Articles by Marjorie Cohn

We found 16 results.

Planetary Cancer: US Militarism a Lead Driver of Climate Catastrophe
Marjorie Cohn | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2024

13 Sep 2024 – Washington’s military interventions are not just wars on people — they’re also wars on the planet’s climate.

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Listen to the Students!
Marjorie Cohn | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2024

8 May 2024 – Hopefully, the political movement on US college campuses will be a game changer in stopping Israel’s U.S.-backed genocide in Gaza.

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Nicaragua’s Case against Germany Arming Israel
Marjorie Cohn | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Apr 2024

18 Apr 2024 – Unlike Washington, Berlin — Israel’s second-largest arms supplier — has consented to full jurisdiction of the ICJ so it is an easier target for Nicaragua’s lawsuit.

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Beyond the US Veto: UN Options to Protect Gaza
Marjorie Cohn | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jan 2024

29 Dec 2023 – Any party to the Genocide Convention can submit the matter to the World Court, which could make a finding of genocide. The General Assembly also has an option left.

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The Iinternational Criminal Court’s Selective Prosecution
Marjorie Cohn | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2023

29 Mar 2023 – The ICC’s double standard in the treatment of Ukraine and Palestine is largely due to political coercion by the U.S., which isn’t even a party to the court’s Rome Statute.

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‘Cleansing’ Palestinians from Palestine
Marjorie Cohn | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2023

13 Feb 2023 – Israel’s new extremist regime — the most anti-Palestinian in history — seems to be aiming at incorporating all of the occupied Palestinian territories into Israel.

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ICC Wanted to Investigate Israeli War Crimes–Now It’s Caving to US Pressure
Marjorie Cohn | ScheerPost - TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2023

17 Dec 2022 – Two years after launching an investigation of war crimes in Palestine, the International Criminal Court is still dragging its feet.

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Israel Authorizes Military to Kill Palestinians with Drones in West Bank
Marjorie Cohn | Popular Resistance - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2022

15 Oct 2022 – Commanders of the Israeli Occupying Forces have been authorized to use armed drones to kill Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. Journalists who report the truth about Israel’s crimes incur the risk of being fired or even assassinated. Neither Israel nor the U.S. government and its corporate media will tolerate any criticism of the illegal Israeli occupation.

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Trump’s Harsh Sanctions Lead to Iran-China Partnership
Marjorie Cohn | Popular Resistance - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jul 2020

15 Jul 2020 – China and Iran have drafted a “sweeping economic and security partnership.” China will get a regular supply of Iranian oil for the next 25 years and an expanded role in Iranian banking, ports, railways, telecommunications and other projects. They will also increase their military cooperation. This is the result of Trump’s sanctions against Iran and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, favors the partnership.

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ICC Tribunal Declares Trump and Duterte Guilty of Crimes against Humanity
Prof. Marjorie Cohn – Global Research, 18 Mar 2019

17 Mar 2019 – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and his government committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, aided and abetted by U.S. President Donald Trump and his administration, according to a recent ruling from the International Peoples’ Tribunal on the Philippines.

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Pentagon to Allow Nuclear Response to Non-Nuclear Attacks
Prof. Marjorie Cohn – Global Research, 26 Feb 2018

8 Feb 2018 – For the first time, the new NPR states that the United States could use nuclear weapons in response to non-nuclear attacks, including cyberattacks, in “extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States, its allies and partners.” This new strategy opens the door to first-use of nuclear weapons, which is prohibited under international law.

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BDS: Non-Violent Resistance to Israeli Occupation
Marjorie Cohn – Common Dreams, 31 Mar 2014

Thanks to Scarlett Johansson, the American Studies Association and Benjamin Netanyahu, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has entered our national discourse. Unless and until Israel ends its brutal occupation of Palestinian lands, grants full equality to all its people, and recognizes the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their land, the non-violent BDS movement will continue to grow and cripple the Israeli economy.

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“Big Brother Is Watching You”. Beyond Orwell’s Worst Nightmare
Marjorie Cohn - Global Research, 3 Feb 2014

“Big Brother is Watching You,” George Orwell wrote in his disturbing book 1984. But, as Mikko Hypponen points out, Orwell “was an optimist.” Orwell never could have imagined that the National Security Agency (NSA) would amass metadata on billions of our phone calls and 200 million of our text messages every day.

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(Português) A Rara Coragem de Bradley Manning
Marjorie Cohn, CounterCurrents – Carta Maior, 4 Mar 2013

As ações de Bradley Manning fazem lembrar o que fez Daniel Ellsberg, que divulgou os “Papéis do Pentágono”, no qual se expunham as mentiras do governo dos EUA e que apressaram o fim da Guerra do Vietname.

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An All-Clear for Bush’s Torturers
Marjorie Cohn – Comsortium News, 10 Sep 2012

Even as Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu urges a war-crimes trial for George Bush and Tony Blair for invading Iraq, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder gives an all-clear to Bush’s subordinates for homicides that resulted from torture in Afghanistan and Iraq, a repudiation of U.S. law and principles.

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Marjorie Cohn, Jurist, 11 Feb 2009

Jurist Contributing Editor Marjorie Cohn of Thomas Jefferson School of Law says that instead of leaving the door open for the CIA to continue to engage in the rendition of terrorism suspects to other countries so long as the process is somehow handled "humanely", the Obama administration should end renditions altogether and prosecute those who […]

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