over;

– Chile-Peru-Bolivia establish a trilateral coastal zone;

– Turkish Cyprus recognized making Cyprus a (con)federation;

– Yugoslavia recoheres as a community with very open borders;

– Kosova recognized as federation with Serbian + cantons;

– Serbia-Kosova-Albania becomes a community with open borders;

– Hawai’i sovereign within the USA and a Polynesian community;

– Colombo accepts a Tamil Eelam like New Delhi a Tamil Nadu;

– a Caucasian Community of Georgia-Armenia-Azerbaidzhan;

– Spain becomes a Comunidad de Naciones with high autonomies;

– a bioceanic community Tanzania-Uganda Rwanda-Burundi Congos;

– dramatic uplift of the bottom of Colombia’s population;

– Kashmir as confederation of Jammu-Ladakh-AzadKashmir-Valley;

– drop multilateral quota markets for 10 000 green examples;

– switch from economic growth GNP toward UNDP Human Growth. The reader will recognize 50 Years: 100 Peace & Conflict Perspectives (, and TMS editorials.  Many such things have happened, and would make much peace. The kind of job we would like diplomats to be engaged in.

But the Man of the Year, Julian Assange, revealed them as person- rather than problem-oriented, negative-controlling and not positive-constructive, Self-serving rather than community-region-world-humanity serving.  Not strange they need secrecy.  Manning-Assange sounded the deathknells not only of a dying empire, but also of an institution asynchronic with our times.

The world needs knowledgeable and skilled women and men promoting the interests of nature, humans everywhere, all nations and states, civilizations and regions, and the world.  Some might even be called diplomats and narrow it to one point, their nation. And the Country of the Year, Turkey, showed that consistent peace politics, creating amazing friendly relations with all neighbors is possible.  What it takes is a decision to do so.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 3 Jan 2011.

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2 Responses to “WikiWishes for WikiPromises for 2011”

  1. “The world needs knowledgeable and skilled women and men promoting the interests of nature, humans everywhere, all nations and states, civilizations and regions, and the world. …”

    This is so true. The world needs women and men who have understood that a holistic approach to the different conflicts we are facing is necessary in order to built a life supporting future for all of us … and to keep the number of victims in this time of transition at lowest rate. We need other leaders or forms of leadership. Those emerging leaders(hips) who hold the holistic view on life-spending Mother Earth.

  2. I agree with it.