What Constitutes an “Ungood” Person?


Author Unknown

There are several signs that someone may not be a good person. Here are a few, to be aware of:

1. Dishonesty: If someone lies, cheats, or deceives others regularly, this is a sign that they may not be a good person. Dishonesty is a major character flaw that can cause harm to others and damage relationships.

2. Lack of empathy: Someone who is incapable of understanding or caring about the feelings of others may not be a good person. Empathy is an important trait for building healthy relationships and treating others with respect.

3. Narcissism: A person who is self-centered and prioritizes their own needs above others may not be a good person. Narcissistic behavior can be harmful to others and can lead to a lack of empathy and concern for others.

4. Manipulative behavior: Someone who tries to control or manipulate others for their own gain may not be a good person. Manipulative behavior can be harmful to others and can damage relationships.

5. Lack of accountability: A person who refuses to take responsibility for their actions or blames others for their mistakes may not be a good person. Accountability is an important trait for building trust and maintaining healthy relationships.

6. Lack of respect: If someone consistently disrespects others, including their beliefs, values, and boundaries, this is a sign that they may not be a good person. Respect is an important part of healthy relationships and treating others with kindness and dignity.

Be aware of the above signs and leave everything else in the Hands of our Creator.


Download PDF file: Signs of Ungood Person

Submitted by TR Member Prof. Hoosen Vawda


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 11 Sep 2023.

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