Articles by Immanuel Wallerstein

We found 13 results.

Colombia: A Bright Light for Peace Is Extinguished
Immanuel Wallerstein | Toward Freedom – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2016

Frankly, I do not see any way the peace accord can be saved. Colombia is now like all the other areas of unending conflict. The chaotic world situation continues unabated in what I remind you is the struggle to decide on the successor system to the capitalist system that is now in systemic crisis.

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The Possibilities of Anti-Austerity Politics: A Spanish Drama
Immanuel Wallerstein – Toward Freedom, 9 May 2016

Is there any way that any government is able to maintain an anti-austerity policy in the middle run, amidst the pressures that reduced government real revenues are imposing on states throughout the world? As this drama plays out in Spain, the world will be watching, reacting, and drawing lessons.

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Free-Trade Treaties Are Anti-Free Trade
Immanuel Wallerstein - Toward Freedom, 24 Aug 2015

So-called free-trade treaties are about managing the protectionist interests of the various parties to these treaties. Whatever they do, the results are anti-free trade. To understand what is going on, we have to start with that, and evaluate any proposal with that in mind.

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Geopolitics Is a Fluid Game: Negotiations and Their Enemies
Immanuel Wallerstein – Toward Freedom, 18 May 2015

We must always remember that geopolitics is a fluid game, and most particularly in this time of structural crisis of the modern world-system with its chaotic and rapid swings in all arenas, not least in geopolitical alignments.

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Multiculturalism and Its Dilemmas
Immanuel Wallerstein – Toward Freedom, 2 Mar 2015

And then there are in-migrations of wealthy persons from the Global North into zones where they buy out the desirable land, raise costs generally, and force groups that had been previously there into marginal existences. This is now happening around the globe in zones that are climatically more desirable.

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Why NATO Is a Danger to World Peace
Immanuel Wallerstein - Toward Freedom, 24 Nov 2014

NATO and what it symbolizes today represents a severe danger because it represents the claim of western countries to interfere everywhere in the name of western interpretations of geopolitical realities.

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France’s Aggressive Foreign Policy
Immanuel Wallerstein – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Feb 2014

France led the way to intervene in Libya, has pushed the hardest line of all Western powers on Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and has intervened unilaterally in Mali. Hollande was received as a hero in Israel because of his hard line on negotiations with Syria and with Iran. And now France has sent troops to try to restore order in the Central African Republic.

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(Português) Como Era Tranquilo Mover Fábricas…
Immanuel Wallerstein – Outras Palavras, 6 May 2013

Por séculos, capitalismo espalhou indústrias, trabalho assalariado e poluição pelo mundo, fugindo de salários altos. Esta ciranda está no fim.

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(Portuguese) Retirada dos EUA e Derrota no Iraque
Immanuel Wallerstein –, 14 Nov 2011

A retirada marca o culminar da derrota americana no Iraque, apenas comparável à derrota dos Estados Unidos no Vietname. Ninguém se deve surpreender se, depois das próximas eleições no Iraque, o primeiro-ministro for Moqtada al-Sadr. Nem os Estados Unidos nem o Irão vão rejubilar.

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(Portuguese) Israel: O Tsunami Que Está a Chegar
Immanuel Wallerstein, – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jul 2011

Os palestinianos estão a trabalhar para obter o reconhecimento formal da sua soberania na reunião de Outono da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas. A sua intenção é solicitar uma declaração de que o Estado existe dentro das fronteiras de 1967, anteriores à guerra israelo-palestiniana. É quase certo que a votação será favorável. A única questão, no momento, é quão favorável.

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Immanuel Wallerstein - ZNet, 17 Mar 2010

On the occasion of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT, the Workers’ Party) in Brazil, the principal independent left newspaper, Brasil de Fato, published interviews with four leading left intellectuals in Brazil. All four were once active in the PT, indeed among its founders. Three of […]

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Immanuel Wallerstein - ZNet, 2 Feb 2010

When the United States first realized circa 1970 that its hegemonic dominance was being threatened by the growing economic (and hence geopolitical) strength of western Europe and Japan, it changed its posture, seeking to prevent western Europe and Japan from taking too independent a position in world affairs. The United States said in effect, although […]

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Immanuel Wallerstein, 26 Jan 2009

O Estado de Israel proclamou a sua independência à meia-noite de 15 de Maio de 1948. As Nações Unidas tinham aprovado o estabelecimento de dois estados no território que fora a Palestina sob mandato britânico. A cidade de Jerusalém devia supostamente ser uma zona internacional sob jurisdição da ONU. A resolução da ONU tinha amplo […]

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