Articles by Prensa Latina
We found 9 results.
(Castellano) Tribunal popular juzga a EEUU y pide libertad para Assange
Prensa Latina - TRANSCEND Media Service,
25 Oct 2021
25 Oct 2021 – Un tribunal popular condenó hoy aquí a Estados Unidos por crímenes de guerra cometidos en nombre de la lucha contra el terrorismo, y exigió la liberación del fundador de WikiLeaks Julian Assange. La vista simbólica fue organizada a una semana de que la justicia británica escuche la apelación presentada a extraditar al periodista australiano.
→ read full articlePeople’s Court Tries US and Asks for Assange’s Freedom
Prensa Latina | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service,
25 Oct 2021
25 Oct 2021 – A people’s court here today condemned the United States for war crimes committed in the name of the fight against terrorism, and demanded the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The symbolic hearing was organised a week before the British judiciary hears an appeal by US prosecutors to extradite the Australian journalist.
→ read full articleSpanish Jurist Denounces US Political Harassment against Assange
Prensa Latina - TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Aug 2020
27 Jul 2020 – Spanish jurist Baltasar Garzon denounced that Australian journalist Julian Assange is the victim of political persecution by the United States. As the coordinator of Assange’s international defense, Garzon testified as an injured witness, having also been a victim of surveillance by the Spanish company UC Global.
→ read full articleHistoric Peace Accord for Colombia Is Signed in Havana
Prensa Latina – TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 Sep 2016
25 Aug 2016 – After nearly four years of talks, delegations from the FARC-EP and the Colombian government have signed a final agreement in Havana for a political solution to the armed conflict in the South American country.
→ read full articleFrench Scholar Denounces Coup Attempt in Venezuela
Prensa Latina – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Feb 2014
The current violent actions taking place in Venezuela are a troubling reminder of events in April 2002, which turned out to be an attempted coup against President Hugo Chavez, Professor Salim Lamrani charged today [21 Feb 2014].
→ read full articleChina Ready to Work with CELAC
Prensa Latina – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Feb 2014
China declared today [7 Feb 2014] to be ready to work with the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States to establish, before the end of 2014, the common forum approved at the recent summit of the regional body held in Havana.
→ read full articleFidel Castro Calls for LatAm Unity in Opposition to FTA
Prensa Latina – TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 Jan 2012
The leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, called for Latin American unity in opposition to the Free Trade Agreements (FTA), sponsored by the United States in the region.
Prensa Latina – Pravda,
5 Apr 2010
Agora que os Estados Unidos e seus aliados, em sua campanha midiática contra Cuba, se proclamam defensores da vida humana, os cubanos recordam que isso pode ser desmentido, entre outras coisas, pelas 640 tentativas de assassinar Fidel Castro. Não é segredo para ninguém que este insólito número de atentados contra a vida do dirigente de […]
Prensa Latina,
10 Apr 2009
Chimoré (Cochabamba) 10/Abril/09 – Segundo o diário Los Tiempos outros centros desse tipo estão sendo construídos nos povoados de Warisata (La Paz) e em Machareti (Chuquisaca). Aguilar explicou à estatal Rádio Pátria Nova que a cerimônia central se realizará em Chimoré mas que as universidades de Warisata e Macharetí estarão unidas em uma teleconferência. Segundo […]
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