Thermodynamics and Negentropy of Spheral Classes


John Scales Avery - et al. (*) – TRANSCEND Media Service

Societal Harmony: Global Peace Thermodynamics

“The internal harmony of the world is the only true objective reality.”

 “Harmony should become the key value of global humankind, the main subject of science and public consciousness in the 21st century in order to survive and prosper in planetary peace.”

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

  1. Social entropy as disharmony and social negentropy as harmony

Society, like any system that has energy, is subject to the second law of thermodynamics, which express the entropy (scattering) of all energy. Our article is devoted to this subject, but within the framework of society and from the unique position of social harmony and disharmony of its structural carriers. Their harmony and disharmony is a special case of natural, universal, cosmic harmony and disharmony, with the priority of harmony ensuring the life and existence of the nature and universe, all reality. As Henri Poincare wrote: “the internal harmony of the world is the only true objective reality” [1]. Such social reality is the social harmony that Immanuel Kant recognized as the “nature of man.” It is realized through the harmony of the organizational carriers of its energy, the most important and strong of which is constituted by deep structural harmony of the constant Spheral classes of the population as genetic negentropic code of social system, which we discuss in this article in the first approximation.

Society is an open system. It is open to the external non-social environment, which is infinite on Earth and beyond and from where it derives its energy for itself: hydrocarbon energy, solar energy, water, wind, geothermal energy, etc. But the society has its own, social energy, which finds, extracts and uses the energy of external sources. Social energy serves as a trigger for external energy. The only carrier of social energy is people, population, society as an integral system of structural units of the population from an individual to humanity as a whole.

Social energy is the production energy of social harmony (coherence, balance, proportion, consent, measure) of structural units within society, people and global population. This is the only social energy that ensures the survival, sustainability and progressive improvement of society. The antipode of the energy of social harmony is the energy of social disharmony (disunity, imbalance, disproportion, incoherence) of the structural units of society, which, in the extreme case of confrontation, mutual annihilation, violence and confrontation of “all with all” neutralize the production energy of harmony, lead to the only result – self-destruction of society. The society that we observe now and in the past many tens of thousands of years proves its existence by prevailing structures of social harmony or social negentropy overcoming the structures of social disharmony or social entropy.

The action of social disharmony, disorder and entropy in our time is well analyzed by Prof. John Avery in his interview [2]. We will rely on this analysis as the initial platform for further theoretical understanding of ways and means to overcome our civilizational crisis as a multitude of global challenges, growing disharmony, chaos and disorder [3]. Totally, this situation of extreme social disharmony is expressed by him as follows: “We need system change, not climate change! We need a new economic system, a new society, a new social contract, and a new way of life. Here we must achieve a steady-state economic system. In addition:

  • We must restore democracy.
  • We must reduce economic inequality.
  • We must break the power of corporate greed.
  • We must leave fossil fuels in the ground.
  • We must stabilize and ultimately reduce the global population.
  • We must eliminate the institution of war. And
  • Finally, we must develop a more mature ethical system to match our new technology“[4].

This thought was expressed lapidary by Albert Szent Györgyi in the following inspirational words: “Man living in a new cosmic world for which he was not made. His survival depends on how well and how fast he can adapt himself to it, to rebuild all his ideas, all his social and political institutions “[2].

The restructuring of the worldview and thinking of humans, of all their social and political institutions for a new cosmic era offers a fundamental social discovery of the Spheral classes – a constant deep structure of social harmony of humanity, in which its harmony ensures its life in history [5; 6].

«Although the world now functions as a single united system because of modern technology, its political structure is based on fragments, on absolutely sovereign nation-states.

 They are large compared to tribes, but too small for present-day technology, since they do not include all of humankind.

The elimination of war, and the elimination of the threat of nuclear annihilation, will require effective governance at the global level.

In 1995 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded jointly to Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs and to its leader, Sir Joseph Rotblat. In his acceptance speech, Sir Joseph said, “We have to extend our loyalty to the whole of the human race…

A war-free world will be seen by many as Utopian. It is not Utopian. There already exist in the world large regions, for example the European Union, within which war is inconceivable. What is needed is to extend these.”[2]

The exception of political fragmentation of disharmonious entropic nations-states, elimination of war, nuclear self-destruction of humankind as its conscious entropy and creation of peace free from wars – all this turns from utopia into reality together with the discovery of Spheral classes, which cover the whole of humanity.

Their harmonious and peaceful nature ensures a full victory of peace over war, when it turns from the spontaneous into the conscious as a result of its scientific knowledge. [6].

The theory of these classes deepens the Kantian understanding of the harmonious human nature by its objective structure. Spheral classes open the “Truth era” by Albert Szent Györgyi: “Truth has the great virtue that allows us to accurately predict the future. If we ignore truth because it is unfashionable, or painful, or heretical, the future will catch us unprepared“[2].

This fully applies to the truth of the Spheral class’s discovery, which was ignored in totalitarian Marxism, which recognizes absolute truth only for itself and excludes any truth beyond its limits. This led to the decay and complete collapse of Marxism as a result of his 70-year-old state domination in the USSR and the “socialist camp”.

Marxism was a pseudoscience, justifying communist disharmony/entropy and its accelerated growth, which turned out to be its suicide. Something analogous is happening with modern liberalism/conservatism, which was a mild branch of Marxism but also became the ideology of capitalist disharmony/entropy for the nations-states, which will end to capitalism collapse.

The Spheral class’s discovery shows the third way – the path of a harmonious, negentropic, just development of humankind [6].

We know that:  “Living organisms distill their order and complexity from the flow of thermodynamic information which reaches the earth from the sun. In this way, they create local order, but life remains a fugitive from the second law of thermodynamics. Disorder, chaos, and destruction remain statistically favored over order, construction, and complexity. “[2]

A humankind global society with a deep societal structure of Spheral Classes’ harmony is capable to distil its order and complexity from their upbringing, education and lifelong learning and genetic harmony as spontaneously, intuitively up to their scientific knowledge, and especially many times in a conscious format on the basis of their scientific discovery, knowledge, understanding and self-government.

Conscious Spheral classes make order, peace and complexity from harmony statistically more favorable in society than disorder, chaos and destruction/war. They overcome the thermodynamic law of entropy in a society with its harmoniously organized, peaceful, negentropic life.

The knowledge of Spheral classes’ structure will allow us to use the second law of thermodynamics as a moral rule: “Knowing this, we can use the second law of thermodynamics to form an almost ethical insight: To be on the side of order, construction, and complexity, is to be on the side of life. To be on the side of destruction, disorder, chaos and war is to be against life, a traitor to life, an ally of death. Knowing the precariousness of life, knowing the statistical laws that favor disorder and chaos, we should resolve to be loyal to the principle of long-continued construction upon which life depends.” [2] Similar construction/production is provided by the Spheral classes at the constant genetic structural level.

What is the discovery and essence of the organizational structural harmony of Spheral classes complementing the information mechanism of negentropy?

  1. Deep Societal Structure of Spheral classes as Invariant Negentropy of Harmony

In this article, we attempt to understand the fundamental discovery of the deep societal structural harmony of Spheral classes [5; 6; 7; 8] – the constant classes of the population employed in four constant spheres of social production (hence called “Spheral Classes”) as a universal genetic negentropic mechanism overcoming (exporting) social entropy, disharmony, violence and disorder.

In the simplest form, two logical premises became the theoretical source of Spheral class’s discovery. The first is the discovery of the “autopoiesis” (self-production) of all living organisms, including people from birth to death. It is owned to Umberto Maturana and developed by his followers [9]. In sociology it was introduced by Nicholas Luhmann [10]. Autopoiesis, self-production is the law of the entire biosphere, including humankind and society, which can exist only thanks to the constant continuous production of necessary and sufficient resources for the existence. Both in the biosphere and in society, all attributes, structures and functions are attributes, structures and functions of production, derived from it.

The second premise, which deepens the first framed the social life, is the young Karl Marx intuitive conjecture in the first chapter of German Ideology on four spheres/types of production: “material, spiritual, forms of communication / organizational and the human being himself” [11].

This conjecture has found a powerful improvement in various social sciences, in the works of various scientists, in state statistics and in the daily use of the terminology of the four spheres of social production: The social/humanitarian sphere, the information/spiritual sphere, the political, organizational, managerial sphere and the material, technical, economic and ecological sphere.

The latter encompasses and includes the ecological sphere, as that part of nature that is under the direct influence of the economic/technical sphere. In short, we will refer to these spheres of social production as: Sociosphere, Infosphere, Orgsphere and Technoecosphere, where “eco” stands for both economic and ecological spheres. More detailed analysis of the four spheres of social production sees here [12; 6: 7].

Both premises are now fundamental, scientifically grounded theories, from which, with logical necessity, there is a conclusion about the real existence of four constant in structure but variables in the composition Spheral classes or “societal communities” of the global population [13; 14].

The spheral classes are not only a theoretical discovery. It is confirmed by solid statistics, empirically proving the Spheral class reality given in Chapter 2 [6]. Spheral classes are special dynamic statistical stochastic (“soft”) groups of the population according to the three criteria:

  1. They include the entire population on all levels (therefore they are “societal”, i.e., mega-communities),
  2. They are constant in their structure but are variable in composition, The population constantly and continuously flows like blood through the Spheral classes vessels and the heart chambers of their spheres according to the laws of chaotic nonlinear dynamics, and
  3. They do not differ according to private criteria of property, power, stratification and the like, but only on the universal basis of prevailing in time employment in one of the production spheres.

According to this key feature – on prevailing temporary employment in the spheres of social production, these special and fundamental classes or communities of people and population are called Spheral classes [6]. Outside the prevailing temporary employment in one sphere, they are engaged in other spheres, moving from each to each spontaneously and chaotically or consciously and orderly in dependence from their scientific knowledge and understanding of these classes, their spheres and conscious control under the changes of vital employment in them.

The merit of Maturana lies in the discovery of the universal productive energy of all beings, expressed in their constant productive living employment. Its specific forms at each species are fixed by the genetic code of each of them and the corresponding instinctive ethos – behavior.

The merit of the young Marx lies in the conjecture of four macro-structures of people’s production energy. Constant carriers and actors of this energy are Spheral classes, harmonious, natural and universal clusters of people, engaged in four spheres of social production – is the discovery of Tetrasociology [8].

It covers the scientific explanation of the entropic, primarily militaristic social structures of nation-states and negentropic, accumulating spheral social structures of the production energy of Spheral classes at all levels: mega, mezzo, macro and micro.

The invariant structural harmony of Spheral classes is similar to the organization of a living cell and any organism that retains its structural harmony and genetic order in a continuous stream of substitution and change of material composition that is updated in continuous metabolism.

Therefore, Spheral classes constitute the deep social genome of society, its stable invariant structural harmony in the continuous and endless stochastic flow of changing their individual and private group/class composition.

Individuals and the diverse private groups, including nations-states are the Spheral classes’ parts therefore they name as “partial classes or groups”. They fill the Spheral classes at every historical moment and they are temporary and transient, with their own private disharmonious goals and functions that contradict to harmonious functions and structure of Spheral classes.

The disharmonic, entropic partial groups or classes are destroyed by harmonious partial groups or classes and replace them. But over time, they themselves become disharmonious, entropic and replaced by new harmonious ones. Such a process of renewing the Spheral classes’ composition at each historical stage of their life evolution is permanent and infinite.

In this process, two trends are connected: the entropy of society’s production energy through the chaotic statistical and disharmonious activity of the private groups or classes and the negentropy of society’s productive energy in invariant genetic structural harmony of Spheral classes ensuring order, peace and sustainability of society from harmony.

Spheral classes of the population are statistical and stochastic demographic clusters, which have a non-linear “soft” nature, so they were inaccessible and could not be discovered in traditional, rigidly determined linear sciences, including traditional sociology, especially totalitarian Marxist “historical materialism”.

The last turned out to be pseudoscience, which excluded the structural harmony of objective social reality and absolute all forms of disharmony: violence as the “midwife of history”, bloody revolutions, class struggle and perpetual civil wars. Marxism was a “theory” of social totalitarian entropy. The peak of Marxist thinking is total disharmonious and destructive entropic class violence.

Therefore, Marxism collapsed, despite its more than 70 years of state ideological dictate. It fell along with the collapse of the USSR as a result of its extreme internal social entropy/disharmony “under the leadership” of an equally entropic/disharmonious communist party and its totalitarian ideology.

The incompatibility of Marxism with the “only true objective reality of harmony” (Poincare) and its totalitarian entropic essence has become the fundamental scientific reason for its non-viability and historically irrevocable collapse as one of the many attempts of a partial false consciousness claiming to absoluteness. However, its separate ideas, as a conjecture of the four spheres of social production, received a scientific justification and became part of such a new nonlinear post-non-classical science as Tetrasociology [12].

  1. Information theory of overcoming entropy in living systems

Biological sciences have long sought approaches to uncover mechanisms of overcoming entropy in living systems. The most promising was the information approach. Erwin Schrödinger explained that a living system exports entropy through information to maintain its own entropy at a low level.

He used the term “negentropy” to express his idea of ​​importing negentropy by living system to survive [15]. This idea was intensively developed in the fundamental work of Prof. John Avery “Information theory and evolution” [16]. It is presented in the following quotes from it:

“Under certain circumstances, many bacteria form spores, which do not metabolize, and which are able to exist without nourishment for very long periods – in fact for millions of years. When placed in a medium containing nutrients, the spores can grow into actively reproducing bacteria. There are examples of bacterial spores existing in a dormant state for many millions of years, after which they have been revived into living bacteria. Is a dormant bacterial spore alive? ”

“Clearly there are many borderline cases between non-life and life; and Aristotle seems to have been right when he said, “Nature proceeds little by little from lifeless things to animal life, so that it is impossible to determine either the exact line of demarcation, or on which side of the line an intermediate form should lie.”

However, one theme seems to characterize life: It is able to convert the thermodynamic information contained in food or in sunlight into complex and statistically unlikely configurations of matter.

“A flood of information-containing free energy reaches the earth’s biosphere in the form of sunlight. Passing through the metabolic pathways of living organisms, this information keeps the organisms far away from thermodynamic equilibrium (“which is death”).

“As the thermodynamic information flows through the biosphere, much of it is degraded into heat, but part is converted into cybernetic information and preserved in the intricate structures which are characteristic of life”.

“The principle of natural selection ensures that as this happens, the configurations of matter in living organisms constantly increase in complexity, refinement and statistical improbability. This is the process which we call evolution, or in the case of human society, progress.”

Deep societal structural harmony of the Spheral classes is a mechanism to overcome entropy in social systems on different levels.

  1. Tetrasociology about entropy/disharmony overcoming in social systems

Tetrasociology arose more than 40 years ago, together with the conjecture of four “Spheral Classes” [6]. This direction of knowledge is highly effective in theoretical and pragmatic aspects, as shown by numerous studies of the Spheral classes in Russia, especially in St. Petersburg, together with their statistical study and the construction of branch automated systems for their calculations during the period 1982-1989 [17].

However, the idea of ​​harmonious classes of the population – Spheral classes fundamentally contradicted to the key Marxist dogma of the antagonistic class struggle, therefore its study as a “dissident” was closed that stopped development of this science for several decades.

Only in recent years it has been possible to restore these studies at the international level in the GHA in the process of creating “Global Peace Science“. Within the GHA framework, a new fundamental statistical base of Spheral classes was obtained as their empirical platform, presented in Chapter 2 of this book, which was published in English in January 2016 [6].

What are the main conclusions of the scientific theory of Spheral classes for understanding the social mechanism to overcome entropy/disharmony in society?

  1. Entropy in society is identical to the disharmony of private groups (including nations-states), which by their confrontation across the whole spectrum of social life give rise to the continuous dispersion and neutralization of huge arrays of the productive energy in society. The energy of disharmony is spent not for positive goals, but for negative mutual suppression of energies, for their useless waste for the production of social resources. Consequently, it was required to find a harmonious constant societal structure that neutralizes/exports social entropy/disharmony and imports/produces/restores social negentropy/harmony. While science does not know this mechanism, it is powerless to answer such questions. Only with discovery of the deep societal structural harmony of Spheral classes has become possible a scientific answer to similar questions.
  2. The structural harmony of Spheral classes multiplies the productive energy of society and provides it with the highest efficiency and productivity by harmonizing the private energies of separate production institutions and units.

The societal dynamic structure of Spheral classes is the top accumulation of negentropy, order and harmony in human society on the Earth overcoming all forms of disharmony/entropy, the most fundamental and significant of which is the “war of all against all” according to the concise formula of Hobbes. This total war is an absolute evil, the complete destruction of society and people and immediately leads to the destruction of humanity. Only the Spheral classes’ societal harmony confronts it and overcomes it. If it ceases to overcome/neutralize/transform/export entropy, this entropy will immediately destroy humanity. This can happen in many ways, the most terrible, fast and merciless of which is a global nuclear war.

Thus, in social thermodynamics two abstract absolute poles of extremes can be distinguished:

  1. The pole of full (100%) entropy/disharmony (complete chaos, disorder, destruction) in the form of a “war of all against all“, rejecting and excluding any production limited only by the mutual continuous destruction of people, families, nations, classes, states, cultures, religions and civilizations. The scientific concept of this extreme is ensured and determined by the second law of thermodynamics in its social interpretation of the “war of all against all.” The most powerful source and danger of complete destruction, entropy and disharmony in our time are nation-states, especially nuclear ones.
  2. The pole of full (100%) negentropy/harmony (complete order, production and progress) in the form of a complete societal structure of Spheral classes, full of happiness and pleasure of every person and every nation. The scientific concept of this extreme was made possible only with the discovery of the Spheral classes and their definition. The most powerful and constant source of social negentropy/harmony is the societal structure of Spheral classes capable to unite nation-states and overcoming their entropy. The theory of Spheral classes explains, why even in the most militaristic epochs of world wars, no more than 10-20% of the world’s population was involved in them: humanity’s survival does not allow exceeding measure, which is admitted by spontaneous Spheral classes. Only conscious Spheral classes can exclude wars from the life of humanity forever [6].

It is clear that these two poles can exist only in the imagination and scientific supposition as hypotheses or boundary axioms. They are impossible in reality, because each of these extremes is tantamount to the death of human and society. Their life is always possible only within a certain harmonious proportion/measure of both poles. To know the proportion and measure of a person’s/society’s life, scientific knowledge must establish its limits in the extreme poles. Therefore, these abstractions are extremely important in the knowledge and understanding of human (person, individual) and society, which, in turn, constitute the other two extreme poles of the social system.

The society and human are a single inseparable dialectical social system, whole or noosphere, which is expressed terminologically by two indivisible categories: society/individual or by the use of each of these concepts is inherently implied by default the other. (We do not touch here another important theoretical aspect: the social system as a noosphere is part of the Earth’s biosphere as a whole and is subordinated to its laws [2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 12]). They relate to each other as dynamic and stochastic whole-parts in different respects, which do not exist without each other. In some respects, human is a whole for society, and in some others society is a whole for human.

Therefore, the inseparability of these phenomena is best expressed by a single concept of “human/society”.

It determines the impossibility of existence of people as individuals outside or without society, as well as the impossibility of existence of society outside and without people. In a positive form this definition is formulated as follows: the society exists/lives thanks to the life of people/person, and the person lives/exists due to the life of society.

Human and society express the extreme limits of a social system – its ultimate or elementary unit – a person/individual and its ultimate or all-encompassing whole – a society/socium that includes all people. But it is no exhausted by a simple sum or by the set of its units – atoms.

The single space-time continuum of human/society is the fundamental scientific pillar of Tetrasociology and its social philosophy [6; 12]. It is complemented and on it is superimposed another, energy continuum of social entropy/negentropy. Both complementary theoretical continuums are integrated by a common center – the societal structure of harmonious Spheral classes.

History has shown that in the most disharmonious, entropic structures of nation-states, violence and militarism develop at the fastest and most threatening rates, as in the most favorable environment for them.

The source of this is the property of the partial nations-states, classes, groups and elites, which disunites people and engenders mutual enmity and hatred, strengthening the disharmony/entropy of humanity. The employment of the Spheral classes, including partial classes, unites people, damps the antagonism of property increasing the level of harmony and negentropy of humanity. Therefore, the constant Spheral classes of harmony as the social genome are a constant source of social negentropy at all levels of the social system: mega, macro, mezo and micro.

Global Peace Science (GPS) [6] offers a way out of the industrial entropy of capitalism and communism – the third path of a harmonious civilization. It is a bifurcation from the chaos/entropy of the national interests of states and the “paranoia” of partial pacifist superficial ideas to order and integration through the scientific theory of the deep societal dynamic structure of the harmonious Spheral classes. Negentropy of the genetic structural harmony of the Spheral classes, revealed in GPS, constitutes the spheral thermodynamics of global peace and life. It overcomes the traditional but dominant thermodynamics of war and death, which is constituted by the entropy of partial classes, groups, elites and nation-states in their disharmony, violence, militarism, terrorism making modern war of all against all.

This science, like its theoretical basis – Tetrasociology is engaged in the search for universal laws of social development, which was and remains an important problem of philosophy, history, sociology, and political science [18].

Both these inseparable sciences lie in the mainstream of the emergence of a nonlinear worldview associated with discovery in second half of the twentieth century of the phenomena of deterministic chaos, self-organization, and criticality of development and fractality, which led to emergence of a post-non-classical general scientific paradigm [18].

Tetrasociology and its Global Peace Sciences – GPS are an expression of the new unity of social sciences on common holistic basis of the Spheral classes’ deep constant societal structure with nonlinear stochastic dynamics. Today it is clear that the traditional notions of social development oversimplify social reality and society is much more complex than it seemed just recently. It has a non-trivial ontological structure that includes, in addition to the real one, a virtual component. In it constantly replaces each other with the processes of self-organization and chaos and its numerous objects are often fractal in nature [18].

These sciences are inextricably linked with the basic ideas of post-non-classical sciences, such as nonlinear dynamics and synergies.

But this is a special issue requiring special scientific analysis.

Of course it is important to include the knowledge and understanding of new sciences of networking, Nature complexity and swarm research [19, 20]. The contemporary sciences are observing new universal qualities of Nature including system swarm qualities. The swarm research is observation of the swarms origin, of the swarm relations of parts and whole of the social creatures among them such the Homo sapiens global community, the locust, the bees, the ants etc.

  1. Spheral Classes’ Theory: bridge between social and natural sciences and pillar of their unity

The Spheral classes discovery and constructing of their theory, revealing their unique thermodynamic attributes has a key epistemological significance to form holistic architecture of human knowledge, which unites the fragmented clusters of the natural and social sciences. The Spheral classes  theory makes sociology not only by a global science uniting the entire areal of social sciences but also a fundamental one, raising it to the level of fundamental natural sciences and not yielding them by attribute of fundamentalism.

The search for such a bridge between social and natural sciences has been going on for a long time but it was unsuccessful until the law-governed connection between them was established through thermodynamics by Dr. Valery Ilyin in his pioneering work: “Thermodynamics and Sociology: Physical Basics of Social Processes and Phenomena” [19].

The author made in it a large and necessary preparatory work for understanding unity of nature and society from the natural sciences side, primarily from the standpoint of thermodynamics – one of the most universal and fundamental natural theories. However, this connection from sociology was not backed up by an equally comparable fundamental theory before creation of the Spheral classes theory. Only this sociological theory of the Spheral classes as fundamental structural harmony establishes a worthy pillar to unite the social and natural sciences. It discovers fundamentally new perspectives and opportunities for their effective theoretical and pragmatic interconnectedness in the holistic architecture of nature and society primarily to solve global environmental and climatic problems through overcoming the destructive entropy of nation-states.

But their fundamental interaction and overcoming the lagging social sciences from natural sciences is the subject of fundamentally new interdisciplinary studies that go beyond the scope of this article.


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  3. Semashko, Leo (2017) Deep Social Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Sociology in the XXI Century:
  4. Ecimovic, Timi (2017) SPHERONS’ Argumentation: Detailed Review: + Ecimovic Timi; John Avery and Leo Semashko (2017) THE CLIMATE CHANGE SYSTEM 2017:
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  5. Parsons, Talcott (1975), “The Present Status of ‘Structural-Functional’ Theory in Sociology”, Social Systems and The Evolution of Action Theory, New York: The Free Press
  6. Parsons, Talcott (2007) American Society: A Theory of Societal Community. Paradigm Publishers.
  7. Schrödinger Erwin (1944) What is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell. Cambridge, University Press
  8. Avery John (2012) Information Theory and Evolution. University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  9. Semashko, Leo (1992) Spheral Approach. St-Petersburg, Notabene:
  10. Afanasyeva Vera, Anisimov Nicolay (2016) Nonlinear development of social medium: postnonclassical analysis. Saratov,
  11. Ecimovic Timi et al. “The Nature 2017”, ISBN 978-961-94057-4-1 (pdf), January 2017.
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  13. Ilyin Valery (2015) Thermodynamics and Sociology: Physical Basics of Social Processes and Phenomena. Moscow Aviation University (on Russian)


(*) By John Scales Avery, Vera Afanasyeva, Timi Ecimovic and Leo Semashko

John Scales Avery, Ph.D., who was part of a group that shared the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize for their work in organizing the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, is a member of the TRANSCEND Network and Associate Professor Emeritus at the H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He is chairman of both the Danish National Pugwash Group and the Danish Peace Academy and received his training in theoretical physics and theoretical chemistry at M.I.T., the University of Chicago and the University of London. He is the author of numerous books and articles both on scientific topics and on broader social questions. His most recent books are Information Theory and Evolution and Civilization’s Crisis in the 21st Century (pdf).

Vera V. Afanasyeva, PhD, Physics Master, Professor of Philosophy, Saratov University, Saratov, Russia . Веб: Personal page: Email:

Prof. Timi Ecimovic (1941) – The active member of the European Academy of Sciences & Arts – EASA since 2002, Dr of the Environmental Sciences (hc) Ansted University, Penang, Malaysia (2002), The Professor and the Chair of Environmental Sciences, Ansted University, Penang, Malaysia (2004), The Rector of the World Philosophical Forum – WPF University, Athens, Greece since 2011, The Founder and the Chairman of the World Thinker’s Forum, (2001), the Vice-President of the WPF, Athens, Greece, (2011), The Laureate and Global Peacemaker of Gusi Peace Prize International, Manila, Philippines, (2012). The elected member of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences – WAAS (March 2014), The Professor of the Civil Knowledge of the Universal State of the Earth – USE and WPF (2016), The Citizen of the Earth XXI (2012), The Aristocrat of the Earth XXI (2015), The Emeritus Citizen of the Korte Village and Izola Municipality, Slovenia, EU, 21st June 2014, The Slovenian Special Recognition Horus for the Social Responsibility, (2015), the Diploma in Philosophy, Cambridge, UK, 2016 and recognized in The Marquise Who’s Who, USA, 2016. – Please see “Profile” at and personal page:

Leo M. Semashko, Ph.D. (Philosophy), RAN Professor; Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005; GHA Honorary President since 2016; State Councilor of St. Petersburg; Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony; Author of more than 400 scientific publications, including 18 books in 1-12 languages; Author of Tetrism as the unity of Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology – science of social harmony, global peace and harmonious civilization; Director: Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia; Director, GHA Web portal “Peace from Harmony”:;Initiator, Manager, Coauthor and Editor in Chief of the book project “Global Peace Science” (GPS):

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 29 May 2017.

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