The Geopolitics of Elite Insanity (Part 1): Teetering on the Brink of Armageddon

EDITORIAL, 9 Dec 2024

#878 | Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service

As the world simultaneously teeters on the brink of nuclear war in Central Asia, shatters any remaining sense of ‘international justice’ by taking no effective action to halt the televised genocide in Palestine (let alone the risk of a dramatically expanded war in West Asia), and runs headlong into the rapidly advancing technocracy – to nominate just three of the more pronounced threats – the bulk of the human population yawns while they scroll through the latest entries in the various chat groups on their phone.

Virtually all of these chat groups (and the channels through which they are distributed), like the ‘news’ distributed by the corporate media through television, radio and newspapers, find an endless sequence of inconsequential issues to distract people from reality.

And so our death or transhuman slavery awaits us.

As I have explained many times in the past, it is only a rare person who understands how the world works, who orchestrates and drives events, how they do so, and the purposes of their program. For one account of this, see Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing.’

Consequently, most analysts misconceive what is taking place and, therefore, what is necessary to resist it effectively.

Inevitably therefore, the human population continues to be victimized by this program, as has been routinely demonstrated throughout history.

Unfortunately, time is now rapidly running out with the Elite program – heavily concealed by this endless barrage of corporate ‘news’, among other techniques (see ‘The Elite’s 5,000-Year War on Your Mind is Climaxing. Can We Defeat it?’) designed to divert attention from the fundamental threats – to depopulate Earth and imprison those left alive in a technocratic ‘smart city’ prison advancing daily.

In the latest, most significant development, NATO-produced and guided weapons were fired from Ukraine to attack Russian territory: On 19 & 20 November, U.S. ATACMS (supersonic tactical ballistic) missiles and British ‘Storm Shadow’ (cruise) missiles were used to destroy targets in Russia.

In response, and immediately following the latest update of Russian nuclear doctrine – English translation here ‘Full Text of Russia’s Updated Nuclear Doctrine’ and briefly and simply explained by Andrew Korybko here ‘Russia’s Updated Nuke Doctrine Aims To Deter Unacceptable Provocations From NATO’ – Russia fired an ‘experimental’ version of the new hypersonic ‘Oreshnik’ (ICBM) missile (equipped with six independently-targetable warheads, each containing six submunitions) which traveled at Mach 10 (that is, ten times the speed of sound) to destroy the Yuzmash missile factory in the Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovsk.

Among a wide range of expert commentaries expressing grave concern, including because of the latest update of NATO strategy – see ‘NATO After the Washington Summit: Future-Proofing the Alliance and Supporting Ukraine until Victory: Resolution 494’ – see Scott Ritter’s ‘On the Brink’, Drago Bosnic’s ‘Nukes and medium-range missiles for Neo-Nazi junta, perfect recipe for WW3’ and watch Colonel Doug Macgregor’s recent interview ‘How Close Are We to WWIII?’

And geostrategic analyst Drago Bosnic specifically draws attention to the lack of evidence that President Biden has officially authorized the delivery of US nuclear weapons for use by Ukraine despite the fact that prominent media outlets, starting with the New York Times, have indicated, without offering any evidence, that this has taken place. Watch ‘Say No to Nuclear War! Peace on the Planet’.

So while we can speculate about the identity of the person or persons responsible for such a decision, assuming it has been made, it simply highlights the point that those we believe are in control are not, in fact, in control. The Elite is scripting key world events and simply using the chosen puppets in governments, bureaucracies, international organizations and the media to offer an endlessly disconnected sequence of actions and announcements so that most people are confused and left unable, even if inclined to do so, to act decisively and effectively.

Two factors seriously complicating this conflict are that Russia appears to possess at least one type of weapon and a weapon delivery system that can generate the equivalent damage as the blast impacts of a nuclear weapon but without the massively damaging heat and deadly radioactive fallout of nuclear weapons. This means that the damage can be ‘contained’ to a precise, if very large, target. And delivery of the weapon cannot be intercepted.

The destructive power of this weapon, based on the descriptions offered by Ritter in his articles ‘On the Brink’ cited above and ‘Fahrenheit 7232’ – ‘Each war head in turn contained six separate submunitions, consisting of metal slugs forged from exotic alloys that enabled them to maintain their form during the extreme heat generated by hypersonic re-entry speeds. These slugs are not explosive; rather they use the combined effects of the kinetic impact at high speed and the extreme heat absorbed by the exotic alloy to destroy their intended target on impact.’ – suggests a substantially scaled-down version of the geoengineering weapon known as a ‘Rod from God’. Unlike the original version of this weapon, this Russian weapon was delivered using a hypersonic missile and fired against its target as a cluster of ‘smaller’ weapons.

The geoengineering version of this weapon was fired from a satellite and used to generate the earthquake in Turkey and Syria in February 2023. It was thoughtfully described by the head of the Turkish Space Agency, Serdar Hussein Yildirim here, but earlier description of these Hypervelocity Rod Bundles (‘Rods from God’) are available in US military literature and elsewhere. See, for example, the U.S. Air Force ‘Transformation Flight Plan’ with the subject simply discussed in ‘Hypervelocity Rod Bundles’.

Separately from its destructive power, the delivery system for this Russian weapon was the Oreshnik missile, which is hypersonic. It can travel at speeds up to Mach 10 and it cannot be intercepted with any existing technology, as was made clear by Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in his official statement following the strike. See ‘Statement by the President of the Russian Federation’ [re firing of the Oreshnik missile on 20 Nov 2024].

So while Russia has recently updated its nuclear doctrine to allow a lower threshold for the use of nuclear weapons, it has already developed, deployed and used a non-nuclear technology that can, by using modest quantities of the weapon, replicate the blast impact of a nuclear weapon and be delivered at breathtaking speed.

The fundamental complication of this state of affairs is that the United States does not have weapons with equivalent capacities so it is more likely to resort to the use of nuclear weapons despite the fact that their impacts are far from ‘clean’, relatively confined or even short-lived.

Consequently, the world stands at a dangerous turning point.

This is particularly because the Elite orchestrating this and other critical conflicts is insane, as I have explained many times previously – see ‘The Global Elite is Insane Revisited’ – and most of their agents throughout governments and key international organizations are likewise insane, with many even holding fundamentalist or otherwise extreme beliefs (as one aspect of their insanity).

One variation of this insanity is those people sometimes labeled ‘Armageddonists’ – people who believe, as indicated by this comment to Professor Bernard Lown by a senior US State Department official in 1998, ‘if there is a nuclear war, we will be the first ones to rise up and meet Jesus in the sky’. When Lown queried the official about whether anyone else in the US State Department felt the same way, the official replied: ‘Oh yes, many of us do.’ Quotes cited in ‘Iran: The Road to Armageddon? Would the US Administration really endanger the Entire planet?’

If you are unfamiliar with the damage that a nuclear weapon can do, this 18-minute video will make it clear enough: ‘The True Scale of Modern Nuclear Weapons’. And Annie Jacobsen’s latest book makes it clear too: Nuclear War: A Scenario.

But, I want to emphasize yet again, whether or not the war in Central Asia goes nuclear (or the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians and war against its Arab/Persian neighbours in West Asia goes the same way), a wide range of Elite objectives in relation to its genocidal and transhumanist/technocratic program is being fulfilled and no amount of complaining about it, signing petitions or statements, lobbying of Elite agents in governments and international organizations, or demonstrating on the streets can make a difference. For a fuller explanation, see ‘The Elite Coup to Kill or Enslave Us: Why Can’t Governments, Legal Actions and Protests Stop Them?’

So I can only encourage any reader to have a ponder about the dangerous predicament in which we find ourselves and to seriously consider participating in comprehensive grassroots nonviolent strategies to halt the war in Central Asia, end the genocide against the Palestinians and defeat the advancing technocracy.

In the following articles, I have explained the Elite program that drives each of these conflicts. Crucially, I have explained (or linked to) the nonviolent strategies necessary to end each of them.

Strategies to address many other threats have already been elaborated elsewhere or in some cases (including geoengineering and synthetic biology) are being developed.

‘The War in Ukraine: Understanding and Resisting the Global Elite’s Deeper Agenda’ which references a list of Strategic Goals for a Nonviolent Struggle to End a War.

‘Nonviolent Strategy to Halt the Genocide in Gaza, Liberate Palestine and Defeat the Global Technocracy’.

‘Fighting for Our Humanity, Fighting for Our Future’.

Each article also links to the ‘We Are Human We Are Free’ campaign – which identifies the strategic action necessary to defend yourself from the advancing technocracy (explained, most simply, on the ‘We Are Human We Are Free’ one-page flyer, available in 23 languages).

As the title of the last article suggests, there is an monumental amount at stake and it is going to take enormous effort by a substantial number of people to defend human life and a life worth living.

And yet, despite the enormity of these threats, there no effective resistance to the threat of nuclear war, the rapidly advancing technocracy or even the televised genocide in Gaza.


The Other Side of the Coin

This is because there is an even bigger hurdle that must be overcome for effective resistance to manifest. Most ‘ordinary’ people are trapped in a childhood version of submissive obedience.

That is, most adults are incapable of doing anything beyond the adult equivalent of the powerless complaining about an injustice that they learned to do as a child.

After all, whether or not it is consciously realized by any adult, the primary purpose of ‘socialization’ generally and punishment specifically is to terrorize the child into submissive obedience of ‘higher authorities’ in the child’s life: parents, teachers and religious figures. This is done so that the future adult will be submissively obedient to employers, the legal system and other state actors as well as (for some) military officers. See ‘Punishment is Violent and Counterproductive’.

Overwhelmed by the deluge of ‘visible’, ‘invisible’ and ‘utterly invisible’ violence inflicted on them during childhood – see ‘Why Violence?’ and ‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’ – the child ultimately learns that powerless complaining to their perpetrators is the limit of their permissible ‘action’.

Consequently, the typical adult is submissively obedient and confines their ‘action’ to the adult equivalents of complaining such as signing a petition or letter of complaint to a higher authority (often a government), lobbying a politician or attending a protest gathering. Their fear ensures that the idea of taking strategically powerful action never even occurs to them or, in the case of the person to whom the idea occurs or is presented, is quickly discarded from thought and memory.

In essence, effective resistance requires strategically-oriented action and that is inherently frightening to most people. It is ‘safer’ to do something ineffective (that is, confined within the ‘permissible’ range) rather than to take action that will make a difference but likely incur punishment (such as a fine or prison sentence for civil disobedience).


Major international processes and events are driven by the Global Elite which is insane. While the Elite remains largely hidden from view, their equally insane or submissively obedient agents in international organizations, governments, corporations and non-government organizations carry out their insane will.

At the moment, this includes driving the world to the brink (and possibly over the brink) of nuclear war, against a backdrop of the rapidly advancing technocracy and the genocide in Gaza.

And while there is zero effective resistance to any of these threats – even with much hang-wringing in some quarters – the Elite program proceeds unimpeded.

So if you are not taking action that is going to make a strategic difference, I can only encourage you to do so – perhaps as part of a group so that your fear might be contained – while there is still time to defend a life worth living, both for ourselves and others.



Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment and has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of Why Violence? Websites: (We Are Human, We Are Free) (Charter)  (Flame Tree Project)  (Songs of Nonviolence) (Nonviolent Campaign Strategy) (Nonviolent Defense/Liberation Strategy) (Robert J. Burrowes) (Feelings First) Email:

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 9 Dec 2024.

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