The Odyssey of Papal Synodality 2023: The Resurrection of the Catholic Institutes of Worship as Peace Mediators


Prof Hoosen Vawda – TRANSCEND Media Service

“Under the applicable Abrahamic Laws of Blasphemy and Heresy, many a souls were lost to Heaven, by the most brutally cruel means, over the past millennia.”[i]

The Synod of Pistoia held in the Church of St. Benedetto, Pistoia, 1786

3 Jun 2022 – The First General Congregation of the Extraordinary Third General Assembly of the Synod of the Bishops was held in Rome on 06th October 2014 by His Holiness, Pope Francis[1]. In the Catholic Church, the Synod of Bishops, considered as an advisory body to the Pope, is one of the ways in which the bishops render cooperative assistance to His Holiness, in exercising his office.[2] It is described in the 1983 Code of Canon Law as “a group of bishops who have been chosen from different regions of the world and meet at fixed times to foster closer unity between the Roman Pontiff and bishops, to assist the Roman Pontiff with their counsel in the preservation and growth of faith and morals and in the observance and strengthening of ecclesiastical discipline, and to consider questions pertaining to the activity of the Church in the world.”[3]  In view of the greater urgency that justify their convocation, the preparation of extraordinary general assemblies of the Synod of the Bishops is shorter. The participants also are fewer, consisting of the heads of Eastern Catholic Churches, the presidents of episcopal conferences, three members, not ten, of religious institutes and the cardinals who head dicasteries of the Roman Curia.[4]  As of October 2014, there have been three such assemblies, in 1969, 1985, and 2014.

However, the odyssey of synodality and the challenges therein, has its origins in the 18th century, when on 26th January 1786 the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Pietro Leopoldo[5], issued a circular letter to the bishops of Tuscany, suggesting certain “reforms”, especially in the matter of the revival of the holding of diocesan synods, the purging of the missals and breviaries of legends, the assertion of episcopal as against papal authority, the curtailing of the privileges of the monastic orders, and improved education for the clergy.[6]

In spite of the hostile attitude of the great majority of the Tuscan bishops, on 31st July 1786 Bishop de Ricci issued a summons to a diocesan synod, which was solemnly opened on the 18th September 1786. In convoking the synod, he invoked the authority of Pius VI, who had previously recommended a synod as the normal means of diocesan renewal.[7] It was attended by 233 beneficed secular priests and 13 regulars and decided with practical unanimity on a series of decrees which, had it been possible to carry them into effect, would have involved drastic changes in the Tuscan Church on the lines advocated by Febronius.[8]

  1. The first decree (Decretum de fide et ecclesia) declared that the Catholic Church had no right to introduce new dogmas, but only to preserve in its original purity the faith once delivered by Christ to His apostles, and was infallible only so far as it conforms to Holy Scripture and true tradition; the Church, moreover was a purely spiritual body and had no authority in things secular.
  2. Other decrees denounced the supposed abuse of indulgences, of festivals of saints, and of processions and proposed revised regulations; others again enjoined the closing of shops on Sunday during divine service, the introduction of the vernacular tongue into the Roman Rite, the issue of editions of liturgical texts for the devotional use of the people that had parallel translations in the vernacular, and recommended the abolition of all monastic orders except that of St. Benedict, the rules of which were to be brought into harmony with modern ideas;
  3. Nuns were to be forbidden to take vows before the age of 40.
  4. The last of the decrees proposed the convocation of a national council.[9]

Overall, the synod’s measures incorporated demands made previously by the Jansenist party,[10] opposing for example devotion to the Sacred Heart, though the synod cannot be said to have been Jansenist in essence. Jansenism was an early modern theological movement within Catholicism, primarily active in the Kingdom of France, which emphasised the original sin, human depravity, the necessity of Divine Grace, and predestination. It was declared a heresy by the Roman Catholic Church,[11] the largest Christian Church in the world.

Cornelius Otto Jansen the Originator of the Jansenist Movement

The movement originated in the posthumously published work of the Dutch theologian Cornelius Jansen[12], who died in 1638. It was first popularised by Jansen’s friend, Abbot Jean du Vergier de Hauranne[13] of Saint-Cyran-en-Brenne Abbey. He introduced Jansenism into France.  After du Vergier’s death in 1643, the movement was led by Antoine Arnauld[14], who was a philosopher and theologian associated with Port-Royal Abbey, a center of the Catholic Jansenist movement in 17th century France.  Through the 17th  and into the 18th centuries, Jansenism was a distinct movement away from the Catholic Church. The theological center of the movement was Port-Royal-des-Champs Abbey[15], which was a haven for writers including du Vergier, Arnauld, Pierre Nicole, Blaise Pascal, and Jean Racine.

Port Royal Des Champs Abbey, Chevreuse National Park, 40 km west of Paris, France

Jansenism was opposed by many within the Catholic hierarchy, especially the Jesuits. Although the Jansenists identified themselves only as rigorous followers of Saint Augustine of Hippo’s teachings, Jesuits coined the term Jansenism to identify them as having Calvinist leanings.[16] The apostolic constitution “Cum occasione”, promulgated by Pope Innocent X in 1653, condemned five cardinal doctrines of Jansenism as heretical, especially the relationship between human free will and efficacious grace, wherein the teachings of Augustine, as presented by the Jansenists, contradicted Jesuit thought.[17] Jansenist leaders endeavoured to accommodate the Pope’s pronouncements, while retaining their uniqueness, and enjoyed a measure of peace in the late 17th century under Pope Clement IX. However, further controversy led to the apostolic constitution Unigenitus of Pope Clement XI in 1713.[18] This controversy did not end until Louis Antoine de Noailles signed the bull in 1728.

Some of its proposals had already been Church law for centuries, others were moderate pastoral measures, others concerned matters well beyond the authority of any diocesan body and others were in any case more in the nature of “fillers” to make up a heady and high-sounding revolutionary manifesto. The driving force was the Habsburg dynasty[19], as was evident to the clergy faced with the Synod’s draft proposals, who understandably took discretion to be the better part of valour. Bishop Ricci seized his moment, and seems to have adhered with enthusiasm to the event, but at the same time he had limited choice given the domination of the absolutist regime in Tuscany, a small state, but backed by the international power wielded by the Habsburgs.

The synod’s decrees were issued together with a pastoral letter of Bishop Ricci, and were warmly approved by the Grand Duke, at whose instance a “national” synod of the Tuscan bishops met at Florence on April 23, 1787. At this point, however, the plan stalled. The temper of this new assembly, like its composition, was wholly different. The bishops refused to allow a voice to any not of their own order, and in the end the decrees of Pistoia were supported by only three bishops.[20] Notwithstanding, as a propaganda tool in an ideological war, the acts of the synod of Pistoia were published in Latin and Italian at Pavia in 1788.

Pope Pius VI commissioned four bishops, assisted by theologians of the secular clergy, to examine the Pistoia resolutions, and deputed a congregation of cardinals and bishops to pass judgment on them. These condemned the synod and declared eighty-five of its propositions to be erroneous and dangerous. The synod’s teachings were finally condemned by the papal bull Auctorem fidei of August 28, 1794.[21] De’ Ricci, deprived of the personal support of the Grand Duke, who had in the meantime become Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II, under pressure from Rome, and threatened with mob violence as a suspected destroyer of holy relics, resigned his see in 1791, and lived in Florence as a private gentleman until his death. In May 1805, upon the return of Pope Pius VII from Paris, he signed an act of submission to papal authority.[22]

“Perhaps the most egregious example of this was in the eighteenth century, when the Synod of Pistoia gathered to reform the Tuscan church, without the authority of the Pope. While the attendees saw themselves as reformers, they ended up proposing a number of heretical Jansenist measures.”[23]

The synodal odyssey continues, hence the preamble and rationale for the document, since His Holiness, Pope Francis has announced and called a collective gathering of the Catholic bishops from around the world to meet in Rome in October 2023 to discuss ‘synodality’.  [24]This is an ancient Greek term which emphasises that the Church is not as a prescriptive, “top-down” hierarchy and institute, but rather as a group of people meeting to discuss and outline a road map for the Catholic Church together, in the future.  It was an ancient idea, and principle which was put into practice by the then Archbishop of Durban, Denis Eugene Hurley[25], born 09th November 1915 and demised 13th  February 2004, who was deeply committed to effect a transformation of the Catholic Church, by pursuing this  infusion of the concept of synodality, whereby the Churches’ edits and day to day operational ethos, as well as holy dispensations, were structured by significant inputs and ideas from the congregants, the lay public.  This paradigm shift was seen as a democratisation of the workings of the Catholic Church, in South Africa, where politically there was no democracy present, at the time in 1967. The Emeritus Archbishop Hurley, in fact, convened the first Catholic Synod in Africa, in “modern times”, for the Archdiocese of Durban in 1967, when the country was ruled in an authoritarian manner by the, then operative, Whites only, apartheid regime in South Africa[26], disenfranchising the majority of the people of the “Rainbow Nation” of South Africa[27], in the words of the great, late Emeritus Anglican Archbishop, Desmond Tutu.[28]  At the time, when people of colour were severely discriminated and marginalized, as it is currently with the Palestinians for over the past 74 years and even historically earlier, in their own occupied country, by the illegal Israeli regime, since 1948.[29]

In order to prepare for this meeting, with His Holiness Pope Francis, who is expected to engage in things differently, the author was invited by the Director Raymond Perrier, of the Denis Hurley Centre, in Durban, South Africa,[30] to make some inputs at the meeting. It is to be noted that while the Synod on Synodality in Rome will mostly be attended by Catholic Bishops, His Holiness has  has said that all ordained Bishops must prepare for this historical meeting, by finding out the  views of the congregants and other religious individuals from different faiths in their diocese, in advance.  Therefore, since the end of 2021, Catholic parishes have been busy meeting, to collate and develop their inputs. In addition, the Chancellor of the Archdiocese, Father Brett,[31] has asked the Denis Hurley Centre to assist in making sure that a full range of voices have the chance to speak, expressing their diverse interfaith views.  In pursuit of acquiring this input, Director Raymond Perrier has invited the author and others to join a small group of people of other faiths, in the greater Durban Functional Region. to voice their inputs.  It is envisaged that there will also be a separate meeting, of a similar nature, for Christians of other denominations, in KwaZulu-Natal, perhaps in association with the KwaZulu-Natal Christian Council[32].

At the scheduled meeting, the participants will be asked their views the following foundational pillars of the Catholic Church:-

  1. How effectively the Catholic Church brings people together as in ‘communion’, to unite with the body of Christ?
  2. How the Catholic Church invites involvement of others in what it does by ‘using the technique of “public participation’?
  3. How it impacts on the world, the ‘mission’ of the Catholic Church, globally, but in particular in Africa, where the concept of “Enculturation” of the Church is paramount, in view of colonial occupations and past oppression of the indigenous citizenry.

It is planned for the interfaith group to engage in discussions, for about an hour, with the objective to make inputs, to be collated in a comprehensive document for the momentous meeting in 2023. Furthermore, there will be face-to-face interactions, in which the participants will be identifiable to the other people in the discussion group, the output of each group will, however, be anonymised prior to finalising a combined submission, from the participants.  The essential objective of this preliminary meeting of the interfaith group is to invite a diverse set of views about the Catholic Church, which would ultimately be fed back to His Holiness the Pope  Francis, himself.  This endeavor from the Holy See is essentially a public consultative process, guiding the Catholic Church in managing the numerous challenges, which, as with all other institutes of God and spirituality are facing unsurmountable challenges in the 21st Century. These impediments will certainly not dissipate but in fact, will definitely worsen.  This initiative by his Holiness, as the author sees it in his humble opinion, as a person and follower of the Islamic faith, is a “21st Century Renaissance”, involving the Catholic Church, globally, as well as in South Africa, imparting to the Church an “aura of democracy” in its workings and interactions with the local communities.

It is also important to discuss the current challenges faced by all institutes of worship, globally.  Places of worship and glorification of the Lord, internationally, across the different faiths, are facing serious challenges.  This is further compounded by the SARS-Cov 2 pandemic, which is  subjecting and progressively decimating, the elderly, church going sector of the community, in the process, with Fifth Wave of the infection, currently causing further issues. These challenges are summarised as follows:-

  1. In some areas in Durban, South Africa, the attendance statistics, even in a highly conservative, orthodox, Jewish community, have dropped so drastically, over the period, that the local Rabbi leadership has elected to deconsecrate the Shul, due to a progressively diminishing numbers of its congregation which have passed on, or relocated to frail care homes.[33]
  2. The massive burden of unemployment has impacted on the weekly Sunday Christian Sabbath[34] income generated from “ reap as you shall sow” church collections. In some Catholic Cathedrals, a second collection is arranged for the congregant to be obliged to contribute to the ever-dwindling Church donations.  Currently, it was observed that the collection boxes are not passed down the aisles, as in the past, but the devotees have to physically get up from their seats and walk across to the deacons, positioned prominently in the front, to make their monetary contributions, directly into the collection boxes, to obviate contributions from any “donation evaders” in the congregation.  This change in the collection format, is a great inconvenience for the infirm and elderly.
  3. The freedom of personal choice for termination of pregnancy at various states of gestation.  At present, the greatest challenge for all religions is the public pressure to succumb to abortions on request by youth.  In strongly Catholic countries there are concerted public campaigns  and vociferous calls for allowing and legalizing abortion on request.  In the authors opinion, this is committing murder, since the foetal heart starts beating 22 days after fertilisation[35], even before the female concerned knows that she is pregnant.  In the past, His Holiness has resisted this pressure and has been steadfast in not condoning this act of foeticide.
  4. Another serious challenge is the concept of same sex marriages.[36] On 01st October 2020 His Holiness, Pope Francis called for the creation of “civil union laws” for same-sex couples in a documentary released today, straying from the Vatican’s traditional position on the topic. The pontiff expressed his clearest support for same-sex civil unions in the documentary “Francesco” that premiered in Rome, the Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported.[37]

Within the film, His Holiness, Pope Francis addressed how pastoral care for those in the LGBTQ community should work, saying “homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family.”

“They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it,” the pope said. “What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered,” Pope Francis added. “I stood up for that.” “Francesco” covers the life and ministry of the pope and premiered as part of the Rome Film Festival. It is scheduled to premiere in North America on Sunday, according to the CNA.[38]

The documentary highlights how Pope Francis approaches social issues, such as advocating for migrants, refugees and the poor and addressing clerical sexual abuse, the role of women and how Catholics and others treat the LGBTQ community. Pope Francis’s direct request for civil unions goes farther than previous pontiffs and is a shift from the Vatican’s viewpoints on the topic.  The CNA reported that the pope said in the 2013 book “On Heaven and Earth” that laws “assimilating” LGBTQ relations to marriage are “an anthropological regression.”

“Francesco” filmmaker Evgeny Afineevsky[39] told CNA that the film is not “about” Pope Francis’s call for civil unions but is instead “about many other global issues.” “I’m looking at him not as the pope, I’m looking at him as a humble human being, great role model to younger generation, leader for the older generation, a leader to many people not in the sense of the Catholic Church, but in the sense of pure leadership, on the ground, on the streets,” the Russian-born filmmaker, who lives in the U.S., said.

Sarah Kate Ellis, the president and CEO of Gay and Lesbian Alliance[40]Against Defamation, said in a statement that the pope “joins millions” in “recognizing that LGBTQ people should be protected, not persecuted.” “This news should send an undeniable message to Catholic families with LGBTQ people that all family members are deserving of acceptance and support,” Ellis said. “Pope Francis’ public approval is a fundamental step forward at a time when LGBTQ acceptance around the world and across religions is expanding and rightfully becoming the norm.”.

The author, then sent an email to His Eminence, Cardinal Wilfrid Napier [41]on Saturday 10/24/2020 6:32 AM[42] expressing serious concerns about the statements released from the Papacy, as follows:-

His Eminence Cardinal Wilfrid Napier (OMI)
Chairperson : Inter Religious Council
Catholic Church South Africa
Our Dearest, His Eminence Cardinal Wilfrid Napier

A good blessed Saturday morning.

Thank you for sending me a copy of the STATEMENT ON THE QUESTION OF CIVIL UNIONS signed by the Very Reverend Archbishop William Slattery, clarifying His Holiness Pope Francis’s statement on same sex “civil unions”.

While I do not wish to become embroiled in matter which I know nothing about, my analysis of the document is as follows:-

  1. His Holiness, Pope Francis is disrespectfully addressed, repeatedly in the document knowing that His Holiness is the Vicegerent of God on Earth and certainly cannot be addressed in common terms, as done in in the document.
  2. Again, with respect, I note a degree of obfuscation in the document and contradiction.
  3. The Holy Church cannot be pressurised by lure of financial support, if the religious laws are compromised.
  4. The Church cannot condone lewdness in the community, as it holds that marriage is a sacrament creating an indissoluble union between one man and one woman and cannot be between two of the Lord’s creations of the same gender. This is not the “Joy of Love” as espoused in the Amoris Laetitia.

I am of the humble opinion that the Catholic Church should consider holding a public debate on the issue and what the scriptures state about the matter, otherwise we all are on a dangerous slide into an abyss of serious moral degeneration.

I trust I have NOT offended His Eminence with my thoughts on the matter, which are based on Abrahamic religious doctrines, which I fully subscribe to and support.

Take care, we pray that the Lord guides us all and protects all His creations from lewdness. In Him we place our complete trust, for He knows best and He is most beneficial as well as most merciful.

God bless us all
Thank you, take care and keep safe
Kind regards
Hoosen Vawda

Regrettably no response was received from the Cardinal.

The author also dispatched an e-mail on, Monday, 26th October 2020 at 16:30[43]  to Reverend Archbishop William Slattery [44]to seek clarification on the stance of His Holiness.  The e-mail was as follows;-

Please forgive me for sending the Archbishop, a hurried e-mail containing a link to a report I received in the TMS peace journal, I subscribe to, weekly, little expecting a response from the Archbishop’s Office, so expediently.  This is most welcoming and greatly appreciated by an insignificant, lesser mortal.  I attach a copy for the Archbishop’s reference, if I may.

On 21st October I heard the media release the information that, His Holiness Pope Francis, has given His approval for same sex “civil unions”, which I found greatly unsettling.

Please excuse my ignorance, but the Holy Bible refers to homosexuality in Biblical times and demonstrates the total destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, by brimstone and fire, due to “lewdness” being practised at the time, which my interpretation leads me to conclude that the citizenry there, were involved in alternate sexual behavioural patterns. I was therefore disturbed that His Holiness, Pope Francis has apparently condoned homosexuality in a manner of speaking.  Since then I am confused and asking for answers from the most merciful Lord.  Today I realised the existence of the Reverend Archbishop Slattery and he has given me the clarification I was seeking.

As the Archbishop might have correctly concluded, that the Catholic Church cannot condone lewdness in the community, as it holds that marriage is a sacrament creating an indissoluble union between one man and one woman and cannot be between two of the Lord’s creations of the same gender.  This is not the “Joy of Love” as espoused in the Amoris Laetitia.

I am of the humble opinion that the Catholic Church should consider holding a public debate on the issue and what the scriptures state about the matter, otherwise we all are on a dangerous slide into an abyss of serious moral degeneration.

I trust I have NOT offended the pious Archbishop with my thoughts on the matter, which are based on Abrahamic religious doctrines, which I fully subscribe to and support.

Take care, we pray that the Lord guides us all and protects all His creations from lewdness. In Him we place our complete trust, for He knows best and He is most beneficial as well as most merciful.

God bless the Archbishop and his congregation

I trust that the Archbishop does not mind a sinner corresponding with your Office, in your busy schedule

Thank you most sincerely and keep safe
Kind regards
Hoosen Vawda

However, the response was “Thank you.  The quote regarding belonging to a family was spliced in from another context where the Pope advised parents to accept their children and not send them away if they happened to be gay etc”[45].  In the author’s opinion this response appears to be an attempt at damage control, for the statement made in the Catholic News Agency publication, in relation to the statement made in the documentary by His Holiness, referenced above.

The basis of His Holiness Pope Francis’s Statement on “Civil Unions”

  1. Another challenge to the Catholic church is the forceful removal of indigenous children by the Catholic Church from North American Indians, in Canada, the Maoris in New Zealand and the Aborigines in Australia. early in the 20th The discovery of hundreds of graves of indigenous children were unearthed in Canada in September 2021,[46] has created a poor public image of the Catholic Church, which is now trying to recoup its “lost flock” by synodal processes, which are in themselves, not according to the Lord’s law.  This sad saga of the Catholic Church, forgetting the horrors of the Crusades in the Middle East, as well as the Inquisitions in Goa,[47] Spain and Portugal, where thousands of indigenous citizens, including Jews, Muslims and Hindus were tortured, maimed and murdered all in the name of religions.
  2. An extremely serious challenge is the confirmed, sexual abuse by Catholic Clergy, globally, which is apparently ongoing and several senior clergies have been indicted in first world countries. While the details are extremely unsettling, in view of the regular “cover ups”, the indictment and imprisonment of Cardinal George Pell in Australia in 2018, in a case in point, noting that he was a former treasurer of the Vatican.[48]

The proposed synodal approach from the Vatican, that I as a non-Catholic, non-Christian expresses these sentiments, with deep concern, which are made advisedly, in good faith and in the best interests of upholding the principles of Divine Scriptures of the Abrahamic faiths which have been revealed.  The Torah to Prophet Moses PBUH,  The Old Testament to Prophet Jesus PBUH and the Quran to Prophet Muhammad PBUH, all, as clear codes of conduct to His creations of humanoids, so that they may subscribe to and follow these holy books as commands from the Lord of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and many other prophets, over the millennia.  His Holiness the Pope is, according to Catholicism,  the Vicegerent of the Lord on Earth and he is totally obliged and fully committed to dispense the Lord’s commands, without any question or modifications, involving the Synod for opinions on the matter, in a democratic manner.  This is an extremely dangerous innovation, based on world, community pressure and it will not only spell the  doom of the Catholic Church, but will certainly result in the total adulteration of the gospel and formation of sub-denominations within the Church, in its entirety.  One only has to remember and examine the attitude adopted by King Henry VIII, when he elected to form his own Church, after he was excommunicated by the Pope.  In the process, on 31st August 1535, Pope Paul III made the break between the English state church and the Roman Catholic Church conclusive, when he excommunicated England’s King Henry VIII, resulting in Pope Paul III, losing[49] his powers over England and Sir Thomas More, on the 6th July 1535, King Henry VIII’s former friend and Lord Chancellor, was executed on Tower Hill, losing his head.[50]  This death by beheading, was a last minute gesture of mercy, demonstrated by King Henry VIII, who originally sentenced the Lord chancellor to burning at the stake.

The Bottom Line is that the concept of “synodality” has been a topic of frequent discussion by Pope Francis, particularly during the previous ordinary Synod of Bishops on young people, the faith, and vocational discernment in October 2018.[51]  Synodality, as defined by the International Theological Commission in 2018, is “the action of the Spirit in the communion of the Body of Christ and in the missionary journey of the People of God.”[52] Pope Francis told the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s theological commission in November that synodality will be key for the Church in the future. “Synodality is a style, it is a walk together, and it is what the Lord expects from the Church of the third millennium,” Pope Francis said 29th November 2021[53]. His Holiness stressed that “synodality is an ecclesial journey that has a soul that is the Holy Spirit.” “The practice of synodality, traditional but always to be renewed, is the implementation in the history of the People of God on the way, of the Church as a mystery of communion, in the image of the Trinitarian communion,” His Holiness said.

The interpretation of the statements made by His Holiness as the custodian of the largest Christian Church could be made in multiple ways, which will certainly confuse the devout.  This will also have a profound impact on the other faiths of the Abrahamic religions which are firmly bound by the respective scriptures, The Old Testament, which forms the basis of Christianity, The Torah which is the foundation of Judaism and the Quran which is a divine doctrine in Islam, in a covenant with the Lord. Should the Pope endeavour to change these divine doctrines to cater for the religion of the “Third Millennium” and allow for the accommodation of totally unacceptable practices, most probably to cater for the mass exodus of “His Flock” from the Catholic Churches, globally, then His Holiness is on a collision path with the heart and very foundation of the Abrahamic faiths, in general but specifically Catholicism, which is already battered with the aforementioned challenges. It is to be remembered that the dwindling congregational attendances has also impacted on the finances of the Catholic Church, in general, internationally, which is the fundamental reason to initiate these drastic changes within the Holy See.

The author respectfully suggests that, rather than the Pope approach the multiple challenges by the mechanism of Synodal inputs, His Holiness should concentrate the collective efforts and influence of the Vatican in attending to the following global problems, which would not only benefit the Catholic Church but the entire humanity in the future and earn the Vatican much needed international respect and esteem, which has been progressively eroded away with the numerous scandals, which has rocked the Catholic Church, in recent times:

  1. Be a peace imitator and diffuser of global tensions, rather than be a partisan and not maintain neutrality, as in the case of the Ukrainian war, in its 100 day, at present.[54]
  2. Attend to the scientifically documented Climate Catastrophe issues, from a religious perspective. Perhaps, as the Islamic followers should stop burning incense, the Catholic Church should cease  lighting candles, to collectively reduce the carbon footprints of the Christian church.  This issue was raised by the author previously and reported[55]
  3. Discourage pursuit of materialism, noting that the Catholic Church is extreme well blessed, financially, by the Lord.
  4. Facilitate the liberation of voiceless Palestinians, from oppressive Israel forces, who are killing the youth, demolishing their homes and occupying their land, on which issues, the Catholic Church, even in South Africa is absolutely silent. The current, Catholic Chairperson of the KwaZulu-Natal Inter Religious Council in South Africa, is not willing to discuss these issues, even at the inter religious meetings, after specific requests for tabling of documents by the author, for the meetings were denied, twice. In pursuit of the above listed endeavors numerous e-mails were sent to the two different Chairs of the KwaZulu-Natal Inter Religious Councils, who elected not to respond, to the very polite and specific e-mails, requesting  official statement from the Council condemning the killings of American-Palestinian Journalists, Ms Shireeen Abu Akleh, a Catholic Christian on 11th May 2022[56], as well as the mass shootings in Buffalo, of ten African Americans[57], by a racist white supremacist, in the United States on 14th May 2022, but also actively suppressed the author’s e-mails from being tabled at their two meetings, of the Inter Religious Council, for discussions by the members.  The relevant e-mails are available on request from the author.
  5. Participate in the alleviation of the alleged persecution of the Uighurs by the Chinese, the discrimination by the government of India against the Muslims and oppression of Indigenous peoples of Latin Americas, by the industrialists.
  6. The Xenophobia in USA against Asians [58]and in South Africa against foreigners[59]
  7. The Catholic Church has not issued any statements condemning the killing of journalists worldwide, whatsoever. The silence of the Catholic Church is notable, in the case of the targeted assassinations of Journalist by Israel Defence Force in Occupied West Bank[60],[61] and in Mexico, Somalia, and in 2018 even on the island of Malta, where a journalist was killed in a car bomb attack by a syndicate of crime bosses and corrupt government officials in 2018.[62]

Essentially, His Holiness cannot amend the, “Religious Doctrines which are divinely ordained and not created by humanoids in a democratic manner, using the process of Synodality” [63]


[i] Personal quote by the author May 2022







[7] Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1911). “Synod of Pistoia” . Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 12. New York: Robert Appleton Company.

[8] One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). “Pistoia, Synod of”. Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 21 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 653–654.








[16] Carraud, Vincent (21 January 2008) [20 June 2007]. “Le jansénisme” [Jansenism]. Bibliothèque électronique de Port-Royal (lecture) (in French). Société des Amis de Port-Royal. ISSN 1776-0755


[18] oon Quaghebeur, “The Reception of Unigenitus in the Faculty of Theology at Louvain, 1713-1719”, Catholic Historical Review 93/2 (2007), pp. 265-299.




[22] “Pistoia, Synod of”. Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 21 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 653–654.




















[42] Personal e-mail sent to His Eminence Cardinal Wilfrid Napier Sat 10/24/2020 6:32 AM.

[43] Personal e-mail sent by author to Mon, 26 Oct 2020 at 16:30 to Reverend Archbishop William Slattery.


[45] Response from the Reverend Archbishop William Slattery Mon 10/26/2020 7:41 PM


















[63] Quotation by the author 03rd  June 2022


Professor G. Hoosen M. Vawda (Bsc; MBChB; PhD.Wits) is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment.
Director: Glastonbury Medical Research Centre; Community Health and Indigent Programme Services; Body Donor Foundation SA.

Principal Investigator: Multinational Clinical Trials
Consultant: Medical and General Research Ethics; Internal Medicine and Clinical Psychiatry:UKZN, Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine
Executive Member: Inter Religious Council KZN SA
Public Liaison: Medical Misadventures
Activism: Justice for All

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 6 Jun 2022.

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