Articles by teleSUR

We found 477 results.

Finland Becomes First Country to Provide Citizens Basic Income
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

Finland kicked off its basic income program Monday [2 Jan], giving US$587 per month to 2,000 of its citizens, an amount that – if extended to the entire adult population – will be guaranteed regardless of income, wealth or employment status.

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Assange ‘1,000%’ Sure Russia Wasn’t Source of US Election Leaks
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

Julian Assange argued that the debate about Russian influence on the U.S. election is an attempt to delegitimize Trump.

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The World Must Learn from Cuba
Joe Emersberger - teleSUR, 9 Jan 2017

On the anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, why has the small Caribbean nation outperformed many capitalist democracies in key ways despite fifty years of blockade, attacks, sanctions, injustices?

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US Sold $40 Billion in Weapons in 2015, Tops Global Arms Market
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2017

While the global arms trade declined overall, the biggest sellers of global weapons, the United States and France, saw an increase in sales.

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The Carnage of Demonetisation in India
Justin Podur - teleSUR, 26 Dec 2016

People have already died from Modi’s sudden assault on 80 percent of India’s economy.

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US Court Hands Standing Rock another Victory
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Dec 2016

Another victory came for demonstrators against the Dakota Access pipeline this Friday [9 Dec] when a federal judge denied the company’s request to force the federal government to approve the controversial 1,172-mile pipeline’s final easement. Resistance won’t stop, and starting Jan. 2, dissatisfied investors will have the option of pulling out of the controversial, money-losing project.

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Black America and the Passing of Fidel Castro
Bill Fletcher, Jr. – teleSUR, 5 Dec 2016

For many of us in “Black America,” Fidel represented the audacity that we have desired and sought in the face of imperial and racial arrogance.

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How the Fight for Water Unites Palestine and Dakota
Nadya Raja Tannous – teleSUR, 28 Nov 2016

From our demand for just rights, the pursuit of sovereignty, and a long history of resistance, we walk a joint path to liberation.

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Rwandan Catholic Church Admits Role in Genocide, Apologizes
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Nov 2016

Embarrassed for its leading role in the 1994 Rwandan genocide, which saw more than 800,000 people massacred, the Catholic Church in that country issued a statement apologizing on Sunday [20 Nov]. The Church’s admission of guilt comes after years of denying its role in that and many other genocides around the world.

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COP22 Declaration Calls for ‘Immediate Action and Mobilization’
teleSUR | Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Nov 2016

The final declaration of the UN COP22 climate negotiations in Marrakech, issued midnight on Friday [18 Nov] after a full day extension of the talks, saw 196 countries agreeing to a two-year time limit for implementation of the Paris Accord and called on non-state actors to “join us for immediate and ambitious action and mobilization.”

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Dilma Rousseff: Brazil’s Media Trying to Destroy Lula
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Nov 2016

Rousseff said despite this campaign the leader of the Workers Party remains the candidate with most popularity for the 2018 presidential elections.

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Obama Breaks Silence, Suggests Dakota Pipeline Be Rerouted
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Nov 2016

The president, however, refused to condemn police violence used against land and water protectors.

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Murder of Activists in Latin America ‘Out of Control’: Oxfam
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2016

The number of human rights activists and environmentalists killed in Latin America has dramatically skyrocketed in recent years, found a report called “El Riesgo de Defender,” or the Risk to Defend, released Tuesday [25 Oct] by Oxfam, while extractive projects have spread in rural and Indigenous areas.

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Cliton Suggested Rigging Palestine Election
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2016

Unhappy with the election result, Clinton suggested that the U.S. should have used their power to help its preferred party.

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The US and Canada Have Blood on Their Hands in Honduras
Grahame Russell – teleSUR, 31 Oct 2016

The international community needs to be held to account for propping up and subsidizing the murderous regime in Honduras.

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UN Unanimously Rejects Cuba Blockade as US Abstains for First Time
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2016

Only two countries, the United States and Israel, abstained from the vote, while 191 of the 193 member states in the assembly voted in favor of the resolution for the 25th consecutive year. Last year, only the USA and Israel voted against it.

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MSF Refused a Million Free Vaccines to Stand up to Big Pharma
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Oct 2016

16 Oct 2016 – Doctors Without Borders said last week it had refused a donation of one million pneumonia vaccinations from the drug manufacturer Pfizer as part of a principled stand against Big Pharma’s monopolistic drug-pricing policies. While Pfizer made $6.245 billion in revenue last year, 1.4 million children die each year from the pneumonia strain.

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As Honduras Activists Continue to Burn, US Backs Govt
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Oct 2016

21 Oct 2016 – The U.S. will continue giving millions of dollars in military funding to the Honduran government, despite the high-profile targeted assassinations and other human rights abuses documented this year in the Central American nation. The political instability plaguing the country largely followed from the U.S.-backed 2009 coup against President Elect Manuel Zelaya.

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Prospects, Hope and Strategies for the Future in Palestine
Tommaso Segantini and Norman Finkelstein – teleSUR, 24 Oct 2016

Renowned scholar and political activist Norman Finkelstein talks about a range of issues around Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

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Spanish Court Overturns Catalonian Bullfighting Ban
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Oct 2016

Spain’s Constitutional Court on Thursday [20 Oct] overturned a ban on bullfighting imposed in Catalonia, calling it a cultural asset protected under national law in a ruling likely to fuel political tensions between the region and Madrid. Bullfighting, a bloody ritual intended to ennoble both the “torero” and his victim, has been popular in Spain for generations.

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(Castellano) BRICS debaten sobre economía, terrorismo y cambio climático
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2016

15 octubre 2016 – Diversos temas mundiales, con énfasis en los económicos, serán abordados desde este sábado la VIII Cumbre de los países BRICS (Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Suráfrica) a desarrollarse en Panaji, capital del estado indio de Goa.

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(Castellano) La recargada colonialidad permanente en América Latina
Itzamná Ollantay - teleSUR, 17 Oct 2016

La condición de colonialidad no sólo configura en el colonizado la idealización “natural” del color, sentir, hacer y pensar del colonizador, sino que instala dispositivos nefastos en las estructuras psicológicas más profundas del primero. Las condiciones de subordinación/despojo no sólo son vistas como “realidades normales”, sino que son asumidas con gratitud como una “benevolencia” del colonizador.

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It’s the State, Stupid!
Emir Sader – teleSUR, 17 Oct 2016

Neoliberal governments have the interests of finance capital at heart, like a backward Robin Hood, taking from the poor to give even more to the rich.

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US Foreign Policy: Killing People to Save Them
Dr. Arshad M Khan – teleSUR, 17 Oct 2016

What we have seen is the Middle East and large parts of North Africa on the receiving end of death, destruction and displacement over the last 15 years.

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Beyond the T-Shirt: What Che Guevara Actually Stood For
Urooba Jamal – teleSUR, 10 Oct 2016

The famous portrait of Che Guevara graces T-shirts and posters the world over, but what did the revolutionary leader actually stand for?

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US Court Protects ‘School of the Assassins’ Graduates
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2016

Since the Cold War the infamous military school formerly known as the School of the Americas has been a training ground for dictators, death squad members, and torturers, fueling human rights abuses and coups across Latin America, earning it the moniker “the School of the Assassins.”

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(Castellano) Bolivia celebrará jornada de poesía a favor de la paz en el mundo
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2016

El Movimiento Poético Mundial espera organizar actividades similares en 24 países de América latina.

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Palestinian Youth Art Festival in India Spotlights Hardships
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2016

Gaza51 showcases the artwork of young Palestinians from Gaza produced after the 2014 Israeli invasion.

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Military-Style Raid Ends Native Prayer Against Dakota Pipeline
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2016

Up to 21 people were arrested during a peaceful prayer service.

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(Castellano) Sobre el “post-progresismo” en América Latina: aportes para un debate
Atilio A. Boron y Paula Klachko – teleSUR, 26 Sep 2016

A partir de su caracterización inicial los autores advierten sobre la necesidad de evitar caer en la trampa maniquea que obliga a optar entre la continuidad del progresismo o la restauración neoliberal, trampa que, según ellos, “oculta un chantaje orientado a propiciar un artificial cierre de filas detrás de los líderes y partidos del progresismo”.

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(Castellano) ¿Es la Alianza del Pacífico el caballo de troya de EE.UU. en América Latina?
Germán Gorraiz López – teleSUR, 26 Sep 2016

23 septiembre 2016 – La importancia de la Alianza del Pacífico fue destacada por el analista y economista Jorge González Izquierdo, quien dijo a la AFP que este bloque en lo político “es un contrapeso al grupo que quiso formar el presidente Hugo Chávez de Venezuela”,en alusión a la Alianza Bolivariana para las Américas (ALBA),integrada por Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Dominica, Ecuador, San Vicente y Las Granadinas y Antigua y Barbuda.

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Brazil Court Moves on Corruption Probe of President Temer
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2016

The coup-imposed president is already barred from running for public office; now he is under investigation for illegally soliciting campaign donations.

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Most of Japanese Millennials Are Virgins: Survey
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2016

17 Sep 2016 – A survey of Japanese people aged 18 to 34 found that 70 percent of unmarried men and 60 percent of unmarried women are not in a relationship. It also found that around 42 percent of men and 44.2 percent of women admitted that they were virgins.

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What You May Not Know about the Dakota Access Pipeline
Naomi Cohen - teleSUR, 19 Sep 2016

teleSUR spoke with the lawyer coordinating legal advice and representation for protesters at the North Dakota camps.

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Bayer-Monsanto Merger Is ‘a Disaster for Global Food System’
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2016

The Monsanto takeover creates the world’s largest seed and pesticide company and threatens to entrench corporate control of the global food system.

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CEOs Can Now Be Prosecuted Like War Criminals at The Hague
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2016

The International Criminal Court announced Thursday [15 Sep 2016] it will now hold corporate executives and governments legally responsible for environmental crimes. The court’s new focus on land grabbing and environmental destruction could help put a dent in corporate impunity.

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(Castellano) Cartografía de la lucha de clases en América Latina y el Caribe: Posneoliberalismo vs. Capitalismo offshore
Katu Arkonada – teleSUR, 19 Sep 2016

Desde noviembre de 2015 han ocurrido sucesos excepcionales que cambian el panorama geopolítico y la cartografía de la lucha de clases en nuestra América. Con este trabajo pretendemos abordarlos, haciendo previamente un repaso de las etapas del ciclo posneoliberal que abrió una nueva etapa en nuestra región, al tiempo que intentamos un análisis sobre los acontecimientos de los últimos meses, que nos sitúan en un punto de inflexión y marcan enormes desafíos para los pueblos.

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A Flimflam Impeachment: The Overthrow of Dilma Rousseff
Arshad M. Khan – teleSUR, 12 Sep 2016

Personally incorruptible, unlike her nemeses, Dilma Rousseff was impeached and dismissed on the flimsiest of charges.

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(Castellano) Cronología: Golpes de Estado en América Latina
Pablo Ruiz – teleSUR, 12 Sep 2016

En palabras de la presidenta legítima de Brasil, Dilma Rousseff: “En el pasado con las armas, y hoy con la retórica jurídica, nuevamente pretenden atentar contra la Democracia y contra el Estado de Derecho”.

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Bolivia Prepares Literacy Programs in 36 Indigenous Languages
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2016

Since Evo Morales took office illiteracy has been reduced from 13.3 percent to 2.9 percent, the lowest rate in the history of Bolivia.

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Paraguay Enacts Law to Combat Widespread Abuse of Children
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2016

The new law prohibits the use of corporal punishment and all kind of cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment against children. Law enacted on Friday, 2 Sep 2016.

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Majority of Senate That Impeached Rousseff under Investigation
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2016

49 of 81 Brazilian senators who ousted the president for corruption charges are themselves the targets of criminal inquiries.

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Afghan Opium Production 40 Times Higher since US-NATO Invasion
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2016

About 90 percent of the world’s illegal opium is estimated to come from Afghanistan. Profits also go to international drug cartels and Western money-laundering banks.

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(Castellano) Hay casi 49 millones de esclavos en el mundo en pleno siglo XXI
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Aug 2016

Cada 23 de agosto se celebra en el mundo el Día Internacional del Recuerdo de la Trata de Esclavos y de su Abolición. La esclavitud moderna se esconde al interior de las fábricas, en campos agrícolas, o dentro de los propios hogares.

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Who Profited from the $440 Billion Greek Bailout? Not Greeks
Jack Rasmus – teleSUR, 29 Aug 2016

Hundreds of billions of dollars in loans haven’t helped the Greek economy or its people.

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Noam Chomsky, Oliver Stone Sign Letter against Brazil’s Coup
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Aug 2016

The letter is also signed by the likes of Indian novelist and activist Arundhati Roy, activist and author Naomi Klein, Viggo Mortensen, Tariq Ali, Harry Belafonte, and artist Tom Morello.

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UN Admits Role in Haiti Cholera Outbreak for First Time Ever
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

18 Aug 2016 – The United Nations has admitted for the first time that its peacekeepers in Haiti played a role in the outbreak of the cholera epidemic in the aftermath of the devastating 2010 earthquake that sent the poverty-stricken Caribbean nation into a tailspin.

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Honduras Is a Giant Graveyard for Human Rights Defenders
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

Honduras has seen at least eight human rights activists killed in 2016, making it one the most dangerous countries in the world for human rights defenders, the United Nations and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights warned Friday [19 Aug].

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(Castellano) Multipolaridad e integración postneoliberal en América Latina
Sergio Martín Carrillo | CELAG - teleSUR, 22 Aug 2016

Entramos en una nueva fase de disputa geopolítica en la región. La misma se caracteriza por el cuestionamiento del liderazgo latinoamericano en el fortalecimiento de la multipolaridad.

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The Biased Report That Led to Banning Russian Athletes
Rick Sterling - teleSUR, 15 Aug 2016

The IOC imposed special conditions on Russian athletes, which prevent them from competing if they have ever tested positive, even if their suspension has already been served, unlike the rules for other Olympic competitors. In the wake of this decision, there have been aggressive attacks on the IOC and its president, for “failing” to impose collective punishment on the entire Russian team.

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Saudi Employer Owes Guest Workers Nearly $1 Billion in Back Pay
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Aug 2016

The exploitation of migrant workers is turning into a full-fledged humanitarian crisis.

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(Castellano) Gandhi y la desobediencia civil en India
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

Mahatma Gandhi rompió los esquemas de las tradicionales protestas violentas para obtener algún fin. Este líder indio supo combinar la política, la religiosidad y su carisma hasta establecer un hito en la historia contemporánea: la independencia a través de la desobediencia civil.

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(Castellano) Google eliminó a Palestina del mapa y lo reemplazó por Israel
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

En un comunicado, periodistas palestinos han señalado que la acción de Google es “contraria a todas las normas y convenciones internacionales”.

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Haiti 101 Years after US Invasion, Still Resisting Domination
Justin Podur – teleSUR, 1 Aug 2016

28 Jul 2016 – The U.S. invaded and occupied Haiti 101 years ago today, and remained there for 19 years. Accomplishments of the occupation include raiding the Haitian National Bank, re-instituting slave labor, establishing the hated National Guard, and getting a 25-year contract for the U.S. corporation, United Fruit.

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(Castellano) Sepa por qué los atletas rusos no podrán competir en Río 2016
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Jul 2016

El dictamen fue anunciado este jueves [21 julio] en Lausana (Suiza) por el secretario general del TAS, Matthiue Reeb, quien precisó que la decisión puede ser apelada en un plazo de 30 días.

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Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua – Permanent Media False Positives
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Jul 2016

11 Jul 2016 – Member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas are natural targets for the relentless psychological warfare of Western news media, because they form a resistance front to the foreign policy imperatives of the United States government and its allies. Right now, Venezuela is the most obvious example.

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Remembering the Price of Bush, Blair’s 2003 Iraq War
Mohamed Hemish – teleSUR, 18 Jul 2016

5 Jul 2016 – “I’ll be with you, come what may.” These were the words that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair uttered in April 2002 to his partner in crime, former United States President George W. Bush, before they carried out the Iraq invasion a year later and unleashed a series of irreversible tragedies that Iraqis and neighboring Syrians are suffering from to this day.

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(Français) Fidel Castro, artisan de la paix en Colombie
teleSUR | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jul 2016

Que la paix en Colombie soit signée à Cuba n’est pas un hasard. La paix en Colombie a toujours été l’un des engagements du Commandant de la Révolution Cubaine. Il lui a consacré autant d ‘efforts qu’à la chute de l’Apartheid en Afrique du Sud, à la libération de l’ Angola ou à l’indépendance de la Namibie et d’autres nations africaines.

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(Castellano) La vida de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, autor de El Principito
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2016

El 29 de junio de 1900 nació el novelista y aviador francés Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. El 6 de abril de 1943 apareció su obra cumbre, El Principito, catalogada como una las mejores creaciones literarias del siglo XX. Ha sido traducida a más de 250 idiomas y, recientemente, a la lengua aymara.

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(Castellano) Fidel y la paz de Colombia
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2016

Durante más de 60 años el Comandante Fidel Castro ha sido un incasable luchador por la paz de Colombia. Que el anhelo de paz de los colombianos sea sellado en Cuba no es una casualidad. A ella ha dedicado tanto esfuerzo como lo hizo por la caída del Apartheid en Sudáfrica, la liberación de Angola o la independencia de Namibia y otras naciones africanas.

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(Castellano) Nueva “caída del muro de Berlín”: India y Pakistán entran al Grupo de Shanghái el día del Brexit
Alfredo Jalife - teleSUR, 4 Jul 2016

La “coincidencia geoestratégica de destino: el mismo día que la UE iniciaba su implosión, el Grupo de Shanghái (OSC) celebraba su 16 cumbre en Tash¬kent (Uzbekistán), donde se reunieron el zar Vladimir Putin y el mandarín chino Xi, y aprobaron el protocolo de ingreso de dos grandes pesos pesados nucleares: India y Pakistán. ¡Fin de una era!”

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(Castellano) Rechazo a presidente interino de Brasil llega a 70%
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2016

La desaprobación de Michel Temer aumentó unos nueve puntos desde febrero a la fecha, según sondeo.

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(Castellano) 140 años de la muerte de Mijaíl Bakunin
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2016

El 1° de julio de 1876 murió el político ruso Mijaíl Bakunin. Fue autor de una voluminosa obra entre las que destacaron El llamamiento a los eslavos, El catecismo revolucionario y El Estado y la anarquía. El político ruso participó activamente en las revoluciones de 1848 en París y Alemania.

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Erdogan Abandons Gaza, Normalizes Ties with Israel for Gas
teleSUR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2016

Turkey and Israel have ended a six-year row between the two countries despite years of Ankara’s demand that Israel lifts the Gaza blockade.

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(Castellano) WikiLeaks: Brexit podría poner fin al exilio de Assange
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jun 2016

Tras conocer la salida del Reino Unido de la Unión Europea, la vocería del portal de filtraciones ha concluido que estas nuevas circunstancias pueden otorgarle la libertad al fundador del portal. “Brexit significa el desguace de la orden de detención europea utilizada como excusa para detener a Assange sin cargos en el Reino Unido durante 5,5 años”.

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(Castellano) Masiva protesta en Okinawa contra las bases militares de EE.UU.
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2016

19 junio 2016 – Unas 65 mil personas protestaron hoy en la isla de Okinawa en rechazo a la presencia de bases militares estadounidenses tras el asesinato de una mujer japonesa, cometido por un contratista de la base militar de Estados Unidos en la isla. Se trata de una de las protestas más grandes desde octubre de 1995, cuando unas 85 mil personas salieron a las calles después de que tres soldados estadounidenses violaran a una niña de 12 años.

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Laying the Foundations of Cuban Revolutionary Healthcare
Don Fitz - teleSUR, 13 Jun 2016

The consciousness of the 3000 doctors who stayed became a material force in the production of Cuban health care. “The central contradiction facing revolutionary medicine was how to do much, much more with much, much less while conceptualizing much, much deeper.”

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WikiLeaks Exposes Text from Secretly Negotiated TISA Trade Deal
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 May 2016

The TISA is one of three international trade deals being negotiated in secret, along with the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, TPP, trade deal. Collectively, these agreements encompass 75 to 95 percent of global GDP.

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Shocking Brazil Leaks Prompt Panic in Fraud-Riddled Coup Gov’t
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 May 2016

Fear that more damning leaks solidifying claims that the plan to remove suspended President Dilma Rousseff was a coup is settling in around the unelected interim President Michel Temer, prompting advisors to suggest a shift of corrupt ministers as political scandal rocks the imposed government just two weeks after being installed.

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Brazil’s Senate-Imposed Government Increasingly Isolated
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2016

16 May 2016 – Uruguay has joined the growing list of Latin American countries that reject the Senate-imposed coup government of Michel Temer in Brazil, leaving the right-wing administration increasingly isolated in the region. Argentine President Mauricio Macri remains the only head of state to openly state support for it.

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Sea-Level Rise Claims Five Islands in Solomons: Study
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 May 2016

Five islands have disappeared in the Pacific’s Solomon Islands due to rising sea levels and coastal erosion.

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Médecins Sans Frontières Say 75 Hospitals Bombed in 2015, Leave UN Humanitarian Summit
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 May 2016

The Medical Aid Organization Says It Does Not Have Hope in the “Fig Leaf” Summit – Doctors Without Borders on Thursday [5 May] pulled out of a U.N.-sponsored World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul on May 23-24 saying there was no hope that the meeting would address the weaknesses in humanitarian action and emergency response, particularly in conflict areas or epidemic situations.

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The Real Target of the Panama Papers
Pepe Escobar – teleSUR, 16 May 2016

What the Panama Papers may succeed in is to eliminate competition. From now on, your fiscal paradise of choice must be in US, UK and Dutch jurisdictions. We control every global financial flow—legal or otherwise. Defy us—or else.

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WikiLeaks Reveal Brazil’s New Coup President Is ‘US Informant’
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 May 2016

13 May 2016 – Whistleblower website WikiLeaks described the Senate-imposed President of Brazil Michel Temer as a “U.S. Embassy informant” in a tweet and provided two links where Temer’s candid thoughts on Brazilian politics serve as the basis for a report by the U.S. embassy in Brazil.

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Fidel Castro Speaks at Cuban Congress, Invokes Communist Spirit
Fidel Castro Ruz - teleSUR, 25 Apr 2016

The leader of the Cuban Revolution gave a rare public speech during the closure of the seventh Congress of the Communist Party. “Perhaps, the greatest danger hanging over the earth today derives from the destructive power of modern weaponry which could undermine the peace of the planet and make human life on earth’s surface impossible.”

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Violence Is at the Heart of US Drug War Policy in the Americas
Dawn Paley - teleSUR, 25 Apr 2016

The militarization of the enforcement of prohibition has contributed to violence in Latin America and allowed the U.S. government to push policies of social control.

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Oxfam: Most of World Bank’s Private Investments Linked to Tax Havens
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Apr 2016

Oxfam says poor countries are cheated out of an estimated US$100 billion in taxes a year by companies using offshore havens and other tax-dodging tricks.

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The Man Who Wants to Impeach Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff Named in Panama Papers
TeleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

Brazilian House Speaker Eduardo Cunha, who claims he wants to root out corruption, is again exposed as a criminal. Cunha, of the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party or PMDB that recently broke with Rousseff’s Workers’ Party, was paid bribes allegedly funded by Portuguese business mogul Idalecio de Castro Rodrigues de Oliveira who owned a conglomerate of 14 companies registered in the British Virgin Islands from 2003 to 2011.

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Is US-Funded Destabilization in Latin America Now Paying Off?
Francisco Dominguez - teleSUR, 18 Apr 2016

Riots, street demonstrations, anti-corruption campaigns, protests about the impact of the world economic crisis, general strikes, impeachment efforts, economic sabotage, and the like, have become the battle horses on which oligarchic forces in cahoots with Washington are riding to carry out ‘regime change’ in various Latin American countries.

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Panama Papers: City of London Is ‘Beating Heart’ of Tax Cheats Empire
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2016

Filmmaker and journalist Mark Donne says British tax avoidance policies amount to a second British Empire. Even the media reporting on the issue “such as News UK and the Murdoch empire have more than 192 shell companies in tax havens. The messengers that are telling you the story are absolutely using tax avoidance.”

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This Hacker Rigged Elections in 9 Latin American Countries
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

Andres Sepulveda hacked and spied in elections in Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Venezuela.

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Chomsky and Pilger Back teleSUR Against Macri’s Attack in Argentina
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Apr 2016

8 Apr 2016 – Dozens of journalists, academics and activists – including Noam Chomsky, Danny Glover, John Pilger and Cindy Sheehan –have signed a petition against the right-wing government of Argentina’s Mauricio Macri and his attempts to close the teleSUR office, effectively shutting down one of the only alternative voices in Argentina’s largely corporate media landscape.

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West Ignores Iraq and Yemen Massacres, Still Weeps for Brussels
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2016

25 Mar 2016 – Suicide attacks killing scores of people in Iraq and Yemen in the last few days have revealed once again the fickle nature of Western sympathies, after the bloodbath failed to produce the massive outpouring of grief prompted by the Brussel attacks.

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UN: Israel Demolished 41 Palestinian Homes, a School in 1 Week
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Mar 2016

The demolition took place in a Palestinian village called Khirbet Tana, which is home to approximately 250 people who rely on herding and agriculture for their livelihood, according to the U.N. report.

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Debt and Drugs: A Toxic Colonial Legacy for Puerto Rico
Kari Lydersen - TeleSur, 29 Feb 2016

Drug addiction rates in Puerto Rico are sky high, with an estimated 60,000 intravenous drug users. Injection drug use has fueled HIV and hepatitis C infection rates among the highest in the Western Hemisphere. The island’s debt crisis and subsequent austerity cuts are exacerbating social problems.

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Cuba Leads the Way in Developing New Cancer Drugs
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Feb 2016

15 Feb 2016 – Cuba is testing drugs to turn cancer into a manageable chronic disease, adapting treatment to each tumor rather than attacking them with a one-size-fits-all cure.

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The TPP: A Corporate Bill of Rights
Larry Brown - TeleSur, 8 Feb 2016

These so-called trade deals are really not very much about trade at all. They are international corporate constitutions, aimed at limiting the ability of our governments to control transnational corporate behavior. These deals weaken democracy, increase income inequality, endanger our public services, give corporations more rights than the citizenry, further endanger our already stressed environment, and kill jobs.

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Nonprofits: Beware the Hand That Feeds
Auset Marian Lewis - TeleSur, 25 Jan 2016

Can we really depend on big money to fund change? With dissent bent and compromised to fit a corporate 501c(3) model, the cry for change can be muted and misdirected. To that extent nonprofit models can coopt social justice movements who depend on them for support.

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I Helped Create ISIS
Vincent Emanuele - TeleSur, 21 Dec 2015

After we cut their zip-ties and took the black bags off their heads, several of our more deranged marines would fire rounds from their AR-15s into their air or ground, scaring the recently released captives. Always for laughs. Who knows how long they survived. After all, no one cared. We do know of one former U.S. prisoner who survived: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS.

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Empire Files
Abby Martin, TheRealNews - TeleSur, 21 Dec 2015

Abby Martin debuts teleSUR’s The Empire Files exploring the U.S. Empire and its rise to world hegemony.

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600 Refugees Detained by Australia Say They Want to Die
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Dec 2015

3 Dec 2015 – Six hundred refugees and asylum seekers detained by the Australia government on Manus Island, part of Papua New Guinea, have written a letter to the Australian prime minister saying they want assistance to die.

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Beirut and Paris: A Tale of Two Terror Attacks
Belén Fernández - TeleSur, 16 Nov 2015

14 Nov 2015 – As news arrived yesterday of terror attacks in Paris that ultimately left more than 120 people dead, U.S. President Barack Obama characterized the situation as “heartbreaking” and an assault “on all of humanity.” Presidential sympathy had been conspicuously absent the previous day when terror attacks in Beirut left 44 people dead and 239 others injured. Predictably, Western media and social media were much less vocal about the slaughter in Lebanon.

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US Government Asks Native Hawaiians to Legitimize Occupation with Vote
Sonali Kolhatkar – TeleSur, 16 Nov 2015

Native Hawaiians are the last Indigenous population in the U.S. without their own government. But what they want is independence, not legal recognition.

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Cuba Leading Eradication of HIV/AIDS, UN Says
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Nov 2015

Cuba is an example for the world to follow on how to eradicate AIDS, the executive director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS said Friday [13 Nov 2015].

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UN Votes in Favor of Ending Cuban Blockade 191-2
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Nov 2015

The United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of lifting the blockade against Cuba Tuesday [27 Oct 2015], with only the U.S. and Israel voting against.

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Anthropocene or Capitalocene?
Paul Street - TeleSur, 2 Nov 2015

Analysts argue with good reason that it is more appropriate to understand humanity’s Earth-altering assault on livable ecology as ‘Capitalocene.’ After all, it is only during the relatively brief period of history when capitalism has existed and ruled the world that human social organization has developed the capacity, inner accumulation, and growth-mad compulsion to transform Earth systems. And kill them.

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Welcoming Refugees: Our Future Is Common
Jerome Roos – TeleSur, 19 Oct 2015

The EU’s external borders are rapidly becoming untenable. Rather than resist, Europe should embrace its future as a continent of great diversity. How is Europe to adapt to such dramatic patterns of human relocation and the resultant demographic changes?

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The Revolutionary Act of Telling the Truth – WikiLeaks
John Pilger - TeleSur, 5 Oct 2015

These are dark times, in which the propaganda of deceit touches all our lives. It is as if political reality has been privatized and illusion legitimized. The information age is a media age–a surreal assembly line of cliches and false assumptions.

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Julian Assange “Winning” against Intelligence Agencies
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Oct 2015

Julian Assange is “winning” in his conflict with the United States intelligence agencies, the WikiLeaks founder told a Latin American conference for the progressive left on Wednesday [30 Sep 2015]. “We are winning because secrets breed incompetency.”

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Ecuador Victims Can Seek Compensation from Chevron, Canada Supreme Court Rules
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Sep 2015

The Supreme Court determined that Canada is an appropriate jurisdiction and victims of contamination can seek compensation from the oil company.

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