Articles by Jeff

We found 168 results.

This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2016

June 23, 1942 – The first nuclear weapons-related accident occurred on this date in the city of Leipzig, Germany involving Nazi atomic scientists Werner Heisenberg and Robert Doepel. While demonstrating Germany’s first neutron propagation experiment, workers checked the atomic pile for a heavy water leak. During the inspection, air leaked in igniting the uranium powder inside.

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The Political Economy of Dead Meat: Why Mad Cows are the Least of It
Jeffrey St. Clair & Alexander Cockburn – Counter Punch, 16 May 2016

Intensive meat production–these days mostly of beef, veal, pork, and chicken–is an act of violence: primarily, of course, an act of violence against the creatures involved. But it is also violence against nature and against poor people. The modern livestock industry economy and the passion for meat have radically altered the look of the planet.

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May: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 May 2016

May 1, 1962 – A nuclear test code-named Beryl was conducted in French-occupied Algeria. However, due to improper sealing of the underground shaft, a spectacular mushroom cloud burst through the concrete cap venting highly radioactive dust and gas into the atmosphere. The plume climbed to 8,500 feet high and radiation was detected hundreds of miles away. This was just one of 210 nuclear weapons tests conducted by the French government in north Africa and the Pacific region in the period from 1960-96.

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April: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 11 Apr 2016

April 10, 1963 – In the past, eight nuclear submarines, six of them Soviet/Russian and the other two American, have sunk with dozens of nuclear ballistic missiles also lost at sea. Some of the nuclear reactors and warheads in these and other military vessels or aircraft lost at sea are leaking highly radioactive toxins affecting flora, fauna, and the health and well-being of millions of people.

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March: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 7 Mar 2016

March 11, 2011 – After a large magnitude earthquake and a powerful tsunami struck northeast Japan, three of the six nuclear reactors at Tokyo Electric Power Company’s (TEPCO) Fukushima Dai-chi facility suffered partial meltdowns resulting in the evacuation of tens of thousands of nearby residents. Five years later, the disaster which has claimed more than 15,000 lives so far is an ongoing catastrophe.

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February: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Feb 2016

February 1, 1958 – As part of the U.S. strategy of massive (nuclear) retaliation, the UK agreed to station 60 nuclear-armed Thor intermediate-range ballistic missiles at four U.K. military bases. Royal Air Force personnel staffed the bases, but all the nuclear weapons that were provided remained in full U.S. ownership, custody, and control. These same missiles were put on high-alert status during the October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

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This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 11 Jan 2016

January 9, 1987 – Dean Rusk (1909-1994), a former Secretary of State (1961-69) under presidents John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson who received many awards during his career including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, spoke out against nuclear weapons with a statement that, “Nuclear war not only eliminates all the answers, but eliminates all the questions.”

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A Secret History of the Monarch: How the Biotech Industry Conspired to Knock Off One of the World’s Rarest Butterflies
Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn - CounterPunch, 4 Jan 2016

On May 20 1999, Nature magazine sounded what might have been the death knell of the biotech food industry. John Losey, a professor of entomology at Cornell University, reported the ominous results of his laboratory study: Monarch caterpillars fed on milkweed leaves dusted with genetically modified corn pollen ate less, grew more slowly and suffered a higher mortality rate than those fed on leaves with normal pollen, or with no pollen at all. Nearly half of the GM pollen-fed caterpillars in the study died.

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October: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 5 Oct 2015

October 4, 1957 – The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I, the world’s first artificial satellite, as the Space Age began. U.S. government leaders concerned that a missile capable of launching satellites might soon be able to place a nuclear warhead on U.S. or allied territory led to fears of a “missile gap.”

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September: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 7 Sep 2015

September 4, 1978 – War Resisters League (WRL) members and their supporters demonstrated against nuclear weapons and civilian nuclear power plants simultaneously in Red Square near the Kremlin in Moscow and on the White House front lawn in Washington, DC.

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NSA Spying Relies on AT&T’s ‘Extreme Willingness to Help’
Julia Angwin & Jeff Larson, ProPublica; Charlie Savage & James Risen, The New York Times; Henrik Moltke & Laura Poitras, special to ProPublica – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2015

15 Aug 2015 – The National Security Agency’s ability to spy on vast quantities of Internet traffic has relied on a single company: the telecom giant AT&T. It has given the N.S.A. access, through several methods covered under different legal rules, to billions of emails as they have flowed across its domestic networks.

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August: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 10 Aug 2015

August 6, 1945 – Colonel Paul Warfield Tibbets piloted the 509th Composite Group’s B-29 Superfortress bomber named Enola Gay, in honor of the pilot’s mother, from Tinian in the Marianas chain of Pacific Ocean islands to Hiroshima, Japan where the enriched uranium-fueled fission bomb code named “Little Boy” was dropped over a city of a quarter million inhabitants at 8:15:17 a.m. local time.

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Death by Debt in Greece: My Response to the German Finance Ministry
Jeffrey Sachs - Süddeutsche Zeitung, 3 Aug 2015

While the policy prescription of Dr. Ludger Schuknecht, senior economist at the Germany Finance Ministry, is certainly correct most of the time – countries should repay their debts and take the reform actions necessary to do so – it is also sometimes wrong. It was wrong in the case of Weimar Germany in the 1920s and early 1930s. It was wrong in the case of many Latin American countries in the 1980s. It was certainly wrong in Poland in 1989.

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David Graeber Interview: ‘So Many People Spend Their Working Lives Doing Jobs They Think Are Unnecessary’
Stuart Jeffries – The Guardian, 20 Jul 2015

The anarchist author, coiner of the phrase ‘We are the 99%’, talks about ‘bullshit jobs’, our rule-bound lives and the importance of play.

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July: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 6 Jul 2015

July 1, 1968 – The U.S., U.K., the Soviet Union, and 58 other nations signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The Preamble of the agreement, which today includes 191 state parties, referred explicitly to the need for a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, which has not yet been realized due mostly to the U.S. Senate’s unwillingness to ratify it.

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June: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2015

June 3, 1980 – President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski was awakened by his military assistant, General William Odom, around 2:30 a.m. and informed that NORAD’s computers had detected a launch of 2,200 Soviet ICBMs heading for U.S. targets. The incident was one of many so-called “false warnings.”

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New Snowden Documents Reveal Secret Memos Expanding Spying
Julia Angwin, Jeff Larson, Charlie Savage, Henrik Moltke - ProPublica & The New York Times, 8 Jun 2015

The Obama administration has stepped up the NSA’s warrantless surveillance program on U.S. soil to search for signs of hacking.

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The Silly Reason the Chinese Aren’t Allowed on the Space Station
Jeffrey Kluger – Time, 8 Jun 2015

China has been barred from the ISS since 2011, when Congress passed a law prohibiting official American contact with the Chinese space program due to national security. “National security,” of course, is the lingua franca excuse for any country to do anything it jolly well wants to do even if it has nothing to do with, you know, the security of the nation. But never mind.

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Why Are We in the Middle East?
Jeff Faux – Common Dreams, 25 May 2015

When pressed for more specifics, our governing class offers four rationales for this endless war:
1. Fighting terrorism
2. Containing Iran
3. Securing oil
4. Defending Israel.

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Did Tesla Just Kill Nuclear Power?
Jeff McMahon - Forbes, 11 May 2015

Thursday [30 Apr 2015] night, the famed nuclear critic Arnie Gundersen had the inside scoop: Tesla Motors announced an industrial-scale battery that would cost about 2¢ per kilowatt hour, putting the final nail in the coffin of nuclear power. Solar power costs six to seven cents, he said, and wind costs four or five cents. Add 2¢ for the cost of a utility-scale Tesla battery, and renewables with reliable storage are still at half the price of new nuclear power.

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May: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 11 May 2015

May 1, 1982 – The Washington Post featured an article by Bill Prochnau titled, “With the Bomb, There Is No Answer,” in which he reported that marijuana was discovered in one of the underground missile control launch centers of a Minuteman ICBM squadron at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana.

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March: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 9 Mar 2015

March 1, 1982 – President Ronald Reagan watched the Pentagon’s National Military Command Center rehearse a full-scale nuclear exchange between the United States and Soviet Union…

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February: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 9 Feb 2015

February 17, 1953 – Years after serving as the civilian director of the Manhattan Project to build the first atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer gave one of many speeches opposing the growing nuclear arms race, this one at the Council on Foreign Relations.

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Can Torture Ever Be Moral?
Gary Gutting and Jeff McMahan – The New York Times, 2 Feb 2015

My interviewee is Jeff McMahan, White’s Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Oxford. He is the author of “The Ethics of Killing.” — Gary Gutting

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The Inside Information That Could Have Stopped 9/11
Jeff Stein – Newsweek, 26 Jan 2015

Former FBI agent Mark Rossini said the CIA prevented him from going to FBI headquarters with the information that two known terrorists, who later went on to carry out the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, had entered the US.

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January: This Month in Nuclear Threat History
Jeffrey W. Mason – Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 12 Jan 2015

January 2015 – Nuclear Threat in History

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Richard Katz on the Failures of ‘Voodoo Abenomics’
Jeff Kingston - The Japan Times, 24 Nov 2014

Richard Katz, editor-in-chief at The Oriental Economist, is the author of “Voodoo Abenomics: Japan’s Failed Comeback Plan,” an article published in the July/August [2014] issue of Foreign Affairs magazine.

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US to Deploy 3000 Troops to Ebola Crisis Areas
Jeff Mason and James Harding Giahyue, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Oct 2014

President Barack Obama called West Africa’s deadly Ebola outbreak a looming threat to global security and announced a major expansion of the U.S. role in trying to halt its spread, including deployment of 3,000 troops to the region.

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Investigators Find Islamic State Used Ammo Made in 21 Countries, Including USA
Julia Harte and R. Jeffrey Smith – The Center for Public Integrity, 13 Oct 2014

A new report from an arms tracking group highlights how readily arms shipped to the Middle East are transferred from allied groups to hostile ones.

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Israel Plans Largest West-Bank Settlement Expansion in ’30 Years’
Jeffrey Heller, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Sep 2014

Israel announced on Sunday [31 Aug 2014] a land appropriation in the occupied West Bank that an anti-settlement group termed the biggest in 30 years. Some 400 hectares (988 acres) near Bethlehem were declared “state land, on the instructions of the political echelon” by the military-run Civil Administration.

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The Case Mounts for an Educational Boycott of Israel
Jeff Sparrow – New Matilda, 11 Aug 2014

The deaths in the UN facilities epitomize the barbarity of Operation Protective Edge, not only because so many of the slain were children but also because they were killed after having fled their homes, precisely as they had been instructed by the Israelis. A boycott is not a magic solution. But it’s a simple and non-violent way of saying that we want no part in the crimes that are taking place.

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The Slow Death of Nuclear Power and the Rise of Renewables
Jeffrey Cavanaugh – Mint Press News, 4 Aug 2014

Six decades ago, the head of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission forecast an era of electricity that would be “too cheap to meter,” so what happened? The technology known as nuclear power today is a lumbering giant utterly dependent on state-based largesse for its existence.

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Surveillance: The NSA Revelations All in One Chart
Julia Angwin and Jeff Larson – ProPublica, 7 Jul 2014

June 30, 2014 – This is a plot of the NSA programs revealed in the past year according to whether they are bulk or targeted, and whether the targets of surveillance are foreign or domestic.

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Nuclear Fallout – Blast from the Past: Lucky Dragon 60 Years On
Jeff Kingston – The Japan Times, 3 Mar 2014

Sixty years ago, on March 1, 1954, a Japanese fishing boat named Lucky Dragon No. 5 was doused by radioactive fallout from a U.S. hydrogen-bomb test, codenamed Castle Bravo, on Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

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Group Condemns APA’s Ethics Decision on Former Guantanamo Psychologist
Jeffrey Kaye – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Feb 2014

Indeed, APA has been the biggest backer of psychologist participation in interrogations. APA’s former Chief Scientist, for instance, Susan Brandon, is Chief of Research for the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group.

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The Malthusian Obsession: Eugenics, American-Style
Jeffrey St. Clair - CounterPunch, 13 Jan 2014

California’s eugenics program proved so efficient that in the 1930s, Nazi scientists asked California eugenicists for advice on how to run their own sterilization regime. They modeled their law on California’s law.

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Bitcoin Puzzle: Heads, It’s Excitement. Tails, It’s Anxiety.
Jeff Sommer - CNBC, 2 Dec 2013

Bitcoin isn’t ready for popular consumption, and it may never be. It doesn’t fit into a neat product category. Often called a virtual currency, it’s not legal tender anywhere on the planet. It’s not an income-generating asset class suitable for most investors. Its value, in dollars, fluctuates wildly from one minute to the next.

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The Strange History of the Anti-Defamation League – ADL Spies
Jeffrey Blankfort - CounterPunch, 17 Jun 2013

Those were the days when snooping usually meant digging through garbage cans, checking other people’s mailboxes, and primitive phone tapping. How the Anti-Defamation League is doing it today one can only imagine. Newly declassified FBI files obtained by IRmep’s Grant Smith reveal that on August 8, 1940, the ADL offered a confidential list of hundreds of undercover ADL investigators to FBI Director J Edgar Hoover.

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Colombia, FARC Rebels Reach Agreement on Agrarian Reform
Jeff Franks in Havana, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

Colombia and the Marxist-led FARC rebels have reached agreement on the critical issue of agrarian reform, the two sides said on Sunday [26 May 2013] in a major step forward for the peace process aimed at ending their long war.

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‘Abject Error’ – How the Cyprus Deal Hurts EU Strategic Interests
Jeffrey Stacey – Der Spiegel, 8 Apr 2013

The euro-zone bailout of Cyprus exposed deep divides within Europe and also brought back the specter of the euro crisis. In addition to harming the island nation’s economy, errors made in negotiating the deal will ultimately be a setback to strategic EU interests as well.

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Alcoholics Anonymous Spirituality Cause of Internal Debate
G. Jeffrey Macdonald – Huff Post, 25 Mar 2013

For Alcoholics Anonymous to continue helping addicts find freedom in sobriety, the 75-year-old organization has to reclaim its spiritual roots. That’s the message coming from reformers who say the group has drifted from core principles and is failing addicts who can’t save themselves. But what constitutes the heart of AA spirituality is a matter of spirited debate.

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Latvia’s Economic Disaster as a Neoliberal Success Story – A Model for Europe and the US?
Jeffrey Sommers and Michael Hudson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jan 2013

Today’s most highly celebrated anti-labor success story is Latvia, where labor did not fight back, but simply emigrated politely and quietly. Latvia has a two-part tax on wages and social benefits that are near the highest in the world, while real estate taxes are well below US and EU averages. Meanwhile, capital gains are lightly taxed, and the country has become successful as a capital flight and tax avoidance haven for Russians and other post-Soviet kleptocrats that has permitted Latvia to “afford” de-industrialization, depopulation and de-socialization.

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The Dark Side of the “Green Economy”
Jeff Conant – YES! Magazine, 10 Sep 2012

Why some indigenous groups and environmentalists are saying no to the “green economy.”

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Elephants Dying in Epic Frenzy as Ivory Fuels Wars and Profits
Jeffrey Gettleman – The New York Times, 10 Sep 2012

This is the first installment in a series of articles that will explore how the surge in poaching of African elephants both feeds off and fuels instability on the continent. In 30 years of fighting poachers, Paul Onyango had never seen anything like this. Twenty-two dead elephants, including several very young ones, clumped together on the open savanna, many killed by a single bullet to the top of the head.

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Israel’s Drone Dominance
Jefferson Morley - Salon, 30 Jul 2012

If you want to know how drones will change America, look to the Jewish State — where they’re already widespread. The Israeli influence is not visible but it is real, documented and extremely relevant to the future of drones in America.

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Paraguay’s Parliamentary Coup
Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber – The Bullet, 2 Jul 2012

Authors and activists Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber analyze the ouster of Paraguay’s president. A soft coup has ousted center-leftist Fernando Lugo from the presidency in Paraguay and replaced him with a long-time political enemy.

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Destruction of Spain’s Economy Duplicates Greece
Jeff Nielson – Information Clearing House, 9 Apr 2012

More than two years ago I began warning readers of the most heinous acts of fraud ever perpetrated by the Western banking crime syndicate, which I dubbed “economic terrorism”. These swindles involved nothing less than the destruction of entire European economies, solely so that the banksters could profit on approximately $100 trillion in bets they had placed on the debts of these economies.

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Jailed Climate Hero Tim DeChristopher Thrown in the Hole
Jeff Goodell – Rolling Stone, 2 Apr 2012

“Have you ever read Franz Kafka’s The Trial?” That is the first thing that Patrick Shea, a member of jailed climate activist Tim DeChristopher’s legal defense team, says to me when I call him this morning to ask him about reports that DeChristopher has been pulled out of his minimum security camp at Herlong federal prison in California and thrown into isolated confinement in an 8 x 10-foot cell.

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Combating Slavery in Coffee and Chocolate Production
Jeff Nall – Toward Freedom, 9 Jan 2012

Quite simply, much of the coffee and chocolate improving our health is simultaneously jeopardizing the freedom and lives of hundreds of thousands around the world including many children. Yet most American consumers are ignorant to the mounting evidence indicating that the laborers whom they have to thank for cultivating these products are being grossly exploited, live in spiraling poverty, and, in some cases, are modern-day slaves.

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Behind the Story: MoJo’s Investigation of Terrorism Informants
Monika Bauerlein and Clara Jeffery – Mother Jones, 17 Oct 2011

Maybe you’ve wondered, on occasion of a press conference announcing another major terrorism bust: Why does it seem as if the FBI’s undercover operatives actually encouraged—even thought up—the plot? Why do the targets come off as hapless losers unable to organize so much as a poker game? How come it was the government that provided the fake conspiracy, the fake car bomb or missile, even the fake Al Qaeda oath?

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Popular Painkillers That Can Cause Killer Pain
Jeff Forester - The Fix, 11 Jul 2011

“For the person willing to make changes in their life, there absolutely is hope,” says Dr. Hooten. Dr. Hall-Flavin agrees. “Find a physician to work with who understands both addiction and pain,” he says.

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The U.S.-Israeli Train Wreck
Jeff Gates – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2011

Critics doubt that the General Assembly has the authority to recognize Palestine. Yet protection of member sovereignty has been a goal of the U.N. since its founding. Thus the priority that Israel placed on U.N. recognition after President Harry Truman acknowledged Israel on May 14, 1948, eleven minutes after the Zionist enclave declared itself a state.

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Is Pakistan Being Cast as the Next Plausible Evil Doer?
Jeff Gates – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 May 2011

The missing component is not trust but a shared vision of what both nations require to restore and sustain their national security. As the largest contributor of personnel to U.N. peacekeeping missions, Pakistan is well positioned to become a global force for positive change. At this key juncture in an essential relationship, should Americans kill more Muslims, further advancing The Clash storyline? Or should Pakistan and the U.S. join forces to create a new narrative founded on peace through human dignity and solar-powered prosperity?

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The Global Economy’s Corporate Crime Wave
Jeffrey D. Sachs – Project Syndicate, 9 May 2011

Corporate corruption is out of control for two main reasons. First, big companies are now multinational, while governments remain national. Big companies are so financially powerful that governments are afraid to take them on. Second, companies are the major funders of political campaigns in places like the US, while politicians themselves are often part owners, or at least the silent beneficiaries of corporate profits. Roughly one-half of US Congressmen are millionaires, and many have close ties to companies even before they arrive in Congress.

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The Spectre Haunting Europe: Debt Defaults, Austerity, and Death of the “Social Europe” Model
Prof Michael Hudson and Prof. Jeffrey Sommers – Global Research, 24 Jan 2011

A spectre is haunting Europe: the illusion that Latvia’s financial and fiscal austerity is a model for other countries to emulate. Bankers and the financial press are asking governments from Greece to Ireland and now Spain as well: “Why can’t you be like Latvia and sacrifice your economy to pay the debts that you ran up during the financial bubble?” The answer is, they can’t – without an economic, demographic and political collapse that will only make matters worse.

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Commonsense Money
Jeff Gates – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jan 2011

Since 1913, debt has been the only way that we in the U.S. have known to create money. Choking on debt yet short on money, Americans are reeling from too much monetary theory and too little commonsense. Those who sold us the theory also ensured recurring recessions. Each debt-induced cycle features rich-get-richer booms followed by debilitating busts. We designed our way into this mess. We can design our way out. As yet, there’s no sign that policy-makers know a way out. Nor do their advisers. Over the past century, every economist has been educated the same. They are unable to see the real problem because the theory they were taught is the source of the problem.

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EXCLUSIVE: Controversial Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to “Pharmacologic Waterboarding”
Jason Leopold and Jeffrey Kaye - Truthout | Investigative Report, 6 Dec 2010

The Defense Department forced all “war on terror” detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison to take a high dosage of a controversial antimalarial drug, mefloquine, an act that an Army public health physician called “pharmacologic waterboarding.” The government has exposed detainees “to unacceptably high risks of potentially severe neuropsychiatric side effects, including seizures, intense vertigo, hallucinations, paranoid delusions, aggression, panic, anxiety, severe insomnia, and thoughts of suicide,” said Nevin, who was not speaking in an official capacity, but offering opinions as a board-certified, preventive medicine physician. “These side effects could be as severe as those intended through the application of ‘enhanced interrogation techniques.'”

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From Rebellion to Reform: Bolivia’s Reconstituted Neoliberalism
Jeffery R. Webber – International Socialist Review, 20 Sep 2010

In various Latin American countries, leftists greeted the victory of Morales in Bolivia as an unequivocal advance toward socialism. Atilio Borón, a well-known Argentine intellectual, suggested that Bolivians had just elected “a President committed to the construction of a socialist future for his country.” For Mexican radical Ana Esther Ceceña, the continuation of the Morales–García Linera administration for an additional four years signified an opportunity to “deepen a creative pathway which does not repeat the exhausted roads of developmentalism,” but rather “invents fresh pathways” toward the “conceptualization and construction of no-capitalism.” She asks, rhetorically: “Will Bolivia be the example which offers the key for beginning that new era of humanity, the era of living well [vivir bien] in no-capitalism?”

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Analysts Question Korea Torpedo Incident
Jeff Stein – The Washington Post, 31 May 2010

How is it that a submarine of a fifth-rate power was able to penetrate a U.S.-South Korean naval exercise and sink a ship that was designed for anti-submarine warfare?

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Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber – Counterpunch, 10 Feb 2010

A country of sharp inequality and class polarization, Honduras recently returned to the frontlines in the battle for Latin America’s soul. The terrain of struggle has shifted on multiple occasions over the last seven months, following the military coup against the democratically-elected President, Manuel “Mel” Zelaya. The battle entered its latest phase last week with […]

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Jeff Gates – Information Clearing House, 21 Jan 2010

Game theory war-planners rely on mathematical models to anticipate and shape outcomes with staged provocations. For the agent provocateur, the reactions to a provocation—as well as the reactions to those reactions—thereby become predictable within an acceptable range of probabilities. With ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan poised to expand to Iran and Pakistan, it is […]

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Jeff Nall – Toward Freedom, 21 Jan 2010

Each year, many remember Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s work on behalf of civil rights. Yet the most fundamental piece of his philosophical legacy, his rejection of the utility and morality of violence between individuals and nations, remains at best ignorantly obscured or at worst actively suppressed. In his 1967 book, Where Do We […]

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Jeffrey M. Smith, 31 May 2009

Immediate Moratorium on All Genetically Modified Foods Recommended On May 19th, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) called on “Physicians to educate their patients, the medical community, and the public to avoid GM (genetically modified) foods when possible and provide educational materials concerning GM foods and health risks.” (1) They called for a moratorium […]

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Jeff Huber, 28 Apr 2009

"There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things."– Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1572) A new world order began when the Berlin Wall came down in late 1989. The next new world order […]

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Jeff Conant, 3 Apr 2009

If we learned anything from the World Water Forum it should be that the privatization model has failed and a grassroots movement is needed. As the Fifth World Water Forum ended recently in Istanbul, a number of stories came out, each of which might have emerged as the main water story of the week. But […]

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Jeff Nall, 20 Mar 2009

The time has come for humanists to actively assert that they are as committed peace and ending U.S. militarism as they are to the separation of church and state. Humanists, atheists, and assorted freethinkers along with the organizations that represent them (American Humanist Association, American Atheists, Secular Student Alliance, Freedom From Religion Foundation, Center for […]

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Ceci Connolly and R. Jeffrey Smith, 9 Nov 2008

    Stem cell, climate rules among targets of President-Elect’s team.     Transition advisers to President-elect Barack Obama have compiled a list of about 200 Bush administration actions and executive orders that could be swiftly undone to reverse White House policies on climate change, stem cell research, reproductive rights and other issues, according to congressional Democrats, […]

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Jeff Huber, 16 Sep 2008

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