Posts tagged with ‘Freedom of Speech’

Julian Assange Is Free, but Journalism Remains under Threat
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 1st, 2024 (MEDIA | No Comments »)
Scott Ritter: On My Way to Russia, I Met Big Brother
Judge Napolitano | Judging Freedom - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 10th, 2024 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | No Comments »)
Israel Stands Increasingly Isolated
Richard Falk, Chandra Muzaffar and Joseph Camilleri | SHAPE - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2024 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | No Comments »)
Israel Carries Out Six Massacres in Gaza in the Last 24 Hours
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2024 (NEWS | No Comments »)
Voices from Gaza’s Rubble Call Global Humanity to Rescue
Mahboob A. Khawaja – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2024 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | No Comments »)
Greater Israel, the Maximal Zionist Imaginary, and Gaza Genocide
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2024 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | 1 Comment »)
The US State Department Says Israel Isn’t Blocking Aid–Videos Show the Opposite
Prem Thakker | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2024 (ANGLO AMERICA | No Comments »)
Israel’s Willing Executioners
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2024 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | No Comments »)
The Writing Was on the Wall for Israel’s Torture of Prisoners
Janan Abdu | The Landline/+972 Mag – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2024 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | No Comments »)
Mazin Qumsiyeh | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2024 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | No Comments »)
The Palestinian Nakba, from 1948 to Today
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2024 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | No Comments »)
Gaza Lost Much More Than a Hospital When It Lost Al-Shifa
Dr. Bahzad Al Akhras | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2024 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | No Comments »)
US Medical Missions Trapped in Gaza, Facing Death by Dehydration as Population Clings to Life
Ryan Grim and Hind Khoudary | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2024 (ANGLO AMERICA | No Comments »)
Shameless: Active Participants in Genocide
Craig Murray - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2024 (IN FOCUS | No Comments »)
Can the ICC Finally Gain Credibility?
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2024 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | No Comments »)
As Gaza Assault Intensifies, Egypt Joins ICJ Case Accusing Israel of Genocide
Olivia Rosane | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2024 (JUSTICE | No Comments »)
The Pattern of Bibi’s Desperate Proposals
Seymour M. Hersh – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2024 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | 1 Comment »)
‘The Scenes of the Nakba Are Repeating’: Rafah in Panic as Israeli Invasion Begins
Ruwaida Kamal Amer and Mahmoud Mushtaha | +972 Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2024 (NEWS | No Comments »)
When Students Are a Shock to the System
Norman Solomon | TomDispatch - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2024 (ANGLO AMERICA | No Comments »)
The U.S. Ultimatum to Israel
The Wire | Jewish Voice for Peace - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2024 (SPOTLIGHT | No Comments »)
Gazans Salute University Students’ Uprising for Palestine
Tareq S. Hajjaj | Mondoweiss - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2024 (ACTIVISM | No Comments »)
600,000 Palestinian Kids in Rafah Can’t “Evacuate” Safely, UNICEF Official Says
Jeremy Scahill | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2024 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | No Comments »)
Yanis Varoufakis Sues the German State
DiEM25 Communications - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2024 (EUROPE | 1 Comment »)
Listen to the Students!
Marjorie Cohn | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2024 (ACTIVISM | No Comments »)
More Than 300,000 Displaced from Rafah, URWA Says
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2024 (NEWS | No Comments »)
What Happens When Universities Engage, rather than Arrest, Gaza Protesters?
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2024 (ANGLO AMERICA | No Comments »)
Liberalism without Accountability
Gareth Fearn | London Review of Books - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2024 (SPOTLIGHT | No Comments »)
Palestine, Iran, and Populist Resistance: The Limits of Law, Morality, and the UN
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 6th, 2024 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | No Comments »)
Columbia University Student Journalists on the Student Encampment and the Crackdown
Anna Oakes and Claudia Gohn | Rolling Stone – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 6th, 2024 (ACTIVISM | No Comments »)
A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (But Won’t)
Noam Chomsky | TomDispatch - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 6th, 2024 (IN FOCUS | No Comments »)
Will They Crush the Biggest Student Movement Since Vietnam?
The Wire | Jewish Voice for Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 6th, 2024 (ACTIVISM | No Comments »)
World Press Freedom Day: Journalists the “Ultimate Allies in Human Rights”
Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 6th, 2024 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | No Comments »)
Official Lies and Narratives
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 6th, 2024 (MEDIA | No Comments »)
Enforcing Silence on Genocide
Elizabeth Vos | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 6th, 2024 (ANGLO AMERICA | No Comments »)
Campus Protests, Press Freedom and Palestine
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 6th, 2024 (MEDIA | No Comments »)
The Speech That I Could Not Deliver Because German Police Burst to Disband Our Palestine Congress
Yanis Varoufakis | Pressenza – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 15th, 2024 (EUROPE | No Comments »)
(Français) Des élections en mal de démocratie ?
Frédéric Thomas | CETRI – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 25th, 2024 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | No Comments »)
India’s Case against Arundhati Roy Is a Big Red Flag for Free Speech
Karin Deutsch Karlekar | MSNBC - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 16th, 2023 (BRICS | 1 Comment »)
Congressional Testimony of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the Weaponization of the US Federal Government
ScheerPost - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 24th, 2023 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Congressional Testimony of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the Weaponization of the US Federal Government)
The Elite’s War on Free Thought
Matt Taibbi | ScheerPost - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 26th, 2023 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on The Elite’s War on Free Thought)
Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex
Matt Taibbi | Racket News - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 1st, 2023 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex)
The Lifeblood of Democracy
Andy Lee Roth | Project Censored - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 1st, 2023 (MEDIA | Comments Off on The Lifeblood of Democracy)
Free Speech Doesn’t Matter if Propagandists Determine What People Say
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 5th, 2022 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Free Speech Doesn’t Matter if Propagandists Determine What People Say)
A Propaganda Model
Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 11th, 2021 (FEATURED RESEARCH PAPER | Comments Off on A Propaganda Model)
The Most Dangerous Censorship
Edward Snowden | Substack - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 28th, 2021 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on The Most Dangerous Censorship)
Double Standard?
Carlos Latuff – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 21st, 2021 (FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Comments Off on Double Standard?)
In Furor over Poet with Child Porn Conviction, Prison Abolitionists Debate the Limits of Mercy
Judith Levine | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 22nd, 2021 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on In Furor over Poet with Child Porn Conviction, Prison Abolitionists Debate the Limits of Mercy)