‘Pax’ Americana? Really?


Liu Rui | Global Times - TRANSCEND Media Service

US Democrats and Republicans scream about the ‘threat’ of Russia and China. Meanwhile, the US military has weapons pointed at the entire world–and beyond.

Pax Americana [aka joke of the century] is a term applied to the idea of a relative peace in the world after the end of World War II in 1945, when the United States became the world’s dominant economic, cultural, and military power. The opposite happened and that good idea never came to fruition.


Liu Rui has been a cartoonist for Global Times since 2003. She is interested in political cartoons and illustrations.

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One Response to “‘Pax’ Americana? Really?”

  1. Suryanath Prasad says:

    Grand Design for Universal Peace Education for Global Good Governance through the New UN
    THE UNITED NATIONS, 9 Apr 2018
    Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service

    On UCN News Channel – YouTube Video
    A Dialogue on
    Universal Peace Education
    For Solution of Corruption, Crime and Violence
    By Surya Nath Prasad, Ph.D.

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