Articles by Neil Clark – Russia Today

We found 3 results.

Slave Markets in ‘Liberated’ Libya and the Silence of the Humanitarian Hawks
Neil Clark – Russia Today, 4 Dec 2017

1 Dec 2017 – The reports that black Africans are being sold at slave markets in ‘liberated’ Libya for as little as $400 is a terrible indictment of the so-called ‘humanitarian intervention’ carried out by NATO to topple the government of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. Libya was transformed by NATO from the country with the highest Human Development Index in the whole of Africa in 2009 into a lawless hell-hole, with rival governments, warlords and terror groups fighting for control of the country.

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The Ghouta Chemical Attack and the Unraveling of Ankara’s Official Story
Neil Clark – Russia Today, 4 Jan 2016

Turkish MP Eren Erdem has told RT that Islamic State terrorists, then going under the name of Iraqi Al-Qaeda, received all the necessary materials to produce deadly sarin gas via Turkey. Erdem, who is now being charged with treason for his comments, revealed that an investigation by Turkish police was started but then the case was closed, and all the suspects were released near the Turkish/Syrian border. He accused the Turkish authorities of a high-level cover up.

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Mother Agnes and the ‘Liberal’ Hawks Out to Silence Her
Neil Clark – Russia Today, 25 Nov 2013

Owen Jones and Jeremy Scahill unfortunately bowed to the pressure, and said that they would withdraw from the conference if Mother Agnes was also on the platform. At the weekend Stop the War announced that Mother Agnes had withdrawn from the conference. Her dignified, graceful letter to Stop the War was in sharp contrast to the nastiness of the attacks made on her by her accusers.

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