Articles by Haiti Action Committee

We found 37 results.

Protest New Invasion of Haiti by US-backed Kenyan Police Force
Haiti Action Committee - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jul 2024

9 Jul 2024, 5 pm, San Francisco, CA – Protest the New Invasion of Haiti by US-backed Kenyan Police Force * Protest the Murderous Repression in Kenya by the same Police Force

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Global Solidarity on Haiti’s Flag Day to Stop Foreign Intervention
Haiti Action Committee | CounterPunch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2024

13 Jun 2024 – May 18 marked Haitian Flag Day, commemorating the day in 1803 when Jean-Jacques Dessalines declared independence and created the Haitian flag. Flag Day signifies Haitian sovereignty and commemorates ancestors who died fighting for freedom.

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Fanmi Lavalas on Haiti
Maryse Narcisse | Haiti Action Committee - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Apr 2024

16 Apr 2024 – Despite the insecurity and the gangs threatening people in poor neighborhoods, the struggle continues. This war has not weakened the determination of the population and will not succeed in making them accept the unacceptable. To succeed in the struggle for the development of our country, we must question the models and habits inherited from the colonial system.

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Horror and Hope in Haiti after 20 Years of Occupation
Haiti Action Committee - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2024

6 Apr 2024 – The immediate crisis in Haiti goes back to the 29 Feb 2004 coup against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and the imposition of occupation forces, first by the US, France and Canada, then by a larger UN force, dubbed MINUSTAH, which, while overseeing the police, participated in several documented massacres, and introduced cholera in 2010.

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Haiti Action Committee Condemns Massacres at Bele
Haiti Action Committee - TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2023

According to witnesses and media reports, members of the G9 federation of gangs/death-squads armed with assault rifles launched an all-out attack against these neighborhoods, shooting residents, burning down their homes – some with the occupants inside, including a mother and child and others who were not able to escape.

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Haiti: “The Truth Speaks for Itself”
Robert Roth | Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Mar 2023

With a defunded health care system, Haiti is once again confronting a cholera epidemic.  Food insecurity threatens 5 million people, including 2.4 million children, in a country of 12 million. Government-supported paramilitary groups continue to terrorize opposition neighborhoods, with kidnappings at an all time high. These crises have their roots in the 2004 coup and the subsequent imposition of foreign occupation, coordinated through the UN. 

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Haiti: Statement from Fanmi Lavalas
Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2022

28 Oct 2022 – Haiti Action Committee is honored to circulate this statement from Fanmi Lavalas, the people’s party of Haiti. As threats of a new foreign invasion ramp up, Lavalas states, in the clearest terms, the need for continued popular mobilization to produce a genuine Haitian solution to the crisis. We hope you will read it and circulate it widely.

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Haiti: Fanmi Lavalas Position Statement
Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Aug 2021

31 Jul 2021 – Since the electoral coup d’etat, Haiti has been experiencing progressively worse conditions: repression, corruption, kidnappings, gangs spreading terror by massacring working-class neighborhoods, burning down their homes and forcing people to flee.

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Building Solidarity with Haiti’s Popular Movement
Robert Roth | Haiti Action Committee - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jul 2021

It is imperative that we respect the people’s aspirations for progress and for a just society. It is paramount that we stand in solidarity with the people’s protests demanding a new form of state. The nation deserves a new system that is more in harmony with the dreams of our founders, a new vision of the republic rooted in justice, transparency and participation.

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From Haiti to Palestine: One Struggle/One Fight
Haiti Action Committee - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 May 2021

A powerful eulogy given by Antoine Izméry in May 1992 for his younger brother, Georges. They were Palestinian-Haitians, both assassinated by U.S.-backed death squads following the U.S.-orchestrated coup in 1991 that overthrew the democratically elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. 

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A Call for Solidarity with Haiti
Haiti Action Committee - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Apr 2021

17 Mar 2021 – This statement, written by Haiti Action Committee and signed by over 60 organizations, commemorates the 10th anniversary of the return to Haiti of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and First Lady Mildred Aristide. It calls for support of the resistance by the Haitian people to the US-backed dictatorship of Jovenel Moise, and provides concrete ways for progressive-minded people to take action in solidarity with Haiti.

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Haiti: Fanmi Lavalas Statement Sep 2020
Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Nov 2020

Demanding an end to the dictatorial regime of Jovenel Moise, Fanmi Lavalas calls for a transitional government of broad national unity to address the urgent needs of the population and to create the conditions for truly free and fair elections.

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Stop the Massacres in Haiti; End U.S. and UN Support for the Criminal Regime of Jovenel Moise
Haiti Action Committee | Resumen - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Oct 2020

6 Oct 2020 – The human rights crisis under the US-backed dictatorship of Jovenel Moise has continued to widen and deepen with the proliferation of “Tonton Macoutes” style death squad repression across the country.

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A Message from the Peasant Organizations in Haiti
Haiti Action Committee | Malaika H Kambon - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2020

31 May 2020, Port-au-Prince – Haiti Action Committee is honored to distribute this message of solidarity  from peasant organization in Haiti. It was translated from the original Kreyol version, illustrated below. As the signers to clearly state, “Hand in hand, let’s struggle together to eradicate racism and injustice.”

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Haiti: Fanmi Lavalas Message on Coronavirus Pandemic
Fanmi Lavalas | Haiti Action Committee - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 May 2020

23 Apr 2020 – Fanmi Lavalas sends greetings to Haitians here and abroad during this coronavirus pandemic and takes this opportunity to be in solidarity with all the victims and their families. After the earthquake, hurricanes and floods, the coronavirus pandemic has hit the country at a time when misery, hunger, insecurity and unemployment are already disastrous.

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Resisting COVID-19 in Haiti
Pierre Labossiere | Haiti Action Committee -TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Apr 2020

The struggle against the coronavirus is a world-wide fight. It demands that we stand in solidarity with each other, across all borders. Despite the lack of coverage, the people of Haiti are confronting a dual crisis. Their struggle against a corrupt and repressive system and now COVID-19 demands strong advocacy and support. It is essential that we see their struggle as our own.

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The Final Chapter Has Still Not Been Written: Remembering the 2004 Coup in Haiti
Robert Roth | Haiti Action Committee - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Mar 2020

On February 29, 2004, the democratically elected government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti was overthrown by a violent coup.  This was the second U.S.-sponsored coup against a popularly elected Aristide government, the first one taking place in 1991 after he had served only eight months in office. 

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Haiti Ten Years after the Earthquake
Resumen | Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Feb 2020

10 Feb 2020 – January 12 marked 10 years since the 2010 earthquake in Haiti that killed more than 300,000 people and left an estimated 1.3 million more homeless. Much of the greater Port-au-Prince region laid in ruins, including the presidential palace, 17 of 19 ministries, and many schools and hospitals. Entire neighborhoods leveled, power outages, roads blocked with rubble, some still not removed. The United States government militarized the emergency aid. They sent in thousands of troops to provide “security,” when Haitians needed food, water, and medical care.

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Human Rights Team Finds US-Backed Haitian Government Culpable in Lasalin Massacre
Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2019

8 Jul 2019 – Haiti Action Committee together with the National Lawyers Guild is releasing a new report The Lasalin Massacre and the Human Rights Crisis in Haiti about the Nov 2018 massacre. U.S. support for the Moise government includes millions of dollars to fund and train the Haitian National Police despite its well-documented participation in brutality, killings of unarmed protesters, arbitrary arrests, torture, extrajudicial killings, and massacres such as the Lasalin massacre.

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Haiti’s Market Women Resist Global Forces
Leslie Mullin | Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2019

April 2019 – Haiti’s market system is at the heart of the nation. It is the backbone of the economy, as well as “the center: social, political and economic life rolled together.” Most trade is in the hands of women. In trying to make a life for themselves, market women confront foreign policy-makers, a hostile government and big business interests out to undermine the economic power represented by these resourceful women traders.

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The Lasalin Massacre in Haiti
Vladimir Durace | Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Apr 2019

Was it an accidental event, a fight between rival gangs to control an area, or a calculated and planned political act?

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Stand with the People’s Uprising in Haiti
Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Mar 2019

25 Feb 2019 – Statement in Solidarity with the Popular Uprising in Haiti – This February marks the 15th anniversary of the 2004 coup d’état that ousted the democratically elected government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. In these fifteen years, the Haitian popular movement has refused to be silenced, in spite of the kidnapping and forced exile of President Aristide and his wife and colleague, Mildred Trouillot Aristide, a subsequent UN military occupation, continuous and deadly repression against peaceful protestors, and a rigged electoral system.

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(Français) Haiti : Crise et Solution
Fanmi Lavalas | Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Dec 2018

Il existe une grave crise dans la société haïtienne contemporaine, dans laquelle les masses de notre peuple s’opposent à une oligarchie déterminée à perpétuer un système d’exclusion.

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Haiti: Crisis and Resolution
Fanmi Lavalas | Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Dec 2018

There is a grave crisis in contemporary Haitian society, in which the masses of our people are opposing an oligarchy determined to perpetuate a system of exclusion.

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Puerto Rico: Disaster Colonialism Strikes Again
Judith Mirkinson | Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2018

Disaster capitalism? Shock Doctrine? Whatever you want to call it. For Haiti, it was the 2010 earthquake. For Puerto Rico, it’s the recent 2017 mega-hurricane Maria… The lessons already learned by the popular movements in both places will be invaluable. The resistance and organization of the Puerto Rican and Haitian people—and the solidarity that they receive—will have a great impact on the outcome.

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Internationalism and the Colonial Challenges Facing Haiti and Venezuela
Jeanette Charles | Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jul 2018

Colonialism explains why UN forces implicated in mass rape, human trafficking rings, and the cholera epidemic continue to occupy Haiti. It is the driving force behind former US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s tour throughout the Caribbean, intimidating, threatening, and bribing states to vote at the OAS in favor of foreign intervention in Venezuela. Colonialism has cultivated the root of complex political, economic, and sociocultural relationships between the states, peoples, and grassroots movements of Venezuela and Haiti.

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UNIFA, the University of the Aristide Foundation in Haiti
Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Nov 2017

August 2017 – A Message from the Friends of UNIFA submitted by TRANSCEND, HAC member Marilyn Langlois. – The University of the Aristide Foundation is a high quality, multidiscipline, accredited university taught by Haitian and international professors prominent in their fields.

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How the United States Crippled Haiti’s Rice Industry
Leslie Mullin | Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Oct 2017

The story of Haitian rice begins in Africa, where rice has sustained African peoples for centuries. Rice was so basic to the West African diet that it was an essential provision on slave ships, accompanying captive Africans to Brazil, the Caribbean and the southern United States. Today, testament to 10 million souls kidnapped from their homeland, every region touched by the African diaspora has its own unique version of rice and beans.

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Haiti in Crisis: What Next after the Stolen Election?
Robert Roth | Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Oct 2017

MINUSTAH, which has functioned as a colonial overseer since the 2004 coup, is set to scale down its operation, but will remain in Haiti as United Nations Mission For Justice Support. MINUJUSTH will consist of 1185 police officers, and will continue to train and support the Haitian National Police – the same police that beat, tear-gassed and shot pro-democracy protesters during the last electoral cycle.

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Haiti 2017: From Demonstration Election to Electoral Coup
Charlie Hinton | Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Feb 2017

Haiti moves into 2017 with a “president” who would never have won an honest election. A tiny number of ruling families backed by the United States, Canada, and France, operating through a United Nations military occupation, has imposed an imperial ruler on an unwilling population through a process they call an “election.” Everyone in Haiti knows this, but outside we don’t.

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The People of Haiti Are Under Attack as They Fight for Their Liberation!
Pierre Labossiere | Haiti Action Committee – San Francisco Bay View, 5 Dec 2016

30 Nov 2016 – The following is a compilation of two breaking news reports that have come in from Haiti within the past two days. Even as we speak, bullets are flying and people are dying in the streets. The presidential elections on Nov. 20 were a repeat of the October 2015 fraudulent elections.

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Haiti Rises: A Time for Solidarity
Nia Imara and Robert Roth – Haiti Action Committee, 22 Feb 2016

We say NO, WE WILL NOT OBEY ILLEGITIMATE OFFICIALS. Self-defense is a legitimate universal law. Civil-Disobedience is an accepted universal right when a people confronts an illegal regime. The right to elect a government is universally accepted as a way for people to protect its existence. Today, confronted by the danger presented by local and international colonialists, the Haitian people have started a RESISTANCE FOR EXISTENCE movement.

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Defiant Haiti – “We won’t let you steal these elections!”
Dave Welsh, Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2015

Hooded Gangs Attack Protest March as Police Turn a Blind Eye – Haitians, determined to thwart what they see as an ongoing “electoral coup d’etat,” have been in the streets almost daily in their tens of thousands since the Oct. 25th first round Presidential elections.

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Fact-finding Delegation Reports an Electoral Coup Now in Process in Haiti
Report from the Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Nov 2015

Most international observers of the election have focused on the day of the election, but not on the vital final stage of the electoral process – the counting and tabulation of the votes. Although multiple political parties are protesting the post-election counting process, Haiti’s ruling party is praising the vote and objecting to critiques of the tabulation process.

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Former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on the 24th Anniversary of the Coup d’état That Deposed Him
Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haiti Action Committee - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2015

Hai means no, do not. Tii means obey in the Swahili language. Haiti or Haitii means do not obey. Long ago, slaves were always saying “Do not obey the colonists.” Today we say “Do not obey people who have no respect for human rights. Haitii!

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Duvalier: Dead but Not Gone
Charlie Hinton – Haiti Action Committee, 13 Oct 2014

Jean-Claude (Baby Doc) Duvalier, responsible for thousands of deaths and theft of millions, who moved openly among Haitian elites, died Oct 4 [2014] a free man. Meanwhile former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, twice elected president with huge majorities only to be overthrown by U.S. backed coups, and who created more schools in a decade than in Haiti’s 200-year history, lives under house arrest surrounded by heavily armed police wearing black ski masks.

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Robert Roth - Haiti Action Committee, 18 Jan 2010

In June of 2004, I went to Haiti with two other members of the Haiti Action Committee.  We were there to investigate the effects of the political earthquake in which the democratically elected government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide had been overthrown by a coup orchestrated by the United States, France and Canada. What we saw […]

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