Articles by Sputnik News

We found 24 results.

Pentagon Does Not Have Evidence of Chlorine, Sarin Use in Syria’s Douma–US Defense Secretary Mattis
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

12 Apr 2018 – “There have been a number of these attacks. In many cases, you know we don’t have troops, we’re not engaged on the ground there, so I cannot tell you that we had evidence, even though we had a lot of media and social media indicators that either chlorine or sarin were used,” Mattis said, speaking to members of the House Armed Services Committee today.

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Syrian Army Captures British Militants in Eastern Ghouta – Reports
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Apr 2018

12 Apr 2018 – According to a report by Al-Mayadeen news channel cited by Fars News, a number of British troops have been captured during the Syrian Arab Army’s operations in Eastern Ghouta. They are believed to be a part of international military forces deployed in the region to launch a ground assault in Damascus in cooperation with the US.

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America’s Scramble for Africa
Finian Cunningham – Sputnik News, 23 Oct 2017

19 Oct 2017 – The ugly row over whether President Trump disrespected the young widow of a fallen American soldier has overshadowed a bigger issue. That is, the increasing number of US military operations across the African continent.

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Afghanistan and the CIA Heroin Ratline
Pepe Escobar - Sputnik News, 4 Sep 2017

25 Aug 2017 – Afghanistan is infested by contractors; numbers vary from 10,000 to tens of thousands. Military and ex-military alike can be reasonably pinpointed as players in the heroin ratline — in many cases for personal profit. But the clincher concerns the financing of US intel black ops that should not by any means come under scrutiny by the US Congress.

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Imperial Folly Brings Russia and Germany Together
Pepe Escobar – Sputnik News, 31 Jul 2017

29 Jul 2017 – Economic war has been declared against Russia for at least three years now. The difference is this latest package also declares economic war against Europe, especially Germany. Make no mistake; the EU leadership will counterpunch. Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, put it mildly when he said, “America first cannot mean that Europe’s interests come last.”

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Empire of Whiners
Pepe Escobar – Sputnik News, 31 Jul 2017

As a new report by the Army War College tracks the loss of “US primacy” around the world, it prescribes more of the same; propaganda, surveillance and war.

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House of Saudi Cards: The Inside Story
Pepe Escobar – Sputnik News, 26 Jun 2017

Just when geopolitical practitioners were betting on regime change in Qatar – orchestrated by a desperate House of Saud – regime change ended up happening in Riyadh, orchestrated by Warrior Prince, Destroyer of Yemen and Blockader of Qatar, Mohammad bin Salman.

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The West Can’t Smell What Eurasia is Cooking
Pepe Escobar – Sputnik News, 19 Jun 2017

A tectonic geopolitical shift happened in Astana, Kazakhstan, only a few days ago, and yet barely a ripple registered in Atlanticist circles.

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Trump’s Sword Dance Sets Off the War of the Wahhabis
Pepe Escobar – Sputnik News, 12 Jun 2017

7 Jun 2017 – The fact is the House of Saud went amok, in a flash, going after Qatar and bombing from the inside that glorious Arab NATO project – call it NATOGCC — sworn with pomp over a glowing orb. US President Donald Trump could not possibly have predicted the game-changing after-effects of his triumphal sword dance in Riyadh. Or could he?

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The Decline of the West Revisited
Pepe Escobar – Sputnik News, 15 May 2017

Europa, in Greek mythology, was a Phoenician princess abducted by Zeus and carried off to Crete. In time, Europe was meant to designate the western extreme of Eurasia. Europe, essentially, was the quite provincial Western seed that then sprouted an octopus: the global West.

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Journalist Barrett Brown Detained [again] for Exercising Free Speech
Grant Ferowich – Sputnik News, 1 May 2017

US intelligence reporter Barrett Brown was arrested, again, on Thursday [27 Apr] morning for criticizing the US government while appearing on radio interviews. “If this were happening in another country, [the US government] would deplore it,” former CIA clandestine operative Barry Eisley tweeted.

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Why Washington is Terrified of Russia, China
Pepe Escobar – Sputnik News, 1 May 2017

The Russia-China strategic partnership, uniting the Pentagon’s avowed top two “existential” threats to America, does not come with a formal treaty signed with pomp, circumstance – and a military parade.

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Daesh, Creature of the West
Pepe Escobar - Sputnik News International, 27 Mar 2017

James Shea, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Emerging Threats at NATO – now that’s a lovely title – recently gave a talk at a private club in London on the Islamic State/Daesh. Shea, as many will remember, made his name as NATO’s spokesman during the NATO war on Yugoslavia in 1999. In the end, Shea frankly admitted that Gen David Petraeus, conductor of the much-lauded 2007 surge, had trained these Sunnis now part of Daesh in Anbar province in Iraq.

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The ‘Birth Pangs’ of a New Middle East, Remixed
Pepe Escobar – Sputnik News, 20 Mar 2017

You all remember former US Secretary of State Condi Rice’s notorious 2006 prediction about “birth pangs of a New Middle East.” True to the George “Dubya” Bush/Cheney regime, Condi got it all spectacularly wrong. By now it’s much clearer who’s configuring the birth pagans of a new Middle East. It’s not Israel. It’s not the House of Saud. And it’s not exactly Trump.

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Eurasia Integration: A Three-Speed Affair
Pepe Escobar – Sputnik News, 27 Feb 2017

Europe, relatively integrated, lives today in a de facto two-speed reality. Eurasia integration, a work in progress and with vastly more reach, is for the moment a three-speed process, as seen through the positioning of three Central Asian “stans”.

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‘Terrorists vs. Moderates’: Lessons from the MI5 Middle East Files
Nikolai Gorshkov – Sputnik News, 3 Oct 2016

Another batch of MI5 files just released by the National Archives in London reveals more details regarding the origins of present day troubles in the Middle East, as well as the machinations of western allies trying to upstage one another.

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Erdogan Wants to ‘Smash NATO Secret Army’ Allegedly Involved in Attempted Coup
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

According to Turkish media reports, there was a secret NATO structure involved in the attempted coup that took place in Turkey on July 15, German newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten wrote. “If one wants to again create relationship of trust with the Western institutions, Gladio [clandestine NATO structure] in Turkey must be eliminated as it already was in several Western countries.”

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Why the UK Said Bye Bye to the EU
Pepe Escobar – Sputnik News, 27 Jun 2016

24 Jun 2016 – The irrepressibly mediocre Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, posing as a “historian”, had warned that Brexit, “could be the beginning of the destruction of not only the EU but Western political civilization in its entirety”. That’s foolish. Brexit proved that it’s immigration, stupid. And once again, it’s the economy, stupid (although the British neoliberal establishment never paid attention).

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‘No-Grow Zone:’ Israel Admits to Spraying Poisons Inside Gaza Strip
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jan 2016

The Israeli Army has admitted that they used crop-dusters to kill hundreds of acres of Palestinian crops, claiming that it was to “enable security operations.”

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Occupy Greece: Germany Wins Bid to Run Regional Airports
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

The sale is on but the money isn’t in the bank yet. While Greece waits for European Parliaments to approve the country’s bailout package, German airport operator FRAPORT has won the bid to takeover and run 14 Greek regional airports in the first (of many) privatization deals done by the Syriza government.

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Unspoken Death Toll of Fukushima: Nuclear Disaster Killing Japanese Slowly
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

20 Aug 2015 – The Japanese government is still in denial and refuses to recognize the disastrous consequences of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, London-based independent consultant on radioactivity Dr. Ian Fairlie states, adding that while thousands of victims have already died, thousands more will soon pass away.

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After the Bailout: The Spoils of Greece Are Bound for Germany
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

The ‘Asset Development Plan’ for Greece is out and it’s all go for the privatization of the country. Hellenic seaports, airports, motorways, petroleum companies, water and gas supply, real estate, holiday resorts – it’s all for sale.

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Eurasian Counter Gambit: Sino-Russian Alliance ‘Acting as Magnet for World’
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2015

22 Aug 2015 – While US interventionists continue to promote a collection of policies that have repeatedly failed, China and Russia are acting as a magnet for forces of “the rest” aiming to build an entirely new economic infrastructure, US experts Dimitri K. Simes and Richard Burt note.

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Iran Calls for Universal Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
Sputnik News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jul 2015

21 Jul 2015 – Nuclear weapons should be completely eliminated worldwide as they are “detrimental to international peace and security,” the Iranian government said in a statement following a passage of the Security Council resolution endorsing the Iran nuclear deal.

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