RTI Petition for AERB
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 7, 2013
Dr. Pankaj Tandon
Central Public Information Officer
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board
Dear Dr. Tandon:
Greetings! We, the People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy, would like to request the following information under the RTI Act 2005 please:
[1] How many members are there in the AERB Observers Team (AOT) observing the various commissioning tests at the KKNPP? What are the various Safety Committees that review the various commissioning tests? What are the various Specialist Groups (SGs) of AERB? Please give us the names, designations and their immediate supervisors of the AOT members, the safety committees’ members and the SGs’ members.
[2] How many members are there in the AERB Advisory Committee for Project Safety Review (ACPSR)? Who are they?
[3] Who exactly in the “AERB” review the reports of the AOT members, the safety committees and the SGs? Are they part of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) of India?
[4] Was there any radiation found and measured in the inner containment chambers of KKNPP-1 following the post-IFL heat up of Reactor Coolant System? How much was it and why did it occur?
[5] What are the differences, discrepancies and deviations between the first hydro tests carried out in KKNPP-1 and the repeat hydro tests done in February 2013?
[6] Please give us a copy of the Radiological Impact Assessment (RIA) that has been carried out as part of the ongoing consenting process at KKNPP-1. Are you going to set up radiation measurement points around the KKNPP? Where exactly will they be set up?
[7] What are the exact design and safety differences between the VVER-1000/390 reactors originally planned for the KKNPP and the VVER-1000/412 reactors that have actually been erected at Koodankulam?
[8] Is it true that the Diesel Generators at the KKNPP 1 and 2 are on 0 (zero) meter height? If so, why?
[9] How long will it take to complete the fresh water back-up tank that is being constructed at the Koodankulam project? Please give all the details such as the number of tanks being constructed, their storage capacity etc.
[10] Why did the Indian nuclear authorities shift the exact sites for the KKNPP 1 and 2 reactors that had been chosen by the Russian nuclear experts? Please give us all the available information about the KKNPP 1 and 2 siting issues.
[11] Are the various local instruments and the control panels in KKNPP marked in Russian language? How do the Indian officials and workers deal with this kind of foreign language and foreign technology issues? Will there be Russian experts available throughout the operational life of KKNPP 1 and 2?
[12] Why do DAE officials, NPCIL officials, and the Government of India ministers keep on announcing different commissioning dates for the Koodankulam project? Is the AERB aware of all these irresponsible and reckless announcements? Does the AERB take any steps to curtail this kind of unsafe behavior that affects the citizens’ sense of safety and security?
May I ask for copies of the above document/s under the RTI Act of 2005, and request you to send me the information within 48 hours as stipulated in Section 7(1) of the RTI Act since this matter is related with the life and liberty of the local people please. I am enclosing an IPO for Rs. 10 as the required RTI fee.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon, I send you my best personal regards and all peaceful wishes.
S. P. Udayakuamr, Ph.D.
Coordinator: PMANE
Idinthakarai & P.O – 627 104
Tirunelveli District
Tamil Nadu
S.P. Udayakumar, Ph.D. – Tamil Nadu, India:
* SACCER-South Asian Community Center for Education and Research (promoting life-long, life-wide and life-deep education)
* TRANSCEND Network, South Asia Convener (TSA) (For Rethinking South Asia)
* People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE)
* National Alliance of Anti-nuclear Movements (NAAM) (For a Nuclear-Free India that has No Deals, No Mines, No Reactors, No Dumps, and No Bombs).
This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 11 Mar 2013.
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