The Climate Change System 2017


Prof. Timi Ecimovic and Prof John Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service

“The Climate Change System 2017” the booklet was written for 8th Danube Academies Conference – DAC, 21st and 22nd September 2017, Belgrade, Serbia, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – SASA and European Academy of Sciences & Arts – EASA, by Prof Dr John Avery, Denmark, Prof Dr, Dr h c Timi Ecimovic, Slovenia, Prof Dr Negoslav Ostojic, Serbia, Prof Dr Leo Semashko, Russia et al[i]

The Preamble:

Today Globalization era is asking for understanding of the global community of humankind as one large system (swarm research) of Nature living beings – Homo sapiens with beyond 7 billion individual representatives.

Today sub-region of Danube the catchment area is a part of the Central and South – Eastern Europe and people living in the Danube region are with multinational, multicultural, multi-religious and multilingual background. Danube region has beyond 10 sovereign national entities, history, heritages, educations etc., and major issue is the survival and longevity of the peoples of the Danube region.

The Climate Change System is as a part of the Danube region the Biosphere, which is most deciding for the quality of the living conditions trough-out Danube region. The whole nature has to adapt for survival and longevity. Many species are already extinct and many more will cease to exist due to inability to adapt to new environmental conditions.

My/our research, knowledge end experiences has established real knowledge for understanding the current qualities of the climate change system operations and needed qualities for survival and longevity of global, local and Danube regional inhabitants.

Globalization is planetary, continental, regional and local.

The first book on the climate change system was written in 2002 “System Thinking and Climate Change System”, paper book, soft cover and 303 pages, and CD, ISBN 961-236-380-3, by authors: Ecimovic T., Mulej M. and Mayur R. et al, Last book on Nature and the climate change system “The Nature 2017” was written and published on 30th January 2017, the digital book, 104 pages ISBN 978-961-94057-4-1 (pdf) by Ecimovic T. et al and last booklet “The Climate Change System 2017”, ISBN 978-961-94057-5-8(pdf), Ecimovic T et al was published on April 2017. This presentation is on contemporary knowledge on the climate change system and is prepared from the last book.

The Abstract:

The climate change system from Nature sciences point view and the system thinking, the complex problem solving, the case study, the requisitely holistic approach, the operational research, the classical observation and research, the contemporary knowledge on Nature, the new sciences of networking and complexity, the swarm research, etc., present contemporary understanding of the changes in Nature today wrongly called “Climate change”.

The Discussion:

Let us begin with short information about the present from Prof Dr John Avery, shared the Nobel Peace Prize laureate 1995, which was published in my/our last booklet on the climate change system and is:

The integrated climate booklet offered to the attention of readers concerns one of the most important and acutest global problems of humankind.

The booklet gives a good general and concise vision of this problem. But as a physicist and chemist I want to single out, focus on, and emphasize its key natural essence. It consists in the following:

  • The melting of Arctic sea ice is taking place far more rapidly than was predicted by reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). David Wasdell, Director of the Apollo-Gaia Project, points out that the observed melting has been so rapid that within less than five years, the Arctic will be free of sea ice at the end of each summer. It will, of course continue to refreeze during the winters, but the thickness and extent of the winter ice will diminish,
  • It has also been observed that both the Greenland ice cap and the Antarctic ice shelves are melting much more rapidly than was predicted by the IPCC. Complete melting of both the Greenland ice cap and the Antarctic sea ice would raise ocean levels by 14 meters. It is hard to predict how fast this will take place, but certainly within 1-3 centuries,
  • Most worrying, however, is the threat that without an all-out effort by both developed and developing nations to immediately curb the release of greenhouse gases, climate change will reach a tipping point where feedback loops will have taken over, and where it will then be beyond the power of human action to prevent exponentially accelerating warming,
  • By far the most dangerous of these feedback loops involves methane hydrates or clathrates. When organic matter is carried into the oceans by rivers, it decays to form methane. The methane then combines with water to form hydrate crystals, which are stable at the temperatures and pressures which currently exist on ocean floors. However, if the temperature rises, the crystals become unstable, and methane gas bubbles up to the surface. Methane is a greenhouse gas which is much more potent than CO2,
  • The worrying thing about the methane hydrate deposits on ocean floors is the enormous amount of carbon involved: roughly 10,000 gigatons. To put this huge amount into perspective, we can remember that the total amount of carbon in world CO2 emissions since 1751 has only been 337 gigatons,
  • A runaway, exponentially increasing feedback loop involving methane hydrates could lead to one of the great geological extinction events that have periodically wiped out most of the animals and plants then living. This must be avoided at all costs,
  • Solar power and wind energy are already much cheaper than fossil fuels if the enormous subsidies given to fossil fuel corporations are discounted. The main thing that the world needs to do is to abolish these subsidies, or, better yet, shift them to the support of renewable energy infrastructure. If this is done, then economic forces alone will produce the rapid transition to renewable energy which we so urgently need to save the planet,
  • Oil Change International, an organization devoted to exposing the true costs of fossil fuels, states that “Internationally governments provide at least $775 billion to $1 trillion annually in subsidies, not including other costs of fossil fuels related to climate change, environmental impacts, military conflicts and spending, and health impacts,
  • The worst consequences of runaway climate change will not occur within our own lifetimes. However, we have a duty to all future human generations, and to plants and animals with which we share our existence, to give them a future world in which they can survive,
  • Of course, it goes without saying, as Naomi Klein, I and others have stressed repeatedly: We need system change, not climatic change! One key deep societal change needed is a transition to a harmonious society, which is able to overcome the selfishness, fragmentation and local limitations of the nation-states. Today, absolutely sovereign nation-states have become a dangerous anachronism because they cannot rise to the level of global problems. Only a deeply changed global structure of the human population that constitutes the social genome of mankind is capable of uniting nation-states and raising them to the level of solving global problems and preventing their risks. Fundamental changes are needed in four spheres of social activity: Economics; International Law; Global Governance, and Ethics.

Nature, the nature of the planet Earth, the climate change system and the global community of humankind as well as the peoples of the Danube Region are a systemic interconnectedness, interdependence, interaction, cooperation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking etc. of all energy, matter, powers and forces, lights and rays, atoms, particles and yet not known contents of Nature.

The CLIMATE CHANGE SYSTEM – CCS is provider, maker, holder and guardian of the living conditions within the biosphere of the planet Earth. With ceaseless systemic operations of CCS internal and external systems CCS allows the present to be as it is. It is important to know that the global and local climate change systems are one planetary biosphere system as well as the system of the entire Danube region as a part of Europe and Biosphere of the planet Earth.

As a resume I/we think what is important for the planet is important for any part of the planet.

Working for better tomorrow of the peoples of the Danube Region is working for Europe, and the whole of the world of humans living within the Biosphere of the planet Earth.

That is why I/we are saying: “The Universal Upbringing, Education and Lifelong Learning of our descendants are needed for the Global Community of Humankind survival, longevity and prosperity”.

My/our point is: “Let us work hard to establish The Global Community of Humankind operational system for universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning of our descendants as needed contribution of the present generation of humankind and for better tomorrow of humankind’s generations of our descendants”

Discussing the climate change system let us present understandable research:

  • The climate change system as an integral part of the planet Earth biosphere system is somehow between its inferior and superior systems; all of them together with the climate change system itself have a number of mutual interconnectedness, interdependences, interactions, co-operations, synergies, anti-synergies, networking etc.
  • The climate change system would ultimately change living conditions within the biosphere and geography of the Earth so much that our civilization will cease to exist.

Discussing the social system of the Danube Region humankind population we shall apply the research on global scale and is:

  • The necessary wide, system and holistic global approach to society to fulfill these recommendations gives multidimensional pluralistic social philosophy and global sociology of Tetrism, Terasociology and Harmony.
  • The Global Community of Humankind under the present leadership of “The Money Monster Master” is looking like been on the suicidal path.
  • Humans need knowledge and understanding of Social Nature “in self” as the noumenon, according to Kant, to reach next step in evolution of the body and mind.
  • Social sciences are far behind the natural, technical and military sciences, because they seek not the truth but the ideological justification of domination and violence of the most powerful classes and empires to which these sciences serve.
  • Therefore, social sciences are mainly responsible for the present week position of the humankind in the knowledge and understanding of its deep, “societal” nature.
  • Only the SPHERONS’ theory, which was developed for more than 40 years ago, reveals the objective truth of the deep structure of societal nature and looks like a light at the end of the long dark tunnel.
  • The SPHERONS’ theory compares several historical bases of classification and stratification of people into classes, from which the fundamental and scientifically proved is, recognized the production employment of people on the basis of discovery of the autopoiesis in 1970, as the human eternal nature both in phylogenesis and in ontogenesis from birth to death.
  • The biological discovery of autopoiesis was introduced into sociology and became practically universally recognized in the social sciences now.
  • The SPHERONS’ theory from all scientific paradigms of the structure of social production is the most widely recognized. It is used in programs and calculations of almost all countries, national governments and in international institutions but in different modifications.

Larger information on the climate change system, the survival and longevity of humankind, the societal issues and the SPHERONS’ theory of the humankind, autopoiesis etc., are in recent publications:

“The Climate Change System 2017” and “The Nature 2017” etc. from the authors of this presentation and reports and publications from The Global Harmony Association – GHA, The World Philosophical Forum – WPF, and many researchers world-wide.

Ending this presentation I/we would like to use “The Conclusions and the Recommendations from the digital book “The Climate Change System 21017”:

I/we hope and I/we are recommending the global project for survival and longevity of humankind to be undertaken by best of the best humans.

I/we think present proposal for the SPHERONS’ theory and the protection of Humankind, Noosphere, Nature, Space and Environment along with other achievements could allow survival and longevity of humankind and the humankind of the Danube Region, on the road to the sustainable future or the sustainability of humankind, which in short definition is:

“The Sustainable Future of Humankind is a Harmonious and Complementary Coexistence of the Global Community in its four SPHERONS and the requisitely holistic Biosphere of the planet Earth nature”.

Environmental stability of the biosphere or the preservation of Noosphere and global peace of humanity in biosphere are two sides of the same coin for the harmonious survival and longevity of the planet Earth and of the living beings on it, above all the humans. The following are pointed issues:

  • The Universal Upbringing, Education and Lifelong Learning in SPHERONS Science.
  • The Individual Responsibility within SPHERONS Social Responsibility,
  • The new SPHERONS harmonious life Philosophy,
  • To establish new SPHERONS Harmony of people with Biosphere,
  • To stop pollution of the all three environments, terrestrial, aquatic and air basic environments,
  • To reestablish scientific and research goals of SPHERONS,
  • To establish new SPHERONS Global Governing of humans,
  • To establish new transcendent from the sustainable development towards the sustainable future or sustainability of the global community of humankind.

On the end I/we wish to all humankind and the people of the Danube Region: survival, longevity and prosperity!


  1. Avery, John Scales (Dec. 21, 2015) Paris: We Need System Change!:
  1. Semashko, Leo and others (2017) SPHERONS’ Argumentation: Advantages and Disadvantages:
  2. Ecimovic, Timi (2017) SPHERONS’ Argumentation: Detailed Review:
  1. Semashko, Leo (2002) Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges. St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University:
  2. Semashko, Leo and 173 coauthors from 34 countries (2016) Global Peace Science or Peaceloveology, Peacescience: First Common Good and Human Right, Revolution of Social Sciences, Creating Peace from SPHERONS’ Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI Century. Smaran Publication, New Delhi. 616 p. ISBN 978-81-929087-8-6:
  3. Semashko, Leo (2017) Deep Social Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Sociology in the XXI Century:
  4. Ecimovic, Timi (2017) the review of the digital book “The Nature 2017”:
  5. “Universal Education and Philosophy of the Sustainable Future of Humankind”, Ecimovic et al, digital booklet (pdf), ISBN 978-961-92378-6-1, 2015.
  6. “The Philosophy of Sustainability – the Sustainable Future of Humankind” Ecimovic et al, digital booklet, ISBN 978-961-94957-0-3 (pdf), 2016.
  7. “The Philosophy of the Citizen of the Earth XXI” digital book, T. Ecimovic and I. Kondrashin, ISBN 978-961-94057-3-4 (pdf), December 2016.
  8. “The Nature 2017”, Ecimovic T. et al, digital book ISBN 978-961-94057-4-1 (pdf), 30th January 2017.
  9. “The Climate Change System 2017”, Ecimovic T. et al, digital booklet ISBN 978-961-94057-5-6 (pdf) April 2017.


[i] I/we et al are: (By ABC names) Prof Dr Alexander Chumakov, Russia; Prof Dr Alexander Makarenko, Ukraine; Dr Ang Ban Siong, Malaysia; Prof Dr Dana M. Barry, USA; Prof Dr Fidel Gutierrez Vivanco, Peru; Prof Dr Glen T Martin, USA; Prof Dr Igor Kondrashin, Russia and Greece; Prof Dr John Avery, Denmark: Prof Dr Dr habil. Jörn Hamann, Germany: Prof Dr Leo Semashko, Russia; Prof Emeritus Dr Dr Matjaz Mulej, Slovenia; Prof Dr Negoslav Ostojic, Serbia; Prof Emeritus Dr Raoul Weiler, Belgium; Hon Ricaardoe Di Done, Canada; Sir Prof Dr Roger B Haw, Malaysia and China; Prof Dr Shahid Siddiqi, Canada and USA; Prof Emeritus Dr Sait Kacapor, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Prof Dr Seminur Topal, Turkey; Tanja Balazic Pecek, Slovenia, Prof Dr Timi Ecimovic, Slovenia, Prof Dr Truly Busch, Germany and many more not mentioned in this list. Some of great contributors to our work have been as follows: Late Prof Dr Avgustin Lah, Slovenia; Late Prof Dr Elmar Stuhler, Germany; Late Prof Dr George Pethes, Hungary; Late Prof Dr Helmut Metzner, Germany; Late Prof Dr Rashmi Mayur, USA and India; Late Hon Dr T P Amerasinghe, Sri Lanka. Thank you.


John Scales Avery, Ph.D., who was part of a group that shared the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize for their work in organizing the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, is a member of the TRANSCEND Network and Associate Professor Emeritus at the H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He is chairman of both the Danish National Pugwash Group and the Danish Peace Academy and received his training in theoretical physics and theoretical chemistry at M.I.T., the University of Chicago and the University of London. He is the author of numerous books and articles both on scientific topics and on broader social questions. His most recent books are Information Theory and Evolution and Civilization’s Crisis in the 21st Century (pdf).

Prof. Timi Ecimovic (1941) – The active member of the European Academy of Sciences & Arts – EASA since 2002, Dr of the Environmental Sciences (hc) Ansted University, Penang, Malaysia (2002), The Professor and the Chair of Environmental Sciences, Ansated University, Penang, Malaysia (2004), The Rector of the World Philosophical Forum – WPF University, Athens, Greece since 2011, The Founder and the Chairman of the World Thinker’s Forum, (2001), the Vice-President of the WPF, Athens, Greece, (2011), The Laureate and Global Peacemaker of Gusi Peace Prize International, Manila, Philippines, (2012). The elected member of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences – WAAS (March 2014), The Professor of the Civil Knowledge of the Universal State of the Earth – USE and WPF (2016), The Citizen of the Earth XXI (2012), The Aristocrat of the Earth XXI (2015), The Emeritus Citizen of the Korte Village and Izola Municipality, Slovenia, EU, 21st June 2014, The Slovenian Special Recognition Horus for the Social Responsibility, (2015), the Diploma in Philosophy, Cambridge, UK, 2016 and recognized in The Marquise Who’sWho , USA, 2016. – Please see “Profile” at and personal page:

Leo M. Semashko, Ph.D. (Philosophy), RAN Professor; Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005; GHA Honorary President since 2016; State Councilor of St. Petersburg; Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony; Author of more than 400 scientific publications, including 18 books in 1-12 languages; Author of Tetrism as the unity of Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology – science of social harmony, global peace and harmonious civilization; Director: Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia; Director, GHA Web portal “Peace from Harmony”:;Initiator, Manager, Coauthor and Editor in Chief of the book project “Global Peace Science” (GPS):

The books from 8 to 12 are presented in:

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 1 May 2017.

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