Articles by Peace People
We found 33 results.
Open Letter to the Irish Government to Invoke the Genocide Convention
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate | The Peace People - TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 Dec 2023
To Protect Gazans from Genocide – We, the undersigned, watch with horror the death toll and humanitarian crisis in Gaza and believe there is an urgent need for action under the Genocide Convention. A public statement has highlighted the overwhelming evidence that the government of Israel has carried out acts of genocide against civilians in Gaza.
→ read full articleMilitarism Is Never the Answer
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate | The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
7 Mar 2022
3 Mar 2022 – The West has always demonized Russia and ignored its border security. The US has successfully stoked another war because NATO always needs an enemy–Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria—and they have now turned their sights back to Russia. It will be the Europeans who reap the fall out of another US/NATO folly.
→ read full articleNomination of Dr. Edward Horgan for the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize
Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Jan 2022
12 Jan 2022 – Ms. Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate, has today nominated Dr. Edward Horgan for the Nobel Peace Prize.
→ read full articleNomination of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize
The Peace People | Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 Jan 2021
“My reasons for nominating them together are simple. Individually each has given countless examples of courage exposing governments’ illegal actions that caused millions of deaths, putting their own freedom and lives on the line. Collectively, their lives of self-sacrifice and selflessness constitute remarkable demonstrations of the magnificence of the human spirit. They are indeed breathtaking testimonies to the goodness inherent in the human heart.”
→ read full articleNobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Resigns from Nobel Women’s Initiative
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
20 Jan 2020
1 Jan 2020 – Press Release. Mairead Maguire Resigned Today from the Nobel Women’s Initiative Board and Organization
→ read full articleTrump’s Ordered Assassinations: Cruel and Inhumane Breach of International Law
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate | The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
6 Jan 2020
‘There are those who benefit from war, the militarists, the arms dealers, the corporate media/military industrial complex, but those who really pay for militarism and wars are the people and the tax of the poor. The propaganda and lies of of war are being spread and this time the target is Iran, just like US/UK/NATO carried out wars against Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc. Let us, the people, learn lessons from the past and unite and mobilize calling for no war against Iran. USA troops out of Shannon and out of Iraq! Yes to nonviolence, peace and dialogue! Let the people unite together to stop war, remembering that there is power in truth and love is stronger than hate.’
→ read full articlePeace People Founder Ciaran McKeown Dead at 76
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate | The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
9 Sep 2019
It is with deep sadness that I heard of the death of my dear friend and co-peace worker Ciaran McKeown on 1 Sep 2019. When the Peace People started in Aug l976 at the height of the troubles in Northern Ireland, it was Ciaran, a political journalist, who courageously took the peace leadership–giving up his job and becoming a volunteer in spite of the fact that his fifth child was soon due–and joined myself and Betty Williams in co-founding the Peace People. RIP
→ read full articleDon’t Play Politics with Our Peace
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate | The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
4 Mar 2019
It is with deep concern and regret that I witness Northern Ireland has been without a Parliament for almost two years. We have a fundamental right to government; all our futures are in your hands. Please don’t play politics with our peace. SIGN THE PETITION
→ read full articleMairead Maguire Nominates Julian Assange for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
7 Jan 2019
7 Jan 2019 – Nobel Peace laureate Mairead Maguire wrote today to the Norwegian Nobel Committee nominating Julian Assange, Editor-in-Chief of WikiLeaks, for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. Ms. Maguire wrote:
→ read full articleNorthern Ireland: Squandering a Future
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate | The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Sep 2018
I want to challenge everyone to look at their children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews and question: how big is their division? Gone are the days of fear and threat. So where does the problem lie? I believe the problem lies in the older generations who have suffered terribly on all sides through violence and fear. My generation has a responsibility not to restrain the youth by our bigotry and division.
→ read full articleDemonization of Russia in a New Cold War Era
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate | The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Sep 2018
13 Sep 2018 – Inventing a foe to sell military ambitions: still the most dangerous of games. In examining the future, we must look to the past.
→ read full articleDeclaration of Solidarity with Rohingya and Call for Myanmar Government to Be Investigated by the ICC
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate | Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
27 Aug 2018
One young woman, Fatima (20), told us how Myanmar soldiers entered their village and came into her home. They shot her husband, made her carry her six month- old baby girl down to the lake where they threw the child into the pond and drowned her. They took Fatima back to her home; several soldiers held her down and constantly raped her until she became unconscious. They carried her outside to the field where they left her for dead. She was saved by an elderly Rohingya woman who helped her get across the border into Bangladesh. – Rohingya Genocide Day 25 Aug 2018
→ read full articleAfter 70 Years of Ethnic Cleansing and Global Complicity – Are We Racist?
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate | Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
21 May 2018
16 May 2018 – Since the beginning of the Palestinian Grand Return March on land Day 30th April, the world has looked on in horror as Israel has killed at least 109 Palestinians and injured thousands of unarmed protestors. I extend to the Palestinian people my deepest sympathy on the killing of their sons and daughters and the continuing occupation and seizing of their land by Israel. I thank them for their courage and sacrifice to challenge injustice and the latest inhumanity perpetrated upon them by Israeli/USA policies.
→ read full articleAppeal for Political Leaders to Make Executive and Assembly Work for the People of Northern Ireland
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate | The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 Sep 2017
6 Sep 2017 – The vast majority of people in Northern Ireland, whose main desire is to live in peace together, earn a living and raise their families, are currently living in a no-man’s land. We are living now in a political vacuum, which leaves our community vulnerable to paramilitarism. But it does not have to be like this.
→ read full articleNobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire on the 2016 Freedom Flotilla to Gaza
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 May 2017
19 May 2017 – Women’s Boat to Gaza
→ read full articleNobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Appeals to President Trump for Peace Leadership
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
1 May 2017
“The people of North and South Korea want peace and they want a peace treaty. They do not want their country to be bombed or their government to bomb others. Having visited both North and South Korea last year and walked with thousands and thousands of Korean women, North and South, I am convinced that peace is possible and what is needed is the political will of all parties to the conflict to dialogue and for negotiations to move from a Korean armistice to a Korean Peace Treaty.”
→ read full articleNobel Laureate Mairead Maguire: 2016 Freedom Flotilla to Gaza
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Apr 2017
Women’s Boat to Gaza
→ read full articleInternational Peace Day in Assisi
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate | The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
26 Sep 2016
Update about Pope Francis’s Message
→ read full articleNobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Joins the Freedom Flotilla 2016 to Break the Gaza Siege
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
19 Sep 2016
Sep 15, 2016 – Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize winner, will join the women’s boat to Gaza. The goal of this mission is to highlight the devastating effects of the brutal blockade of the Palestinian people living in Gaza.
→ read full articleStatement on Massacre of LGBTQI and Latino Community Members in Orlando, USA
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
20 Jun 2016
“In loving memory of all who were killed, we pledge not to seek revenge or hatred, but to work for reconciliation and building peaceful ways of living together in all our diversity and plurality as the one human family sharing our one world equally together.”
→ read full articleNobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Appeals to European Union and President Obama to Remove Shameful Sanctions against War-torn Syria
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 May 2016
“The petitioners support ‘all humanitarian and peace initiatives that the international community is implementing, in particular through the difficult negotiations in Geneva’. But in the meantime with the hope that the expectations find concrete answers, they ask ‘that the sanctions that affect the daily lives of every Syrian are immediately removed”.
→ read full articleCall on Israeli Government to Free Mordechai Vanunu and End Thirty-Year Persecution: Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
16 May 2016
No voices are raised in defence of his freedom and it is to all our shame that the international political/spiritual leadership continue to abide by the rule: ‘WHATEVER YOU SAY – SAY NOTHING’ when it comes to the Israeli government’s persecution of a man of conscience, a good man.”
→ read full articleAn Appeal for Pope Francis to Share with the World an Encyclical on Nonviolence and Just Peace, and for the Church to Stop Teaching ‘Just War Theory’
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
25 Apr 2016
Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire from Rome: “The appeal to the Pope said that ‘we believe there is no ‘just war’. Too often the ‘just war theory’ has been used to endorse rather than prevent or limit war. Suggesting that a ‘just war’ is possible also undermines the moral imperative to develop tools and capacities for nonviolent transformation of conflict’. I hope also that Pope Francis will unambiguously proclaim that ‘violence is always wrong, it is not the way of Jesus and reject militarism thereby calling upon Catholics not to join armies and take up arms to kill people, thus becoming a true peace church.”
→ read full articleUrging UK to End Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia and Saudis to End Their Bombing Campaign in Yemen
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate, Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
28 Mar 2016
Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire, today called for Britain to stop breaking national and international law by selling arms o Saudi Arabia. The British government has sold £2.8 billion worth of arms to Saudi Arabia since it began bombing Yemen last year and continues to remain silent on the UN reports of Saudi war crimes against the civilian population of Yemen.
→ read full articleNobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Agrees with the UN Expert Panel Decision on Julian Assange’s Arbitrary Detention
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
8 Feb 2016
Maguire, who visited Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London several times and has been a long time supporter of Freedom and Justice for Julian Assange, said she was delighted that the UN Panel had found his arbitrary detention for over five years to be unlawful and said this decision has vindicated Julian Assange. However, she expressed her disappointment at the governments of UK and Sweden’s rejection of the verdict.
→ read full articleAn appeal to BBC and Mainstream Western Media to End Bias against Palestinians: Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
21 Jul 2014
Collective punishment, the breaking of the Geneva Convention, and the bombing of Palestinian women and children do not deter US President Obama and UN Ambassador Samantha Fox from assuring Israel that it will always be their good friend and support it to the tune of billions for its military and illegal occupation of Palestinian land.
→ read full articlePeace Pilgrimage to Syria and Iran
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
7 Apr 2014
Peace People, N. Ireland delegation Ms. Ann Patterson and Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire will join an International delegation visiting Iran and Syria from 4th – 16th April, 2014.
→ read full articleFlight into Egypt
Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Mar 2014
Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire and Ann Patterson, from Peace People, agreed to join the International Women’s Delegation to Gaza via Egypt. However, we were not allowed to enter Cairo and held for 8 hours in detention at the airport. We were given no reason for being deported except being told that we were ‘blacklisted’ though no reasons given. Medea Benjamin, founder of Code Pink and leader of the delegation, was also refused entry and after being held for many hours had her arm dislocated by Egyptian police and deported.
→ read full articleNobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Deported from Egypt En Route to Gaza
Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Mar 2014
On 5th March, 2014 Mairead Maguire and Ann Patterson, members of the Peace People, N. Ireland were deported from Egypt as they attempted to enter the country in order to join an international delegation of 100 women wishing to visit Gaza via the Egyptian Rafah Border.
→ read full articleNobel Peace Prize Nomination 2014: Mother Agnes Mariam and Mussalaha
The Peace People– TRANSCEND Media Service,
6 Jan 2014
Press Release 4 Jan. 2014 – Mother Agnes Mariam of the Cross (civil name Fadia Laham) and the Mussalaha Reconciliation Initiative in Syria have been nominated by Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate, for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize.
→ read full articleCitizens Act and Call to Stop Madness of War
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Sep 2013
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate, Calls for Americans and world citizens to respond to Pope Francis’ call to fast and pray to stop United States war against Syria.
→ read full articleSyria: No Armaments to Rebels
The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
26 Aug 2013
Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire: “Contrary to some foreign governments’ current policies of arming the rebels and pushing for military intervention, the people of Syria are calling out for peace and reconciliation and a political solution to the crisis, which continues to be inflamed by outside forces with thousands of foreign fighters funded and supported by outside countries for their own political ends.”
→ read full articleMairead Maguire’s 10-Year Deportation from Israel
Mairead Maguire, Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 Oct 2010
Nobel Peace Laureate [and TRANSCEND member] Mairead Maguire was deported from Israel at 4 a.m., on Tuesday 5th October, 2010 and arrived back in Belfast later that afternoon. Maguire had arrived in Israel on Tuesday 27th September, to attend a Nobel Women’s Initiative visit, and support those working in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories – particularly women groups – for human rights and justice.
→ read full article